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<a5erka> hey guys
<a5erka> total noob here
<a5erka> found an issue with ffmpeg 6.1, fixed in 6.0 and also in 7.x
<a5erka> ffmpeg invoked like... /tmp/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -xerror -err_detect explode -y -i foo.mov -map 0:v -s 320x240 -c:v libx264 bar.mov
<a5erka> if processing a corrupt input file, it exits, but returns exitcode 0
<a5erka> i'm currently stuck, and need to use, ffmpeg 6.1
<a5erka> problem introduced with commit 01897c1788b887e42a69072fc6516a73521bdcd6 and fixed with commit d119ae2fd82a494d9430ff4d4fc262961a68c598
<JEEB> you were really nice that you did a bisect, but the thing is that if the breaking commit is the one starting the decoding in its own thread commit, and then it gets fixed with the threading work getting finished then there's no simple commit to back-port :D
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<a5erka> yeah, i know, so i was doing some debugging
<a5erka> and found a simple but potentially stupid fix
<a5erka> hence i want to ask if i totally break something with this
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<a5erka> from `ret = err_merge(ret, thread_ret);` to `ret = err_merge(thread_ret, ret);`
<a5erka> ffmpeg exits as expected on error
<a5erka> since err_merge is only taking the first ret_code passed into it
<a5erka> (at least in 6.1, did not check 7.0)
<a5erka> value of ret is -541478725 (End of file) and of thread_ret is -1094995529 (Invalid data found when processing input)
<a5erka> and if ret is passed first, that's the one returned and acts as if no error down the line. if i pass thread_ret in as first, that one is returned by err_merge and error caught and handled downstream. at least that's my understanding of the code, but totally new to the codebase, so i might be off completely
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<cone-977> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:400843151d84: aarch64: vvc: Fix compilation of alf.S with MSVC 2022 17.7 and older
<cone-977> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:99598629e880: aarch64: vvc: Consistently use # for immediate constants
<elenril> a5erka: the idea was for that function ot eventually have some sort of prioritization for error codes
<a5erka> yeah, i saw the comment in the code
<elenril> i.e. EOF would get a lower priority than a real error
<a5erka> gotcha
<a5erka> so in my case, replacing that line with something like `ret = err_merge(ret == AVERROR_EOF ? 0 : ret, thread_ret);` should be acceptable?
<elenril> no, I mean modify err_merge itself to prefer err1 in case err0 is EOF and err1 is something else nonzero
<a5erka> yeah, i get that. i don't feel confident in my C skills enough to touch such a global function tbh
<ramiro> wbs: libswscale/aarch64/yuv2rgb_neon.S has some inconsistent indentation. somehow it passes check_arm_indent.sh run locally, but not when testing through gha.
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<wbs> ramiro: hmm, that's odd, it seems to pass on GHA with latest master for me
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<cone-977> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:4acb9b7d1046: aarch64: vvc: Fix unnecessary extra spaces
<a5erka> @elenril backported to 6.1 branch, that fixes the issue, yes, thank you! (that function appears in a different file in 6.1 than 7.x)
<elenril> a5erka: cool, I'll send it to the ML then
<a5erka> thanks
<elenril> how should I credit you?
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<a5erka> with what, you implemented the fix :) but if you wish, Andrej Peterka
<a5erka> thanks
<a5erka> I can send you the patch for 6.1
<a5erka> if you need
<elenril> reporting a bug is a creditable offence
<elenril> no need, I'll backport it when pushing to master
<a5erka> k, thanks for the help
<JEEB> ah, nice. so the thing technicaly was an issue in master as well
<JEEB> even though he noted that the issue he was experiencing was fixed in master :D
<elenril> in theory, I don't know if it can actually happen
<elenril> but it's still a sensible thing to do
<a5erka> i suspect the way err_merge function is called in master is different than release/6.1
<a5erka> since it was overhauled
<elenril> yes, there were major changes in 6.1
<elenril> err after 6.1
<JEEB> ye
<a5erka> mhm
<JEEB> but yea, just makes it easier to handle if it's something not only for 6.1
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<elenril> mkver: if you're not going to comment on yuvj, or at least give a reasonable deadline for comments, we are going to proceed with pushing it
<elenril> it's been months
<mkver> Ok, I'll answer in the next three days.
