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<Rohan> hi guys
<testuser[m]> hi
<Rohan> someone have a bios boot or bios vm boot?
<Rohan> just to see if is possible to boot a vm in bios setting
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<jslick> huh, that's pretty neat
<illiliti> is it perf?
<illiliti> the only difference i see is that it shows duration instead of overhead/cpu usage
<illiliti> neither gcc -pg nor clang -pg work btw
<illiliti> /bin/ld: cannot find gcrt1.o: No such file or directory
<testuser[m]> Yea idk what configure flags u need to use for them
<testuser[m]> I tried it on termux
<illiliti> looks like -pg is glibc specific feature
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<midfavila-laptop> Afternoon everyone.
<illiliti> hi
<midfavila-laptop> Any of you know about non-reparenting stacking WMs?
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<noocsharp> midfavila-laptop: i don't even know what that means
<midfavila-laptop> tl;dr reparenting window managers sit between programs and X, regulating how they interact. most commonly they do things like draw window decor
<midfavila-laptop> non-reparenting windows, conversely, don't. examples include ratpoison, awesome and dwm
<midfavila-laptop> uwm and awm also count
<midfavila-laptop> i've been thinking of using a non-reparenting manager because it makes manipulating windows with tools like wmutils much easier
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<ksp> Does anyone know how to work around the pigz update?
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<illiliti> fork pigz and bump version
<midfavila-laptop> reminds me that I need to update my kiss fork's core
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<illiliti> neomutt build fails with auto.def:446: Error: couldn't exec "xmlcatalog"
<illiliti> any idea how to fix?
<maximum_yellow> dilyn: lvm maintainer replied! will change depend from util-linux to libuuid! :)
<maximum_yellow> midfavila-laptop there's also storfedhs (sp?) which is like ratpoison but without some obvious security flaws