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<maximum_yellow> is anyone using PR 278 ( here? I think i found a bug? I have popt and poppler installed, and it seems to do something strange when i do `kiss i poppler`
<maximum_yellow> > sed: /var/db/kiss/installed/pmount/manifest/var/db/kiss/installed/popt/manifest: Not a directory
<maximum_yellow> in fact, this issue doesn't seem specific to the package
<maximum_yellow> it also mangles texlive-bin and texlive-latextra somehow
<maximum_yellow> aaaah
<maximum_yellow> figured it out, fnr on line 1122 was not introducing a space as it should have been
<acheam> make a comment there if you can
<testuser[m]> Hi
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<testuser[m]> oh fuck
<testuser[m]> i messed up the root permissions
<testuser[m]> time to re releases
<testuser[m]> done
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<sahaquiel> hi guys
<sahaquiel> theres some way to put a git branch in the sources?
<sahaquiel> not exactly
<sahaquiel> theres a branch in a github project that i need
<sahaquiel> because the merge of this branch is not in the official release branch
<sahaquiel> and is taking too long for the merge
<omanom> can you just specify the branch in the url?
<omanom> i see what you mean. i just assumed you could like tag "+<branch>" onto the URL :/
<phoebos> @branch
<omanom> ah thanks, i should've RTFM haha
<omanom> "Git repositories must be prefixed with git+. An optional suffix is supported to checkout a specific branch (@BRANCH) or commit (#COMMIT)."
<sahaquiel> Is a branch in glew
<sahaquiel> one sec
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<omanom> so the sources line would be "git+" i believe
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