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<cone-515> ffmpeg James Almer master:2aab4e4cc0b4: avformat/iamf_writer: disallow Opus extradata with mapping family other than 0
<cone-515> ffmpeg James Almer master:9ce065c90dec: avformat/iamf_parse: sanitize audio_roll_distance values
<cone-515> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:fdd3e3504eba: avformat/iamf_parse: sanitize audio_roll_distance values
<cone-515> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:1ef18d022373: avformat/iamf_writer: disallow Opus extradata with mapping family other than 0
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<cone-700> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:5c8523cef119: lavc/hw_base_encode: correct the timestamp when input_order = decode_delay
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<elenril> mkver: ping yuvj
<Lynne> at this point OSS audio was deprecated and unsed for less time than us deprecating YUVJ
<elenril> isn't OSS still the thing to use on bsd?
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<Lynne> I forgot about bsd :)
<Lynne> on linux the kernel version was deprecated for 10+ years, but universally distros enabled it as the padsp compat layer wasn't great
<psykose> poor dre :(
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<kurosu> jamrial: feels like some code behind #ifdef for lcevc could avoid that and only depend on setting need_lcevc &=CONFIG_LIBLCEVC_DEC. Really, it may only make sense if there would be a native decoder
<jamrial> kurosu: true, but this way i remove a couple branches
<kurosu> They are likely highly predictable. But doesn't matter much one way or another
<kurosu> I imagine the real goal will be as an EL to HEVC (Br TV3.0 yadi yada)
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<another|> hmm.. so a post popped up in my mastodon feed, claiming aac_he_v2 was broken with libfdk-aac > 0.1.6
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<another|> does anyone have a build with fdk handy and can reproduce?
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<Traneptora> another|: can reproduce
<Traneptora> using 1.0.6-1 from arch repos for fdk-aac
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<another|> couple of notes: fdkaac seems to just be a frontend and is irrelevant. libfdk-aac being the relevant lib package
<Lynne> wbs maintains the package
<another|> well, this is weird. what does `N-95774-g97fd5d3363` actually mean
<jamrial> that's the ffmpeg commit
<another|> I thought it counted commits since origin tag N
<another|> plus git commit hash
<another|> but this is just 4 commits back from HEAD
<another|> and my compile from HEAD has a number ~20k higher
<Traneptora> libfdk-aac version 2.0.3-1
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<another|> I can reproduce this exact behaviour. however, `c=stereo` fixes it
<another|> I think SBR needs 2 channels?
<Traneptora> another|: yea, adding -ac 2 fixes it
<another|> ah, no
<another|> the error message is misleading
<another|> aac_he works fine. what actually fails is parametric stereo
<another|> e.g. the thing that makes it he_v2
<another|> s/e.g./i.e./
<another|> the name kinda gives it away :D
<Traneptora> another|:I thought SBR was made it he_v2
<Traneptora> ah, nvm
<Traneptora> AAC_HE is SBR, and HEv2 is SBR-PS
<Traneptora> > The usage profile HE-AAC v1 uses spectral band replication (SBR) to enhance the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) compression efficiency in the frequency domain.[3] The usage profile HE-AAC v2 couples SBR with Parametric Stereo (PS) to further enhance the compression efficiency of stereo signals.
<Traneptora> there you go
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<another|> hmm.. looking at b63df9b52705790fb0c6702254a63710d3f007d2
<another|> >Note that option is available when fdk-aac version (AACENCODER_LIB_VL0.AACENCODER_LIB_VL1.AACENCODER_LIB_VL2) > (4.0.0).
<another|> current version seems to be 2.0.3 though?
<another|> ah, okay. that's an internal version number in fdk
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