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<noobaroo> I keep getting this error when building ffmpeg
<JEEB> PIC should be enabled by default for 64bit x86 I think
<furq> that's an lto issue
<JEEB> also you can see what things are being automatically built and tested :P
<JEEB> oh, LTO. fun how it can randomly break stuff
<furq> make sure you're building from a clean repo etc
<JEEB> 64bit LTO is actually built and tested
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<noobaroo> JEEB I'm using Kubuntu, is that why?
<JEEB> I would not expect that to have an effect on anything else than possibly the versions of compiler etc, so if it's similar enough I don't see a reason why you would blame the distro
<JEEB> clear your build root is what I'd say first :P
<noobaroo> Well I used to use Arch and didn't have this problem
<JEEB> what furq also noted
<noobaroo> Also that link is about Arch
<noobaroo> Also I know Arch has LTO on all packages by default
<JEEB> yes, it just happens to test GCC 13.2 on arch
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<noobaroo> I don't know if Kubuntu uses LTO or has LTO support in their gcc
<JEEB> they definitely have LTO support packaged
<noobaroo> I really need to learn basic things
<noobaroo> Should I --enable-rpath or --disable-rpath ?
<JEEB> that is up to how you are going to utilize that shared lib...
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<JEEB> and as for Ubuntu, they do package with LTO since they used to have a special package which was a list of packages that include the names of packages that have LTO *disabled*
<JEEB> this being the description of the package
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<noobaroo> JEEB I want to build integrated into everything else directly into /usr, what do you recommend?
<furq> i recommend not doing that
<noobaroo> Yeah yeah
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<chenjy> if i want to add a new architecture branch into ffmpeg,and make community support it,what should i do?
<JEEB> noobaroo: if you want to replace the actual package, then you should utilize the proper package building with pbuilder or so
<JEEB> so you first build the same code and same config
<JEEB> of course this is not recommended because that way you then need to yourself do any security updates etc, as well as making sure the base version of FFmpeg is being properly compatible with *all* of the applications you have installed, unless you want to rebuild them as well
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<noobaroo> The last part
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<noobaroo> That's a major reason why I switched to a stable distro instead of a rolling one, so I can build things and wait a lot longer before I have to keep up with incompatibilities
<JEEB> yea but then you're building the same version of FFmpeg as ubuntu packages originally, right?
<JEEB> or at least the same release branch
<noobaroo> No
<JEEB> then you probably will have to rebuild everything you actually install that depends on FFmpeg to link against it.
<noobaroo> That's how it would be with Arch
<noobaroo> Yeah
<noobaroo> I know
<JEEB> anyways, if you really watn to start replacing the packaged FFmpeg, then start with pbuilder and building the currnet version
<JEEB> that way you know you can get the exact same thing built the exact same way it's being built by the distro
<JEEB> then after that you can start changing things :P
<noobaroo> Seems pointless
<noobaroo> It looks like I'm stilll getting the same error `recompile with -fPIC` error without using LTO
<JEEB> seems pointless but no-one is going to try and support you if you have never verified that you can utilize pbuilder etc to build the package without any changes, and then you just start doing changes
<JEEB> you do it step by step, since building the original source and config *should* succeed
<JEEB> if it doesn't, you have done something wrong
<noobaroo> Okay
<JEEB> are you on which version of (K)ubuntu, btw?
<JEEB> 22 or 24?
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<JEEB> (also if you move from 22 to 24, you already go from 4.4 to 6.1 :P)
<noobaroo> I switched from Arch to Kubuntu 24.04
<noobaroo> I wanted to switch for a while but I was waiting for 24.04 to come out. It took forever
<noobaroo> I don't know why they release 24-0*4* almost in May
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<JEEB> ok, so then to figure out the source package you can f.ex. take a look at the libavodec-dev package that is built from FFmpeg sources
<furq> i would want a few extra weeks to get it right if i had to support the thing for 12 years
<JEEB> see on the right
<JEEB> you have the dsc as well as tarballs and asc
<JEEB> thsoe are the input files for package building
<JEEB> also can be downloaded via some apt mechanism as the source package "ffmpeg"
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<noobaroo> Thanks
<noobaroo> How comfortable are you using Kubuntu/Ubuntu?
