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<AndrewSayers> A lot of private contexts have non-const AVClass members, the value of which seems to be initialised with pointers to const values (see e.g. MpegEncContext being set in ff_mpeg4_encoder at the bottom of libavcodec/mpeg4videoenc.c). Is that a problem?
<mkver> AndrewSayers: It would be a problem if one used these pointers to modify their pointees. But no code does this.
<mkver> Apart from that: These AVClass pointers point to the relevant AVClass, not to the FFCodec (in your example: to mpeg4enc_class, not ff_mpeg4_encoder).
<AndrewSayers> Fair enough :)
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<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:d570457eb73f: ffprobe: print Frame Cropping packet side data info
<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:1b58f3af30c4: avcodec/packet: add a decoded frame cropping side data type
<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:893c6802acb5: avformat/dump: print Frame Cropping packet side data info
<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:dc763efe70a3: avformat/matroskadec: don't infer display dimensions when DisplayUnit is not pixels
<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:f194f291d808: avformat/matroskaenc: support writing cropping values
<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:bf87688a9fb8: fftools/ffmpeg: support applying container level cropping
<cone-624> ffmpeg James Almer master:79e8e980c241: avformat/matroskadec: export cropping values
<Marth64> yay cropping
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<mkver> yay, adding stuff that is not even compatible with ISOBMFF.
<Traneptora> JEEB: I'm committing the fate patch to send to ML wrt mdcv
<Traneptora> would you prefer I reported-by you at jeebjp or at 24i
<JEEB> Traneptora: jeebjp
<Traneptora> ty
<Traneptora> aight, sent
<Marth64> dvd demuxer is dropping exactly one packet when flushing on discontinuity. very evil and subtle. I'm looking into it
<Marth64> would not have noticed it but I was doing testing watching a film all the way through and mpv was sensitive enough to point it out
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<AndrewSayers> Another annoying question - AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE "must point to two consecutive ints", but TileContext in libavfilter/vf_tile.c and UntileContext in libavfilter/vf_untile.c point to two *unsigned* ints. Which is correct - the documentation or the code?
<cone-624> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:8765b36a526b: avformat/matroskaenc: Fix potential stack-buffer-overflow
<cone-624> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:9ffac78eba38: avformat/matroskaenc: Fix and simplify check for invalid crop values
<cone-624> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:0d1bc9666cda: avformat/matroskaenc: Only write useful cropping values
<cone-624> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:b6c43328eedf: avformat/matroskaenc: Avoid indirection via st->codecpar
<mkver> AndrewSayers: It doesn't matter as long as the values stored there are in the range 0..INT_MAX.
<AndrewSayers> Thanks, I'll suggest a doc patch on the ML.
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<mkver> jamrial: I don't know how the clap box is supposed to work together with codec cropping: Is it additive or does it replace codec cropping.
<jamrial> additive, i think. at least i assume what https://pastebin.com/raw/rhQFu3La refers to is codec specific but nonetheless container level properties
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<mkver> michaelni: Seeing your elbg patch reminds me of https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/9977
* Lynne throws hammers at the c23 committee
<Lynne> I hate on arm for s/xor/eor
<Lynne> and they did the same with s/popcnt/stdc_count_ones
<Lynne> they could've just called it stdc_popcnt rather than stdc_call_me_to_count_the_number_of_bits_set_to_one
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