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<midfavila> ehawkvu[m]: your/cem's libgccjit package nuked one of my chroots :v
<midfavila> the last rm -rf wipes out everything to actually like
<midfavila> constitute a usable system under /usr/
<midfavila> juuuuuuuuuust a heads-up
<ehawkvu[m]> That's odd. let me checkout the build script
<midfavila> you rm -rf "$DESTDIR/" instead of rm -rf "$1/"
<midfavila> that's the only thing I can think of that would cause it
<midfavila> considering the rest of the build up until that point went fine, and only failed after taking out /usr/bin/
<phoebos> probably ehawkvu[m] is using a kiss that sets DESTDIR
<midfavila> that would make sense.
<midfavila> :thinking:
<midfavila> note to self: don't use other people's packages without rewriting them, in the future
<midfavila> thankfully nilfs2 is super based
<midfavila> so I haven't lost anything
<phoebos> oh niice
* midfavila dabs in snapshots
<midfavila> now to go through the process of finding the right checkpoint to mount
<ehawkvu[m]> That's good, I'm gonna update the build script so that isn't a possibility
<midfavila> yeah that would be cool
<midfavila> i mean ultimately it's my fault for not keeping up with the changes to KISS
<midfavila> i'm still using a version I forked a while back so it's not surprising that there are incompatibilities
<midfavila> reminds me that I need to backport some fixes. did tsort ever make it into kiss?
<phoebos> some changes are less palatable
<midfavila> yeah, hence my refusal to update
<midfavila> i don't like the use of a DSL for example
<ehawkvu[m]> I don't think tsort made it in
<midfavila> that's unfortunate
<midfavila> maybe I'll take a stab at implementing it
<phoebos> dilyn did something to fix dependency graphs
<midfavila> gonna have to rename it soon
<midfavila> i shall call it miss
<phoebos> illiliti made a sh tsort
<midfavila> while impressive, why? tsort is POSIX
<phoebos> ooh good point
<phoebos> hmm
<phoebos> oh busybox doesn't provide tsort
<phoebos> oof
* midfavila laughs in sbase
<midfavila> puny -box users
<phoebos> kiss owns /bin/tsort
<phoebos> sbase
* phoebos laughs in busybox + sbase + bore + 9base
<midfavila> "bore"?
<midfavila> i've just been using s+u+9 with some stuff from BSD thrown in
<midfavila> oooh
<midfavila> these things
<midfavila> i recall them now
<phoebos> now i realise i need to implement tsort, which will be fun
<midfavila> ;p
<midfavila> I need to get back to cracking away at my own userland, actually...
<midfavila> but there's so much other stuff I need to learn first aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<phoebos> plenty of time
<midfavila> yeah prolly
<phoebos> as long as you don't live near the rising seas
<midfavila> i mean my city *is* on a river
<phoebos> ah. nevermind then
* phoebos waves goodbye
<midfavila> kek
<midfavila> my real problem is that I get way too fundamentalist about shit
<phoebos> what do you mean
<midfavila> >want to learn programming, need to learn CS. want to learn CS, need to learn math. want to learn math, need to learn set theory. want to learn set theory, need to learn logic.