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<Daemon404> i see lcevc sneakily changed their license
<Daemon404> i was about to object until i went and checked
<jamrial> Daemon404: i added a mention about the new license in one of the patches
<JEEB> Daemon404: yea j-b posted the updated license some time ago
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<Lynne> encoding still has the same license restrictions I think, though
<JEEB> yea I recall them then having some comments somewhere
<Lynne> its still stone-age level tech IMO, they just take a residual, take its DCT, quantize it and entropy code it
<Daemon404> i swear i remember v-nova being wavelets
<Daemon404> maybe misremembered
<JEEB> dunno, I don't have too much interest in it. we have AV1 for actual BetterCompression :D
<elenril> >implying av1 is fundamentally different
<JEEB> compared to LC-EVC?
<JEEB> which is some sort of extra layer
<JEEB> so that you could do base layer with H.264 and then some enhancement thing
<Daemon404> "what if multilayer, but worse"
<elenril> compared to "mc-or-intra -> transform residual -> quantise -> entropy code"
<elenril> there is nothing new under the sun
<JEEB> right, in that sense nope
<JEEB> but in the sense that their sales case is that you utilize some known old format as base layer
<JEEB> and this gives you MOAR COMPRESSION
<elenril> Daemon404: unpossible
<JEEB> (compared to the base layer format)
<elenril> multilayer spec is a prayer to cthulhu
<JEEB> wololoo
<Daemon404> that is not fair to the great old ones
<Daemon404> theyre not that unfathomable
<Daemon404> also because i have brain rot i am not imagining nyaruko but with spec
<Daemon404> s/not/now/
<Lynne> you still have PTSD of hearing the opening theme, don't you?
<elenril> I thought you stopped watching anime before that
* elenril mostly did
<Daemon404> i stopped watching anime before i stopped subtitling it
<Daemon404> that was at the tail end
<JEEB> uu nyaa
<elenril> lol
<Daemon404> Lynne, only one OP ever gave me ptsd, and it was not that
<Daemon404> it was nyanpire
<Lynne> right, it was that one
<Lynne> you mean the ED? it hasn't got an OP from what I find
<Daemon404> must be ED
<Daemon404> it only had one song
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<Daemon404> great, itll be in my head for a week now
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<courmisch> uh, nyaruko had two seasons, with different OPs
<Traneptora> I'm still on the JPEG hype train from 1992
<Traneptora> fantastic format
<Daemon404> spatial prediction is for losers
<elenril> x264 = best grill
<courmisch> references too obscure
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<Lynne> jpeg had spatial prediction
<Daemon404> it had DC only
<Lynne> yup
<Lynne> its something
<Daemon404> not sure id call that spatial, so to speak
<courmisch> what do you mean "had"?
<Daemon404> well. has.
<courmisch> in case you swapped body with your own selves from a parallel universe
<courmisch> JPEG is still The Compression Format for Pictures in this timeline
<JEEB> I wish iphone had separate settings for photo and video formats
<JEEB> now it's just JPEG&H.264 or HEIC&HEVC
<Daemon404> can we even call them photos anymore
<Daemon404> given the 1000 layeres of ai 'improvement'
<JEEB> ┐(´д`)┌
<courmisch> maybe it is the ultimate compression algorithm
<courmisch> you don't need to encode the JPEG
<courmisch> just store "Daemon40 in front of Tokyo Skytree"
<courmisch> and AI can regenerate the photo from 20 bytes
<Daemon404> you can get that lower with some text compression
<courmisch> yes but you need at least 19 bytes for the proprietary file format header
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<Lynne> don't modern smartphones capture video instead of photos?
<kepstin> they'll usually capture multiple frames before processing them into a single image; i guess in some cases they save the multiple frames so the result can be tweaked after the fact. No idea how they're actually compressed.
