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<Rohan> testuser[m]: repo fork is accepting pull requests?
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<Guest7> Hi
<Guest7> Is the new rootfs in kiss-community/repo planned?
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<testuser[m]> rohan: why not
<testuser[m]> Guest7: not by me
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<Rohan> hey someone know if theres a way to not get all the verbose in efibootmgr init?
<Rohan> just not display all those messages
<soliwilos> rohan: I've never used efibootmgr, but assuming you can pass kernel options with it, try 'quiet' and 'loglevel=3'.
<Rohan> okay thanks
<acheam> hmm yeah its been a while since a new rootfs
<acheam> I may make it this weekend, but dont count on that
<Rohan> hey someone use ash as daily sh or know about ash?
<Rohan> i tired of the line limitation
<testuser[m]> Bruh ash is the default
<Rohan> yeah
<testuser[m]> On busybox
<Rohan> i know
<Rohan> but we have bash and zsh
<Rohan> dont think everyone will use ash
<Rohan> anyway
<Rohan> theres a way to add more lines in ash? bash have more limit of lines
<Rohan> some magnet links is too big for ash
<testuser[m]> Wdym lines
<Rohan> i mean
<Rohan> if i put a big torrent magnet link
<Rohan> ash dont read all the link
<Rohan> it cut it because have limitation
<Rohan> and i cant type more caracters
<Rohan> Theres a limit of caracters
<Rohan> theres someway to change the limit or not?
<omanom> have you looked up whether ash documentation specifies the limit? are you sure it is an ash thing?
<Rohan> omanom: i tested with bash and not have this problem
<Rohan> if you wanna just grab some big text and see in what line ash cut and bash cut
<omanom> are you sure bash is actually /using/ the full-length line?
<Rohan> ash
<Rohan> bash
<Rohan> and bash can get more lines
<Rohan> ash just stuck
<illiliti> can reproduce
<omanom> does it work over ssh?
<illiliti> increase this
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<illiliti> omanom: i don't think that ssh would change anything because limit is hardcoded in ash
<illiliti> rohan: ash uses static allocation for buffer, so you need to increase its maximum size
<Rohan> so just increase the maximum buffer size in kernel?
<illiliti> in busybox config
<Rohan> okay
<illiliti> i've created an issue to track this bug:
<illiliti> testuser[m]: can you fix this in community fork?
<testuser[m]> Tomorrow
<illiliti> ok
illiliti has quit [Quit: off to bed]
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