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<illiliti> libinput quirks fixed!
<illiliti> i have fully working wayland session without libudev[-zero]
<noocsharp> nice
<noocsharp> what was forcing you to use libudev-zero?
<illiliti> wlroots, sway, libinput
<illiliti> i also intend to upstream patches if possible
<noocsharp> what device manager do you use?
<illiliti> mdev
<illiliti> i'll push patches shortly
<illiliti> so you can try it...
<illiliti> libinput
<illiliti> wlroots
<Rohan> this works with hotplug?
<illiliti> yep
<illiliti> i plan to add freebsd support to libdemi, so freebsd users can use wayland without hacks like libudev-devd
<illiliti> netbsd support is already implemented, but netbsd doesn't evdev...evdev is mandatory for libinput
<illiliti> for those who are out of the loop, the whole work was done to fix this:
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<dilyn> illiliti: do you know to what extent this works with non-sway compositors, or are you looking for testers?
<dilyn> or is it sway specific
<dilyn> (testers in the sense of, willing to extend support beyond libinput on compositors)
<illiliti> this doesn't work with non-wlroots based compositors
<illiliti> because almost all of them depend on libudev
<dilyn> yes I meant all the wlroots compositors (for instance I'd love to attempt this on wayfire, with no idea on potential success)
<illiliti> should work if udev isn't directly used in code
<illiliti> i suggest you to wait until i open MR to wlroots. i'll also document build intructions there
<dilyn> gotcha gotcha. Lemme know. Is it wlroots 0.15 specific?
<dilyn> also am I right in thinking that this almost entirely solves the problem of wayland on BSDs??
<illiliti> you need wlroots master
<illiliti> yes. it solves the major part of the problem
<illiliti> the other problem is evdev
<illiliti> someone(not me plzz) needs to rewrite libinput to support other backends such as wscons
<dilyn> jesus ew
<illiliti> up-to-date patches will be there: and
<illiliti> branch libdemi
<testuser[m]> Hi
<illiliti> hi
<illiliti> do you have latest chromium bin for musl?
<testuser[m]> I'll try to build it
<testuser[m]> Today
<testuser[m]> I have to do v98 update
<illiliti> many thanks
<Rohan> any place to get openjdk bin for kiss?
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<illiliti> rohan: you can try to extract bin from alpine and convert to kiss package
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<testuser[m]> dilyn is pipewire 0.3.45 working for you?
<testuser[m]> it just says "no node found for 35, stream error" when i try to use my headphone or mic
<testuser[m]> 0.3.43 works
<testuser[m]> 0.3.44 also works
<testuser[m]> weird
<testuser[m]> looks like its not detecting devices at all
<testuser[m]> changed log level to 4 and compared it's reaction with old ver, it just sits there doing nothing
<illiliti> git bisect your best friend
<testuser[m]> yeah
<testuser[m]> doing
<illiliti> no wonder if this is udev related bug
<illiliti> they constantly break it by putting more udev nonsense
<testuser[m]> Yay found the sussy commit on first look
<testuser[m]> works after reverting it
<testuser[m]> btw why are they using `unsigned int var:1;` ? are they allergic to bool or something lol
<illiliti> this is redhat
<illiliti> they are so desperate to needlessly obfuscate code
<illiliti> btw, 97a5fe80c1d0fb0d8173a61a87051053cff7a5c2 should fix the bug, no?
<testuser[m]> oh looks like it didnt make it into the release
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> yeah works
<illiliti> nice
<testuser[m]> [34466/48546]
<testuser[m]> soon
<illiliti> jesus
<illiliti> have you tried mold?
<illiliti> it should speed up build a little
<testuser[m]> Isn't linking done at the final step only? All the targets are just invoking CXX to build the object files
<illiliti> it is
<illiliti> the last time i tried to link chromium my cacl blown up
<illiliti> even 100G swap didn't help lol
<testuser[m]> Cacl?
<illiliti> calc
<illiliti> calculator
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<testuser[m]> What's the correct way to control pipewire volume? I've been using alsamixer but recently it stopped giving me the controls for my mic
<testuser[m]> illiliti: tell me if it works
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<illiliti> segfault at startup
<testuser[m]> yea its giving me that too but i thought it was cuz im in chroot
<testuser[m]> weird, cuz nothing has changed
<testuser[m]> in patches
<testuser[m]> I did built it with vaapi though but that shouldn't be related
<testuser[m]> Piece of shit
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<testuser[m]> Btw by segfault you meant SIGTRAP?
<illiliti> yes
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<illiliti> log is different on each startup
<illiliti> probably related to multithreading
<testuser[m]> what does it say?
<illiliti> Zygote could not fork: process_type gpu-process numfds 4 child_pid -1
<testuser[m]> what if u do --disable-gpu ?
<illiliti> same
<illiliti>] Invalid node channel message
<illiliti>] Passthrough is not supported, GL is egl, ANGLE is << not sure if this is fatal error
<testuser[m]> it is
<testuser[m]> i mean
<testuser[m]> did older versions say that too? if u remember
<illiliti> yeah, they did
<testuser[m]> hmm
<illiliti> chromium --log-level=0 --enable-logging=stderr
<testuser[m]> nothing seems wrong in ur log
<illiliti> --no-sandbox not working too
<testuser[m]> Failed to get drm magic
<testuser[m]> hmm
<testuser[m]> btw any reason for not using ff + webrender?
<testuser[m]> `#0 0x000055555e1fcb71 in gfx::PlatformFont::CreateDefault() ()` what i get with gdb on unstripped binary
<illiliti> firefox is slow
<illiliti> even with webrender
<testuser[m]> i dont think its even possible to build chromium with debug symbols on a normal system, not sure how to proceed
<testuser[m]> i tried it with webkitgtk once it exploded
<illiliti> SIGTRAP << i think something wrong with seccomp
<testuser[m]> no it traps for any error
<illiliti> btw, does glibc work?
