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<noocsharp> yeah, it's something inside the musl dynamic linker that's causing problems
<noocsharp> still haven't figured out what
<noocsharp> well it's crashing inside the musl dynamic linker, probably the fault of cbfstools or coreboot
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<dilyn> illiliti: your PRs are sane but you should likewise submit them to $/kisslinux/repo because dylan probably cba to rebase from our fork when (if?) he comes back
<dilyn> testuser[m]: it's probably fine to merge that DESTDIR PR
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<testuser[m]> gethostid() and sethostid() respectively get or set a unique 32-bit identifier for the current machine. The 32-bit identifier was intended to be unique among all UNIX systems in existence. This normally resembles the Internet address for the local machine, as returned by gethostbyname(3), and thus usually never needs to be set.
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<testuser[m]> BUGS It is impossible to ensure that the identifier is globally unique.
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