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<midfavila> >cyberia
<midfavila> based
<j3s> cyberia <3
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<midfavila> fucking stupid
<testuser[m]> Bruh tf is this going to do
<midfavila> "convince the russian population that what their president is doing is wrong"
<midfavila> from what I've heard on the news most Russians already disagree with it
<testuser[m]> yeah
<midfavila> the ultimate reality is that governments have no direct incentive to listen to the people, doubly so when it's a definitely-totally-fair-not-rigged-guys democracy
<midfavila> not to mention that the denial of service to russia will only affect a minority of the population
<midfavila> most normies prolly don't even know what shithub is
<midfavila> and then there's the whole "vpns exist" point that someone makes in that thread, to which the response is "we'll just stop providers from offering support to russia!"
<midfavila> stupidest shit I've seen in a while
<illiliti_m> well, github already block people from crimea
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<midfavila> and crimeans probably just either use a proxy or some other site for VCS
<midfavila> the idea that github has any sort of value geopolitically is hilarious
<illiliti_m> Yeah, it has no value really
<illiliti_m> Better to block youtube
<midfavila> because yandex doesn't exist
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<midfavila> yandex must have a video-hosting solution
<illiliti_m> Yandex sucks so much
<midfavila> /shrug
<testuser[m]> Also bruh people telling others to risk getting arrested or killed in a protest from the safety of their basement
<midfavila> Yeah.
<illiliti_m> most people who says that don't know what is putin's russia
<illiliti_m> first people get arrested
<illiliti_m> then, authorities torture people by putting mop(or rifle) into the ass
<illiliti_m> there's a video of these tortures. highly recommended to watch before writing such comments
<illiliti_m> and yes, we can't do anything right now to take down putin
* midfavila nods
<midfavila> I recall reading that Putin doesn't take kindly to dissidents.
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<Guest9893> Hi
<testuser[m]> hi
<Guest9893> I'm from Russia too
<Guest9893> Oh, what a quick reply
<midfavila> testuser[m] is our resident hi'er
<midfavila> welcome fellow blyat
<Guest9893> Hahah
<illiliti_m> midfavila: he kills them in most cases
<illiliti_m> like, he tried to poison navalny
<midfavila> He's the dude who keeps running for president, right?
<illiliti_m> He successfully killed Boris nemtsov
<illiliti_m> Anna politkovskaya
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<Guest7604> #nowar
<illiliti_m> And many others
<illiliti_m> He's a murderer
<illiliti_m> #PutinHuilo
<Guest7604> soglasen
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<illiliti> midfavila: navalny tried to become president in 2018, but he failed because CEC didn't register him for absolutely unlawful reasons
<illiliti> CEC is controlled by putin
<illiliti> everything in russia is controlled by him tbh
<midfavila> so I hear
<midfavila> hah, I'll have to mention this stuff to one of my housemates
<midfavila> he's been sucking Putin off since the start of the Ukraine business
<midfavila> despite knowing literally nothing about anything
<illiliti> omg
<midfavila> yeah
<midfavila> he's an armchair historian, so he tries to analyse everything through the lens of the french revolutions as if those are an accurate model of most things today
<midfavila> then acts all incredulous when you call him on his shit
<midfavila> it's incredibly frustrating :v
<illiliti> so he's narrow-minded
<illiliti> pretty bad
<midfavila> Yeah, that's a good way to sum him up.
<midfavila> He can't think for himself, so he relies on other people to make his points for him
<midfavila> any time you corner him, he just appeals to authority
* midfavila shrugs
<illiliti> most people in russia who are brain-damaged by tv propaganda act exactly like your housemate
<illiliti> they refuse to understand that they are wrong
<illiliti> i hope i could get out from this shithome
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<midfavila> fucking retards
<midfavila> "hey should the GNU project turn its back on its principles because Russia bad?"
<testuser[m]> Bruh i think these people just say something relating to current affairs just for the sake of it
<midfavila> well yeah, it's an opportunity for them to try and preen their feathers
<midfavila> you can never let a mountain of corpses go to waste, you know
<midfavila> they make the best podiums
<midfavila> /s
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<noocsharp> we should kick all of the russians out of this channel
<noocsharp> that'll show putin
<illiliti> yep
<illiliti> people already doing that
<illiliti> and this is absurd of course
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