<testuser[m]> not built for it, switched to ff webrender since nvidia hw accel works fine on the wlroots fork
<illiliti> pwd
<illiliti> oops
<illiliti> fresh profile doesn't work either
<testuser[m]> what does this mean
<testuser[m]> how can symbol level of 0 show any backtrace
<testuser[m]> i think this is the relevant CreateDefault() function calls this constructor
<testuser[m]> god
<testuser[m]> that was it
<testuser[m]> WTF why didnt it say anything?
<testuser[m]> i didnt have a font installed
<testuser[m]> bruh bruh bruh
<illiliti> i have no logs with --single-process
<illiliti> only sigtrap
<testuser[m]> did u install a font?
<illiliti> i did
<testuser[m]> #worksforme
<testuser[m]> what about your original command ? the --log-level one
<testuser[m]> `chromium --disable-gpu --log-level=1 --enable-logging=stderr` this works for me and shows logs too
<testuser[m]> disable gpu since im in chroot
<illiliti> do you have libva installed?
<testuser[m]> Yes
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<illiliti> i have a strong feeling that this crash caused by extra optimizations
<testuser[m]> What cpu?
<illiliti> Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
<illiliti> you were able to run chromium when you recompiled it with debugging symbols, right?
<testuser[m]> I didn't recompile anything, just inspected the 1 line backtrace from the old, unstripped binary leftover in KISS_TMPDIR
<testuser[m]> And installed a font
<testuser[m]> I can send u that binary and u can check what backtrace it gives
<illiliti> do it
<testuser[m]> illiliti: curl -LO
<testuser[m]> sha256 5a24126bea842721f732c5f26bd9ec97b23920f63441676d54618dfa6b26c34e
<testuser[m]> u dont need to install it btw, just untar and run ./chromium from that dir
<illiliti> ok
<testuser[m]> downloaded? Asking cuz i need to close the process on server
<illiliti> 300k/s
<illiliti> xd
<testuser[m]> bruh
<illiliti> done
<testuser[m]> good
<illiliti> fucking hell
<testuser[m]> empty?
<illiliti> device::UdevLoader::Get()
<illiliti> i'm gonna kill it with fire
<testuser[m]> bruh
<illiliti> it works now
<illiliti> thanks
<testuser[m]> what was the issue?
<testuser[m]> mdev not running or something?
<illiliti> i forgot that chromium requires libudev
<testuser[m]> oh
<testuser[m]> ok this is weird
<testuser[m]> earlier it used to print out proper messages and trap
<testuser[m]> now its just trapping
<illiliti> this is very confusing
<illiliti> use_udev=false
<illiliti> does it work?
<testuser[m]> I don't remember i think there were some issues
<testuser[m]> I'll try it tomorrow
<testuser[m]> Damn its been 1 year
<illiliti> why this option still exist if doesn't work lol....
<illiliti> i think this function should be nulled
<testuser[m]> return nullptr is after the CHECK(false) so im pretty sure stuff would start exploding if g_udev_loader was null
<testuser[m]> But I'll try
<testuser[m]> Also i don't get why they have this CHECK() bullshit just crash and print the file and line names...
<illiliti> i don't even know what it does.
<illiliti> maybe it triggers sigtrap, who knows...
<testuser[m]> Yeah that's what its for
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<testuser[m]> Anyone got a golang binary
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<midfavila-laptop> sup nerds
<testuser[m]> phoebos: Thanks but i ended up building on my server
<testuser[m]> Had to make swap
<testuser[m]> midfavila-laptop: Hi
<midfavila-laptop> check this guy out
<midfavila-laptop> it's so *small*
<midfavila-laptop> 9" ruggedized laptop
<phoebos> hi mid
<testuser[m]> Rich
<phoebos> your blog page has unclosed <p> tags
<midfavila-laptop> yeah probably
<midfavila-laptop> last time I was on SDF I tried using se to edit html
<midfavila-laptop> big mistake
<phoebos> big mistake
<midfavila-laptop> forked it the other day, after a few changes I think se'll be very serviceable
<midfavila-laptop> link to page btw?
<testuser[m]> make site generator vro
<midfavila-laptop> soon:tm:
<midfavila-laptop> once i get around to learning m4 and rc properly I'm going to write a set of templates
<testuser[m]> but vro sed
<midfavila-laptop> define "vro"
<testuser[m]> bro
<midfavila-laptop> ah
<midfavila-laptop> i mean
<midfavila-laptop> sed is okay i guess
<midfavila-laptop> but I wouldn't want to use it for page generation
<midfavila-laptop> macro processor and shell is plenty for that
<midfavila-laptop> s/shell/rc/
<midfavila-laptop> if it wercs for uriel it wercs for me
<phoebos> midfavila-laptop: /pages/bloglist.html
<midfavila-laptop> danke
<midfavila-laptop> cool that's fixed
<midfavila-laptop> there were a few other things
<midfavila-laptop> forgot to declare elements in a list as list elements
<midfavila-laptop> looks like there are some broken image embeds too... I really should write a page generator
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<midfavila-laptop> okay yeah I'm actually going to go write a generator right now
<midfavila-laptop> fixing this by hand isn't something I want to do today
<midfavila-laptop> or ever
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<midfavila-laptop> huh. turns out m4 might actually be perfect for this
<midfavila-laptop> never really used it before so I was worried it would be tricky to impart structure on pages, but it apparently accepts parameterized macros
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