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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<acheam> hi testuser[m]
<Rohan> testuser[m]:
<Rohan> firefox wont build
<Rohan> i will send the logs
<Rohan> anyone have problem too in building firefox from community repo
<jslick> oh, repo main fork was resumed? I might try to build firefox this week
<Rohan> yeah community have made a fork
<Rohan> testuser tell me that build fine but it cant build
<Rohan> saddly
<phoebos> rohan: built fine for me
<phoebos> what's the problem
<Rohan> can u see my logs?
<Rohan> i sended
<phoebos> where
<phoebos> is that the whole log it looks like the end is cut off
<phoebos> are you building in a chroot? python doesn't like that sometimes
<phoebos> otherwise idk
<Rohan> i building this in kiss
<Rohan> not chroot
<Rohan> already installed
<Rohan> and yeah is that the whole loge
<Rohan> log
<phoebos> weird
<Rohan> yeah
<Rohan> i dont know
<Rohan> maybe rebuild all the system
<Rohan> or reinstall
<Rohan> but man
<Rohan> dont know if will works
<phoebos> probably not necessary although it might work
<Rohan> i used the official repo
<Rohan> and take the forked now and updated what need
<Rohan> maybe this make some errors?
<phoebos> python was never meant to be used as a build system urgh tracebacks are not useful logs
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<Rohan> well thats what i get in logs
<phoebos> not your fault
<Rohan> you needed to rebuild the system when changed the repo?
<Rohan> or reinstall?
<Rohan> anything?
<phoebos> no
<Rohan> so that wont do anything
<Rohan> not the problem
<Rohan> well another day without browser in kiss
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<Rohan> testuser[m]: awake?
<jslick> Do you already have a compositor working? I wonder if there's a missing dep in firefox/depends
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<jslick> you could install links / elinks in the mean time ;)
<Rohan> not the same
<Rohan> i need to check some other things in bloat sites
<Rohan> for my college
<Rohan> and yeah sway is working great
<Rohan> checked in the dylans repo
<Rohan> and firefox is the same depends
<Rohan> Also i dont know why but the official repo wont build either
<Rohan> and what i remember i runned the firefox of the official repo in my last install
<Rohan> so is a complete mess
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<jslick> rohan I'm getting the same error
<Rohan> lol
<Rohan> man
<Rohan> at least i not crazy at all
<jslick> no-X11 patch renames widget/x11/keysym2ucs.c to widget/gtk/keysym2ucs.c , but I don't see that file. Does busybox patch not understand this command?
<Rohan> idk
<Rohan> maybe testuser[m] know
<jslick> Tossing this into the build file seems to help: mv -v widget/x11/keysym2ucs.c widget/gtk/keysym2ucs.c
<jslick> Installing patch from community would probably also help
<jslick> And setting the kiss alternatives for patch
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<testuser[m]> I have gnu patch as my default
<testuser[m]> So didn't notice
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<Rohan> testuser[m]: any solution to firefox?
<testuser[m]> Bruh just use gnu patch
<testuser[m]> I'll see if i can fix the patch to work on busybox
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<Rohan> wheres the GNU patch?
<testuser[m]> kiss b patch
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<Rohan> is just a make dep?
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<sad_plan> midfavila: yeah, its getting there. it was abit buggy in the past, but it seems to have gotten more stable in the last year or so.
<Rohan> yo
<Rohan> how do i change with kiss alternativas?
<soliwilos> kiss a <pkgname> <file>
<omanom> `kiss a` to list the pkgname and file options
<Rohan> thanks
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