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<JEEB> I've managed them enough at $dayjob, and before I moved privately to mostly Fedora I used them at home :P
<JEEB> but I'm not going to walk you through pbuilder now unfortunately, I have an actual $dayjob . there is also a "simpler" command to build a package with the source package files, but since it doesn't make it in a pure/clean environment it's really easy to make packages that only work on your machine. pbuilder and friends utilize an empty clean environment to which they only install packages that are marked in
<JEEB> the debian package metadata as required for building.
<JEEB> since this is not specific to FFmpeg at all, building a package based on existing source files should be something simple enough to find :P
<JEEB> documentation-wise
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<noobaroo> JEEB I figured out it builds with vulkan disabled
<noobaroo> But I want vulkan, what all do I need to recompile ?
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<noobaroo> I don't know what happened but I broke vulkan hwaccel. I've reinstalled every package I can think of from official repositories, including ones I doubt are related like libsvtav1 just to make sure
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<noobaroo> I'm using BtbN 2024-05-15 master build of ffmpeg right now and mpv from official repos and all vulkan packages from official repos (Kubuntu 24.04)
<BtbN> wrong channel?
<noobaroo> I don't even see vulkan listed in the encoders
<BtbN> At least that's clearly an mpv log
<noobaroo> I meant to ask here
<noobaroo> Why isn't h264_vulkan listed in ffmpeg -encoders?
<noobaroo> If you think it's more mpv-related than ffmpeg-related, I'll take that word of wisdom. I really have no idea where the fault lies. I've reinstalled everything I can think of from official repos
<BtbN> There is no h264_vulkan encoder in ffmpeg for all I'm aware, is there?
<BtbN> There is a h264_vulkan hwaccel
<noobaroo> Oh, it's listed when I do ./configure ffmpeg
<BtbN> Which is for decoding
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<noobaroo> Hmm well I don't see that either
<BtbN> But all the vulkan decode code is super new and highly in flux, and the driver side is still experimental and often broken
<noobaroo> It worked yesterday perfectly fine
<BtbN> So consider it as technology preview at best
<noobaroo> :/
<BtbN> Just use something else?
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<noobaroo> Um, are you really BtbN?
<BtbN> ?
<noobaroo> "Just use something else?"
<BtbN> There is plenty of other hwaccels that actually work reliably
<BtbN> And I'm not aware of anything that only has vulkan available
<psykose> no reason to not use vaapi in the meantime
<BtbN> Or really anything else, whatever is available on your system
<noobaroo> It's not a fault in the code, it worked yesterday. I have made lots of changes testing out git mpv, git svtav1, git ffmpeg, git vulkan, etc
<BtbN> That sounds like _a lot_ of code changes to me?
<noobaroo> I fucked it up and I'm trying to figure out where I fucked it up
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<noobaroo> Why isn't h264_vulkan listed in ffmpeg -decoders?
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<JEEB> it's not a decoder
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<JEEB> it's a hwaccel
<JEEB> it uses the built-in decoder to parse the packets, and then just the slice decoding is passed onto the interfaces underneath
<JEEB> ffmpeg -hwaccels
<noobaroo> What decoders is it compatible with?
<BtbN> The h264 one
<noobaroo> h264_vaapi and h264_qsv?
<JEEB> those are encoders
<BtbN> Those aren't decoders either, but hwaccels. Or encoders
<JEEB> I think the vaapi encoder might be named like that
<JEEB> possibly the qsv one as well
<noobaroo> Last I checked, hardware decoding with software encoding was slower than software on both
<BtbN> That depends entirely on the hardware
<noobaroo> I checked with -hwaccel vaapi though
<JEEB> copy-back shouldn't be that slow
<BtbN> if your CPU can decode faster than your hardware, it'll be like that
<JEEB> and if the CPU encodes faster than you hwdec can decode + copyback
<BtbN> Hardware isn't neccesarily tunes for breakneck speed, but energy efficiency while being fast enough
<noobaroo> Is that common on recent i5 machines?
<BtbN> "i5 machine" doesn't mean much of anything
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<BtbN> What CPU, what GPU/hwdec?