<kurosu> Also lol @ lcevc itu-t35 metadata country code being UK. But that's what they insist on (and yes their engineering is there too)
<Daemon404> well it was rubber stamped vnova after all
<kurosu> (mpeg-4 part 2 had prediction of the purely vertical or horizontal coeffs: http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavcodec/mpeg4videodec.c;h=debcafc4c040345bf9360957bda11664b7e3f921;hb=HEAD#l315 )
<kurosu> I no longer have access to ISO documents, but I so wish I could find again the contribution that started LCEVC (the type where you need like 5 companies/... asking for a particular work)
<Daemon404> i really wonder who it was
<Daemon404> because nobody was exactly enthralled with vnova
<Daemon404> bbc, sky, or itv maybe
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<Lynne> doesn't sound like the bbc to do that, sky and itv certainly
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<pal> @Daemon404, who it was that did what?
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<kurosu> I suspect the signing parties of the input contribution advocating for a very low cost scalability feature not tied to a particular base codec layer, which lead to starting "MPEG-5 Part 2"
<kurosu> wg11.sc29.org/doc_end_user/documents/124_Macao/wg11/m44832-v5-m44832-v.5.zip
<kurosu> Right, the hosting changed, but you should easily get a hold of m44832
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<Daemon404> pal, yes what kurosu said
<pal> yes, v-nova was the driving force behind LCEVC
<JEEB> aye
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<Daemon404> pal, i meant the other ones.
<Daemon404> i heard it was mostly italian companies, which is kinda sus
<pal> you mean other proponents of LCEVC?
<Daemon404> yes.
<courmisch> can we abolish callee-saved registers, please
<Sean_McG> that sounds like not a thing
<courmisch> compilers can optimise leaf functions, not root functions, so callee-saved registers are just silly
<courmisch> the only function that could be "root-optimised" is _start, and it has zero registers that it needs preserved anyhow
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<wbs> ramiro: it seems that the indentation script missed those lines before, but catches them after your modification when you add a macro parameter
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<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:6194cb87cb81: avcodec/alsdec: Clear shift_value
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:55af81b5a412: Revert "avformat/udp: Fix temporary buffer race"
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:586f6fda1d81: avformat/mov: add an EOF check in IPRP
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:419eee63565f: avcodec/proresdec: Consider negative bits left
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:5d9544cfb03d: avcodec/hevc/hevcdec: Do not allow slices to depend on failed slices
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:d52fabaec004: avcodec/hevc/hevcdec: avoid signed shifts with lt_idx_sps
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:ae20be8b5d0b: avcodec/aac/aacdec_usac: Dont leave invalid max_sfb in the context
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:2f7aaa33e734: avcodec/aac/aacdec_lpd: Check kv indec
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:3cd077e28206: avcodec/vaapi_encode: Check hwctx
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:56c334d732db: avcodec/osq: avoid using too large numbers for shifts and integers in update_residue_parameter()
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:6420c1bf3088: avcodec/osq: fix integer overflow when applying factor
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:a308d79e4ded: avcodec/cfhdenc: Allocate more space
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:5dde255abdeb: avcodec/cfhdenc: Height of 16 is not supported
<cone-106> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:204f7f8cc731: avcodec/hdrenc: Allocate more space
<Daemon404> wtf is 586f6fda1d814f0ddc32e652fde5e203d552f6d0?
<Daemon404> that is peak vs "fix"
<Daemon404> an eof check on a specific loop read in a specific atom that the fuzzer didnt like
<jamrial> Daemon404: i suggested it. the loop iterator could be anything up to uint32_max
<Daemon404> that is true for like every single box
<jamrial> yeah, and there are similar checks in similar loops
<Daemon404> sometimes. maybe.
<Daemon404> and not consistently
<Daemon404> it just annoys me we check liek 1% of reads, randomly, without much consistency
<Daemon404> (if you fuzz with an i/o callback, it breaks lavf constantly, youll find endless broken demuxers)
<Daemon404> i am not a fan of several of the latest commits, but 9b9e02f2ff6575e934e8e991a471b3086d1c0d53 seems particularily egregious non-obvious in what the change does
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<cone-106> ffmpeg Lynne master:b1b69ccbc0b2: aacdec: set ac->output_elements upon channel element free
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