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<Lynne> philipl: with my latest vulkan patch you can use optical flow queues
<Lynne> are you still interested in writing a vulkan filter?
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<Lynne> what's the difference between ffbox0-bg.mplayerhq.hu and ffmpeg-devel-bounces@ffmpeg.org?
<elenril> one is a hostname, the other an email address?
<Lynne> more specifically the emails coming/going to them?
<Lynne> my mail server sends an email to the latter for every email received
<elenril> I don't imagine anyone should be sending any emails to the former
<Lynne> no, that one I figured out is strictly receive-only forwarding
<elenril> and -bounces should be the envelope-from for ML emails
<Lynne> is an email to bounces from the server a "I received the email" or a "I'm not reading this crap"?
<elenril> ????
<Lynne> https://paste.debian.net/1323524/ a log from my server for a single email from the ML
<Lynne> trying to figure out why I'm not getting anything in my inbox (except for 2 emails sent during the night, oddly)
<elenril> I see nothing about an email TO -bounces
<elenril> it's an email FROM -bounces
<elenril> and it says queued for delivery at the end, so...
<elenril> also, seems like not postfix and hence inferior smtp server
<Lynne> I don't run a billion dollar enterprise iso-certified kerberos-secured system :/
<elenril> and that prevents you from using postfix?
<elenril> not that I care, but the problem is not visible in your log either way
<Lynne> there are absolutely zero good smtp/imap/pop servers
<Lynne> postfix is quite good, I admit, I like its configuration style, and it was easy to figure out
<elenril> nobody should be using POP
<Lynne> yup, I don't
<elenril> postfix is a great SMTP server
<elenril> and dovecot is an okay IMAP server
<Lynne> dovecot is fortune 100 certified garbage in my book
<elenril> worksforme
<elenril> even the replication feature works surprisingly well
<Lynne> replication?
<elenril> two instances, changes to either one gets automagically replicated to the other
<JEEB> technical bus factor of >1
<Lynne> what use is that feature?
<elenril> a backup mail server
<JEEB> think what happens if one host goes poof
<Lynne> but you need to edit DNS records to redirect
<elenril> for delivery, you have two MX records, so mail can be delivered to either
<JEEB> master-master
<elenril> for accessing the email, depends on your setup
<Lynne> so you have 2 servers in different locations?
<elenril> yes
<Lynne> nice
<Lynne> stalwart can do this too, since everything is stored on a postgres DB which can be remote
<Lynne> everything, including settings and configuration
<JEEB> postgres <3
<elenril> I'm using mariadb, postgres replication looked too scary
<JEEB> oppan galera cluster
<Lynne> 2000s called, they want their SQL server back
<elenril> worksforme
<JEEB> (although that IIRC requires a third one to figure out disagreements)
<elenril> I'll probably never be a DB person
<elenril> JEEB: I'm running master-slave for DB
<JEEB> yea I'm happy not being the one managing these things
<elenril> that's the only aspect where the two servers are unequal
<JEEB> also I hope for Mysql-likes you have strict mode on
<JEEB> otherwise it will silently corrupt data
<Lynne> postgres somehow went from being a 70's unix project for those with 2 meters of beard to being the hip new thing everyone should be using right around the time of the mysql->mariadb switch
<elenril> JEEB: whatever that is
<JEEB> Lynne: and now it's "if you want to simplify your infra just use postgres for everything" https://www.amazingcto.com/postgres-for-everything/
<JEEB> since it can effectively do binary JSON storage etc
<Lynne> postgres' db search is beyond hopeless, you still need elasticsearch or meilisearch or similar to get usable search
<elenril> >db
<Lynne> when will web people understand what you want from a search is regex?
<elenril> >search
<elenril> that's now what a RDBMS is for
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<Lynne> "Use Postgres for caching instead of Redis with UNLOGGED tables and TEXT as a JSON data type. Use stored procedures or do as I do, use ChatGPT to write them for you, to add and enforce an expiry date for the data just like in Redis."
<Lynne> oh no
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<courmisch> DB? I use dovecot over filesystem
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<haasn> I use a DBMS as a filesystem
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<haasn> mkver: I'm still waiting for your feedback on https://ffmpeg.org//pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-May/326626.html IIRC you said you had some comments?
<mkver> haasn: Yeah
<haasn> do you think you can find the time to address it this week? the code is bitrotting since may
<haasn> and it's the main thing blocking the fixing of several bugs + removal of YUVJ
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* Sean_McG peeks in
<Lynne> elenril: are you still concerned with the vulkan queue API patchset?
<Lynne> would bumping to 32 be a good compromise?
<Lynne> right now, its impossible to go above 8
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<cone-248> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:8bac9d4a21dd: avcodec/vvc: Remove NOP condition check in alf_filter_luma
<cone-248> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:b3aeef3bf944: avcodec/vvc: Remove write-only assignments in alf_filter_chroma
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<Marth64> sorry for vanishing for a few days, some IRL urgencies came up. I will be able to prioritize my patches again this weekend
<Marth64> storms flooded my basement and have a close friend moving at the same time
<JEEB> 's alright :) hope basement and all hasn't gotten damaged too much
<Marth64> luckily, just needed cleaning, didnt hit my servers or workstations :phew:
<Marth64> thx
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<elenril> Lynne: then 16 should be enough I guess
<elenril> I'm not going to argue about it, but I reserve the right to I-told-you-so when it turns out we actually do want to extend the struct
<Lynne> I'll go with 32 as an overkill measure
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<Lynne> sadly none of the vulkan proposals to add an alternative queue system which handles locking has gained any traction
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<philipl> Lynne: I simply don't have the time, I'm afraid. It's intellectually interesting, but I've got too much else going on right now.
<Lynne> ah, I see
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<philipl> Lynne: I've had it at the back of my mind of 6+ months now but never been able to get to it, so we need to accept I'm not going to do it :-P
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<jdarnley> Neat
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<Marth64> Process to suggest an edit to a wiki page? eg. https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/HWAccelIntro#NVENC
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<BtbN> click edit, edit, save
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<Marth64> Works for me. Can give a quick opinion/validation on this change? Final example uses -vf scale_cuda=-1:720, but I couldn't get it to work without hwupload_cuda first in the filter chain (which makes sense to me.)
<Marth64> Thanks BtbN.
<Marth64> As final example doesn't use hw decode.
<BtbN> It's lacking -hwaccel_output_format cuda
<BtbN> if you add hwupload, it'll download and then re-upload
<BtbN> For some reason the command literally two lines above has it right
<BtbN> It does have -hwaccel cuda, so it uses hwaccel? Or what do you mean?
<Marth64> Nope, I was just confused. I realize that adding hwupload was the wrong approach now. -hwaccel_output_format cuda is the solution
<Marth64> I'll re-test the command with that and fix in the wiki. thank you
<Marth64> aaaand it works, and it's much faster logically.
<Marth64> Fixed. ✔
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