<JEEB> anyways in general I would expect the encoder to be your slowest part
<BtbN> I've seen some hwdecs that cap out exactly at 60 fps before
<BtbN> but it's rather unusual
<noobaroo> i5-11600k
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<noobaroo> But I wanted to know if it's common
<noobaroo> (I meant across many CPU models, not a single one)
<BtbN> Using the integrated GPU and hwdec?
<BtbN> I could see just raw cpu muscle being faster for h264 decoding, but both should be pretty fast
<noobaroo> sudo apt-get install vulkan-validationlayers vulkan-utility-libraries-dev vulkan-tools spirv-tools spirv-headers spirv-cross mesa-vulkan-drivers libxpresent1 libvulkan-volk-dev libvulkan-memory-allocator-dev libvulkan1 libspirv-cross-c-shared-dev libspirv-cross-c-shared0 libllvmspirvlib-18-dev libllvmspirvlib18.1 libavformat-dev libavformat60 libvulkan-dev
<BtbN> With more complex codecs the hwdec should easily win though
<JEEB> and if you don't swdec you get to utilize that CPU power for encoding, even if not much (since the encoder is generally your bottleneck)
<noobaroo> ffmpeg mpv libsvtav1
<noobaroo> What else could it possibly be
<JEEB> plus if you then do the format conversions/scaling
<JEEB> on the GPU
<noobaroo> The only thing I forgot to reinstall is maybe the libsvtav1 header files
<BtbN> Any vulkan stuff packaged by any distro is plain going to be too old for the Vulkan decode stuff
<JEEB> and just pull the image down to RAM when you need to feed it to the encoder
<BtbN> it's _very_ recent
<noobaroo> Maybe they are pointing to newer one and I have old
<BtbN> So if you're trying to get Vulkan Decode working with distro packages, and you aren't using Gentoo/Arch or something, you probably won't have much luck
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<noobaroo> iGPU yes
<noobaroo> It worked yesterday literally
<noobaroo> I tested mpv CPU usage for 4K videos across X11 and Wayland and across gpu-apis and gpu-context and hwaccel combos, many combos, and profiles and other settings
<noobaroo> vaapi doesn't work with high-quality filter, lanzcosssharp something is the exact option
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<CounterPillow> this is complete nonsense
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<bcn_> when I record audio from my laptop's onboard mic, itsays its "stereo" but i don't know how if the laptop has only one mic. does hardware often lie and record the same waveform to both channels, wasting disk space?
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<BtbN> if both channels are identical, most audio codecs should realize that
<bcn_> what would be the right tool to simultaneously record the onboard and a usb mic to the same audio file, in sync, with the usb mic 20 feet away, so i could play back onboard in the left ear and usb on the right and listen to two parts of the room at once?
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<travisghansen> I'm pulling in a v4l2 video, alsa audio, and trying to output to rtsp with 2 audio tracks (aac, opus)..I can get this to work but I get an 'Multiple -c, -codec, -acodec, -vcodec, -scodec or -dcodec options specified for stream 1, only the last option '-c:a:0 libopus' will be used.' warning spewed there a way I can/should correct that?
<travisghansen> I really have no idea what I'm doing and the arg syntax is pretty fantastical to me (kudos to you brave souls for understanding it), here is the full command
<travisghansen> ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -f v4l2 -input_format h264 -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -fflags +genpts -i /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-2e7e_ROCWARE_RC08_1111111111111111-video-index0 -f alsa -i default:CARD=RC08 -vcodec h264_vaapi -bf 0 -vf 'fps=30,format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload,scale_vaapi=1280:720' -map
<travisghansen> 0:v -map '1:a:0?' -c:a:0 aac -map '1:a:0?' -c:a:0 libopus -b:v 1024k -maxrate 1024k -f rtsp rtsp://
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<furq> talismanick: you have -c:a:0 aac and -c:a:0 libopus
<furq> one of those should be -c:a:1
<furq> travisghansen:
<travisghansen> Ok, thought I tried that but will give it another go in ~30 min
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<furq> also i guess you can remove everything between ffmpeg and -f v4l2 since you're not using hardware decoding
<travisghansen> Why wouldn’t it be decoding with hw? (It’s a dynamic thing where circumstances can vary greatly so I probably can’t remove it)
<furq> ignore that, i missed -input_format h264
<travisghansen> Cool
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<travisghansen> furq: yeah, seems happier with that option, thanks!
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