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<noocsharp> where's my name :'(
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<phoebos> what did you contribute :p
<phoebos> i see acheam there
<noocsharp> first release of wayclip:
<phoebos> woop
<phoebos> put it in community?
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<noocsharp> Soon
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<testuser[m]> we will NEVER teach or use Emacs, which creates even worse habits ctrl-x + ctrl-s will suspend most applications freezing the beginners keyboard. Emacs is a pox on the UNIX world as well serving no real purpose whatsoever. It is neither on all systems nor as easy to use at Atom for the non-vim sort of developer.
<vulpine> what applications get frozen by C-x C-s? i just tried 4 different ones and none of them do
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<noocsharp> ctrl-s suspends terminals
<noocsharp> and you have to do ctrl-q to resume
<noocsharp> they send SIGSTOP and SIGCONT respectively
dilyn has joined #kisslinux
<dilyn> illiliti: testuser[m]: what exactly are the new flags for chromium we're suggesting? I've got plenty of spare cycles today to test builds and patches
<dilyn> I don't get any useful output when pages crash (for error 4 or 11);
<dilyn> interesting that it doesn't actually specify what ANGLE *is*, but that's about it
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<illiliti> dilyn: first would be good to figure out what exactly causes this crash.
<dilyn> i agree!
<dilyn> I can only "reliably" reproduce this on youtube and other google sites (google calendar, gmail, google meets)
<illiliti> try to build chromium with debug symbols
<illiliti> and debug it
<illiliti> or at least share the build with us, so we can try to debug it too
<dilyn> could certainly try...
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<acheam> phoebos: :)