<midfavila> dependency hell but IRL
<phoebos> ach yeah. it's a valid desire
<midfavila> yeah. so I went and ordered a bunch of texts on computer-aided proofs and shit and 'm gonna start working up to the construction of the real numbers before I return to doing any more algebra
<phoebos> if the building-block stuff is not interesting enough, i just get bored and skip to the fun bits :p
<phoebos> need abstraction
<midfavila> I just freak out if I don't understand something in its entirety :v
<midfavila> feels like I'm building on a foundation of sand
<phoebos> lol
<phoebos> on the other hand, it's difficult to actually comprehend something without having at least a surface-level knowledge of the entire chain of stuff
<midfavila> yep
<midfavila> so it's like
<midfavila> either spend fucking ages learning all this other shit,
<midfavila> or be the eternal soydev
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<midfavila> the one thing I hate about nilfs2 is that it's slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
<phoebos> it's not quite the same dilemma as broad/shallow vs narrow/deep
<midfavila> I guess I can kinda agree with that
<phoebos> like i don't want to learn biology in little detail, i want to understand all of physics, which is broad, but not that broad
<phoebos> it's deep and requires a wide-ish foundation
* midfavila nods
<midfavila> man, every time my monitors do their automatic calibration it scares the shit out of me
<midfavila> the little camera module that slips out of the top bezel just goes *CLACK* with no warning whatsoever
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<midfavila> holy crap emacs native compilation uses a ton of cpu lmao
<phoebos> POSIX's requirements for tsort are pretty crap, i think kiss would at least need an error code for recursive dependencies
<midfavila> i mean
<midfavila> error code is != 0
<midfavila> besides, isn't the only recursive dep in kiss freetype-harfbuzz? and that's managed by a single package
<midfavila> could always have a set of fallback routines, too... if tsort fails, then try to resolve the old way
* midfavila shrugs
<phoebos> yeah there's only .Ex -std, nothing more precise
<testuser[m]> Hi
<midfavila> hi
<testuser[m]> Hi, yeah, new grad here. I have a great job on paper: fully remote, chill coworkers, great environment, interesting projects, hourly massages, the works. The only thing is, and this is just a detail, sometimes my boss asks me to do things.
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<phoebos> noocsharp: what's the advantage of closing stdout (in waypast 096366b)?
<phoebos> waypaste
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<noocsharp> i'm beginning to wonder if there is one
<noocsharp> i did it because from what i saw, vis waits for all the standard descriptors to be closed because finishing a copy, but i think i'm wrong
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<phoebos> oh
<phoebos> hm
<noocsharp> finally
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<testuser[m]> What kind of algo is concurrency?
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<Rohan> noocsharp: you have used pkgsrc in oasis?
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<noocsharp> rohan: nope
<Rohan> it have some limitation?
<Rohan> like some packages that dont work
<noocsharp> i've never used it, but linux has first class support so i don't see why it shouldn't work
<noocsharp> if something doesn't work, its probably a bug in the package that can be fixed with a patch
<Rohan> understand
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<testuser[m]> Golang is basically the flat earth society of programming. It is anti-intellectual. It deliberately ignores all the knowledge we've gained about programming languages in the last 50 years of research. At this point it's almost a pyramid scheme spearheaded by the ignorant Google developers whose promotions depend on the success of this turd, followed by a number of blog spammers who put their eggs in this basket and a large base of
<testuser[m]> beginners who get swept up by the overwhelming PR machine
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<omanom> i'm trying to consolidate my hard drives into a storage pool, unfortunately they're all different sizes >.>
<testuser[m]> What are u using for it
<testuser[m]> For pooling
<omanom> my original thought was zfs
<omanom> it doesn't appear any option does pooling with some form of fault tolerance while also allowing disk addition at any time and full disk space utilization
<omanom> i've got a 500g, 750g, 1tb, and 1.5 tb drive so i can't even do like multiple mirrored sets
<omanom> have you used btrfs?
<omanom> ahh based on irc logs you do
<testuser[m]> Not for this
<testuser[m]> I just searched for it
<omanom> maybe i'll just make a bunch of 250GB partitions and use mdadm
<testuser[m]> What are u storing
<testuser[m]> Btw
<omanom> music, code, misc files
<testuser[m]> Rich
<testuser[m]> I barely fill 20gb
<omanom> honestly same
<omanom> i just figured i got a bunch of drives lying around and itd be nice to use them
<omanom> eventual goal being read-only OS and the drive pool is everything else
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<Rohan> someone have wine 64 bit packaged?
<omanom> hasn't been updated since early last year though
<Rohan> i see
<Rohan> but x dependecy
<Rohan> will find some wine wayland source
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