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<illiliti> noocsharp: do you plan to cut a release for wayclip?
<illiliti> and, is it normal that waypaste can sometimes block?
<noocsharp> waypaste should not block
<noocsharp> i wonder what's causing it
<noocsharp> i'll do a release after this is fixed
<phinxy> I have a problem with keyboard and mice not being usable after being unplugged. Any clue to where there problem is, I'm using libudev-zero, no daemon but only mdev
<phinxy> I'm a bit clueless here
<phinxy> sway-no-seat
<phinxy> Theres an issue: input hotplugging doesn't work with busybox mdev
<phinxy> on GitHub.
<illiliti> phinxy: remove that line or use mdevd
<illiliti> should work
<illiliti> noocsharp: this bug can be reproduced only in kakoune
<illiliti> i'll try to write steps how to reproduce this
<phinxy> Which of the lines? :)
<illiliti> 53
<phinxy> thanks ill try if it works in about 4 hours when I'm finished with hard disk recovery -_-
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<noocsharp> illiliti: try adding close(STDOUT_FILENO); at the beginning of main and see if that fixes it
<noocsharp> there were similar problems with vis
<noocsharp> i pushed closing stdout to master since it should happen anyway
<illiliti> noocsharp:
<illiliti> closing stdout didn't help
<illiliti> killall -9 waycopy can restore frozen terminal/kakoune
<illiliti> do you think it can be race condition?
<illiliti> between waycopy and waypaste
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<noocsharp> waycopy only works on 1 send at a time, so not sure where the race is if it is one
<illiliti_> have you reproduced the bug?
illiliti_ is now known as illiliti
<noocsharp> no, let me try right now
<noocsharp> actually i'll try in a week once kak is done compiling
<illiliti> xd
<noocsharp> just reproduced
<illiliti> nice
<noocsharp> in the contextually relevant sense of the word
<noocsharp> it appears there is already an instance of waypaste running
<noocsharp> i guess from inside kak
<noocsharp> waypaste starts blocking if i run it with one instance of kak suspended
<illiliti> why
<noocsharp> waycopy is stopped
<noocsharp> since it is a child of kak i guess
<noocsharp> so waycopy doesn't get the fd and can't write to waypaste
<noocsharp> and waypaste blocks on read
<noocsharp> wl-copy avoids this by reparenting to pid 1
<illiliti> i can reproduce this bug with wl-copy too
<noocsharp> is wl-copy stopped?
<noocsharp> that's probably why it doesn't work then
<noocsharp> just noticed that waycopy seems to also be reparented, so it has to be because its stopped
<illiliti> i see
<illiliti> State: T (stopped)
<illiliti> how to resume?
<noocsharp> i guess you have to resume kakoune
<illiliti> kakoune is frozen lol
<noocsharp> i have no idea then lmao
<noocsharp> sounds like a kakoune problem
<illiliti> ok, thanks for the help
<illiliti> i need to look into adding native clipboard support...
<illiliti> hmm
<illiliti> i wonder if i can use fifo to transform waycopy into daemon
<noocsharp> wayland's data protocol doesn't really fit well with copy/paste imo
<noocsharp> a daemon would make much more sense
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<illiliti> interesting patch
<illiliti> XDG_DATA_HOME should be replaced with XDG_STATE_HOME though...
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<testuser[m]> any idea what could be causing this ? everything runs slower than a powerpoint presentation for 5-10 first seconds and works normal after that, u can see the mouse cursor struggling
<testuser[m]> btw i broke something with ffmpeg compression so u need to download the video t wont work in browser
<testuser[m]> nothing in dmesg or anything, no idea where to look
<testuser[m]> maybe the filesystem? it got a bit better after i ran btrfs balance (probably placebo)
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<midfavila> Any of you guys running a GCC with JIT?
<testuser[m]> It is a side effect of using an open source compiler. Professional compilers, especially those used in safety critical industry will have extensive checks for such things. Another reason why open source is nothing but an abomination.
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<testuser[m]> Programmers are probably the most abused professionals in the world. Today I was sitting at work minding my own business when my boss handed me a nice new set of bluetooth earbuds. He said that they were a small gift so that I can listen to my music in peace (which I don't really get - I listen to my music on full volume at my desk all the time???)
<testuser[m]> Anyway, I noticed that the earbuds weren't fully charged, so I asked him the number for the helpdesk so that one of those useless ops monkeys could come plug in the USB charger (that's hardware...I'm software, obvs). My boss said, and I quote, "You can plug in your own damn charger."
<testuser[m]> I'm literally shaking rn, guys. I guess I don't even know where to begin: Not in my job description Hostile work environment much?! What does the helpdesk even DO????? Ugh! Anyway, please tell me how to leave this job suddenly and unprofessionally over this incident, and how to name and shame my employer (GOOGLE) as publicly as possible so future employers will know that it wasn't my fault.
<ehawkvu[m]> midfavila: I have libgccjit packaged in my personal repo and I'm using it with emacs 28
<midfavila> are you experimenting with markov chains testuser[m]? :V
<midfavila> ehawkvu[m]: link?
<noocsharp> i think all the stuff he posts is from r/programmingcirclejerk
<ukemi> can someone give me a guide for alsa and kisslinux ?
<midfavila> KISS has an install guide on its site. for ALSA, reference the kernel docs, the ALSA website and the Arch and Gentoo wikis
<midfavila> without specific questions about either nobody here can help much
<ukemi> thanks
<midfavila> v based, danke
<midfavila> you write the jit musl patch yourself?
<ehawkvu[m]> Its actually from cem
<midfavila> Huh. Neat either way
<ehawkvu[m]> I stole the package from carbs a while back
<midfavila> was gonna say, I might steal it myself
<midfavila> not the biggest fan of emacs but as it stands it's the only viable editor for me so /shrug
<midfavila> noticed you have a bunch of schemes packaged, by the by - do you do much of that in emacs?
<ehawkvu[m]> I use mainly use chez with geiser
<ehawkvu[m]> Its not ideal tho
<midfavila> Hmm. I tried using Geiser the other day, can't say it appealed to me too much >.<
<ehawkvu[m]> It'd be nice to have a more integrated experience like slime or tuareg
<midfavila> Yeah, definitely. As it stands I'm just using quack.el for some minor niceties
<midfavila> at least it respects my minor modes, unlike geiser
<ehawkvu[m]> Is it on emacswiki?
<midfavila> I believe so
<midfavila> it's really more of a set of extensions to the existing scheme-mode
<ehawkvu[m]> I'll have to check it out
* midfavila nods
<ehawkvu[m]> ty
<midfavila> Np
<midfavila> If I find any other Scheme addons I'll let you know
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<Rohan> hi guys
<omanom> hi!
<Rohan> any news about dylan or fork of kiss repo?
<omanom> same as before