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<noocsharp> i mean more that i like the idea of that keyboard, but wouldn't work since it's too big
<noocsharp> and i'm used to small keyboards anyway, have a 65%
<midfavila> Aah, makes sense
<noocsharp> and i expect my current keyboard to last the rest of my life
<midfavila> Honestly, I wish I hadn't bought this one - I can't stand using most other boards now
<midfavila> it's ruined me
<midfavila> but like in a good way
<noocsharp> do you have f1-24 mapped to something?
<midfavila> at the moment? I just use the extra set of F keys for macros in emacs
<midfavila> main issue rn is that my keyboard's firmware isn't configured properly so not all of the keys are given unique scancodes, and the default X keymap doesn't handle all of them properly either
<midfavila> in the future though I'd like to reprogram the keyboard and set up a proper keymap, so I can have stuff like Super, Hyper, Meta, Compose, AltGr and so on
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> A struct simply feels like an open pile of bits with very little in the way of encapsulation or functionality. A class feels like a living and responsible member of society with intelligent services, a strong encapsulation barrier, and a well defined interface. 
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<testuser[m]> My boyfriend kept unplugging the Alexa because she was "always listening." Yeah, and? Who cares? Wtf are we talking about that would make anyone with the power to do anything give any fucks? They're literally just trying to better advertise to us. I can see how for some it could be a security threat, but we are the most boring ass white people from the Midwest. Like I get there has to be a line but Im just not convinced its really been
<testuser[m]> crossed for me. If targeted ads is the price I pay for hands off convenience, so be it. Quit unplugging the Alexa!
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<testuser[m]> anyone felt this?
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<anonym> Hi all
<anonym> Does anyone know if there is a mesa package for kiss with nouveau enabled?
<anonym> I would like to use nouveau, but I think it is disabled by default in the repo
<testuser[m]> its not
<testuser[m]> everything is enabled in default mesa build
<anonym> Got it, I'll be back here a little later
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<anonym> By the way, the version of libx11 in the xkeyboard-config package is obsolete (1.7.2 =>
<anonym> (error 404)
<testuser[m]> fixed
<anonym> :)
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<testuser[m]> illiliti
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<illiliti_> testuser[m]: it works!
<illiliti_> still crashes on heavy websites, but i can live with that
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<testuser[m]> How does it crash
<testuser[m]> Never happened with me
<illiliti_> Aw, Snap! error
<illiliti_> it think it's musl related bug
<testuser[m]> can u give an example site
<testuser[m]> most of the patches are just ifdefs not actual code changes
<illiliti_> youtube, reddit, github
<illiliti_> this bug is present in 98, and probably in earlier versions too
<illiliti_> it's not specific to 99
<illiliti_> i don't use websites that abuse javascript too often, so i'm ok with this bug
<testuser[m]> does it crash as soon as u open the site?
<testuser[m]> working fine here
<illiliti_> it happens quite randomly. sometimes it works, sometimes not
illiliti_ is now known as illiliti
<testuser[m]> hmm
<testuser[m]> yea looks like the page froze
<testuser[m]> but no aw snap msg
<testuser[m]> a similar issue was there before which was always reproducible on chrome://flags but it was fixed by dropping system libevent
<testuser[m]> last year
<illiliti> yeah, page freezes sometimes too. forgot to mention it
<testuser[m]> it doesnt even log anything
<illiliti> check dmesg
<illiliti> i have weird logs like this: traps: chromium[17653] trap int3 ip:55ba94c15399 sp:7ffd1ca2b9e0 error:0 in chromium
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<testuser[m]> yea
<testuser[m]> man
<illiliti> chrome://flags doesn't trigger the crash
<testuser[m]> dilyn: have you encountered this recently?
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<testuser[m]> illiliti: hmm the tab freezes if i open a site, open github in another tab and shift the tab to another window
<testuser[m]> but u can easily fix this with a right click on frozen tab, no traps
<testuser[m]> does that linked site break for you? working here
<testuser[m]> ok it crashed
<testuser[m]> btw how are u supposed to debug where the trap came from
<illiliti> run chromium with single process flag
<testuser[m]> so the bug was always there ig i never noticed it cuz i use ublock to disable js everywhere
<illiliti> even ublock crashes btw. it happens rarely, but still...
<testuser[m]> illiliti: btw any idea what code 11 indicates
<testuser[m]> in this context
<testuser[m]> lol i got a trap creating a new tab in incognito
<illiliti> hmm
<illiliti> idk what code 11 means
<illiliti> i got code 5
<illiliti> and segfault in dmesg
<illiliti> also this: ThreadPoolForeg[3665]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fedd633d612 sp 00007fedd38a85d0 error 4 in[7fedd62e9000+8b000]
<illiliti> chromium[6257]: segfault at 7fedd64b4d00 ip 000055e1fdcadec0 sp 00007ffd00c27210 error 4 in chromium[55e1f97c5000+f4dc000]
<testuser[m]> yea some really weird shit is happening lol i tried to exit under gdb and it crashed with this:
<testuser[m]> im using that only
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<anonym> testuser[m]: you were right
<anonym> sway works, but when I press any key, it crashes (libinput related error):
<testuser[m]> anonym: ur using normal KISS right, not gkiss
<anonym> Oh, I forgot to write about that
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<anonym> Well, I use nouveau, so it should work on a normal kiss
<testuser[m]> Yea i was just confirming cuz gkiss repo has wlroots patched for nvidia
<testuser[m]> Nouveau should work fine
<testuser[m]> Everywhere
<testuser[m]> anonym: you've updated all pkgs right?
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<anonym> Yes, I built my rootfs through `mkrootfs` ( btw). Everything seems to work fine, except sway
<testuser[m]> Does it crash on a specific key press? Or any random key
<anonym> sway works, but crashes when pressing a random key (even super):, I tried gkisslinux with proprietary drivers and everything worked fine
<anonym> By work, I mean that it displays the status bar
<anonym> (and the cursor works, too, if you specify the WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS flag)
<anonym> By the way, I just wrote this with sway on Arch Linux, where nouveau works flawlessly
<testuser[m]> Compare the arch log with this one
<testuser[m]> Here it says that it's failing to use egl or gles
<anonym> Okay
<testuser[m]> ur in the video group right?
<testuser[m]> What gpu do u have btw
<anonym> Yes
<anonym> 1660
<anonym> (super)
<testuser[m]> How are u even gonna use sway with that
<testuser[m]> I tried nouveau once it ran at 0.5 fps
<testuser[m]> Nvidia cripples nouveau on any recent card
<anonym> I don't know, I'm surprised myself. Have you tried installing with Arch (archinstall)? There's a good chance it will work
<anonym> I mean, everything is already set as much as possible there
<testuser[m]> U sure ur not using the proprietary drivers on arch?
<anonym> Yes :)
<testuser[m]> I'll check nouveau tomorrow
<testuser[m]> Send the --debug log from arch aswell
<anonym> Okay, let me know if it works, I'm interested too
<anonym> Okay
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<testuser[m]> Yea so your arch install doesn't have those egl and gles2 errors
<testuser[m]> Show ls -l /dev/dri
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<anonym> testuser[m]:
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<testuser[m]> You're added to video group?
<anonym> Yes
<anonym> ~ $ groups => user video
<anonym> I also ran the command `ln -s /etc/mdev /var/service`
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<sad_plan> midfavila: do you use shinit? seeing as youve packaged it in your repo
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