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<testuser[m]> Hi
<noocsharp> o/
<acheam> hi
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<phoebos> hi
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<testuser[m]> I hate the C programming language... hate it... it's the most moronic programming language there is. You've got to be a true ignorant to think that anything secure should be written in C. Linux has become infested with all kinds of bugs mostly because of buffer overflows and uninitialized variables and similar. It's time to send this garbage of a language to the grave and thank it for its service.
<testuser[m]> What kills me more is that some Linux devs are upset that Rust is being considered to go into the kernel... and my only response to them is: ARE YOU FREAKING BLIND?? how many more bugs should happen before you stop gambling with people's computers' security?!!!
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<tleydxdy[m]> That's just swapping out pneumoconiosis for cancer
<illiliti> there's no sane alternative for c
<illiliti> rust's build system is beyond repair
<illiliti> go has gc and abusive contribution policy
<testuser[m]> But vro zig
<illiliti> zig is over-engineered
<illiliti> what else?
<testuser[m]> Php
<illiliti> lol
<omanom> what are your thoughts on nim
<testuser[m]> ~~Vlang~~
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<illiliti> nim is interesting but its stdlib depends on gc. that's OK for kernel, but no-go for system programming
<illiliti> vlang is a joke actually
<illiliti> it tries to reimplement vala
<tleydxdy[m]> just use vhdl
<illiliti> it's too much
<omanom> what about Modula-2
<illiliti> never heard of it
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<noocsharp> oberon is the way
<noocsharp> if it could run on real hardware that is
<noocsharp> i think it's a simpler version of modula-2
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<Guest57> Hi
<Guest57> When I try to install zlib, I get a 404 error
<Guest57> 1.2.11 -> 1.2.12
<testuser[m]> Soon
<testuser[m]> Bruh what's wrong with keeping old tarballs available lol
<Guest57> Same question. It is better to install an old version than to waste time on an urgent package update
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<omanom> is there any reason to only use releases and not use tags?
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<acheam> omanom: on github?
<acheam> only one that comes to mind is ignorance
<omanom> well, i guess zlib would be a bad example. You've got the most-recent on, you've got old releases under (*including* the latest, actually), and then the github repo has every release as a *tag* rather than a release
<omanom> so in zlib's case, should the sources file change from to ?
<illiliti> yes
<omanom> but maybe they don't always put the latest version under /fossils/ in which case, would github tags be the best bet?
<illiliti> does they come with pregenerated configure script?
<omanom> a configure script is present in all three "locations", yes
<illiliti> good
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