michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<cone-378> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:f447189b0c80: lavc/h264dsp: R-V V 8-bit h264_idct_add
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<cone-287> ffmpeg Stefano Sabatini master:9c357324f042: doc/filters/perlin: specify default values
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<haasn> michaelni: adding SWS_FULL_CHR_H_INT to the default sws_flags *lowers* PSNR across FATE
<haasn> any clue what is going on there?
<haasn> err, adding SWS_FULL_CHR_H_INP I meant
<haasn> hmm the situation is even weirder
<haasn> adding just SWS_FULL_CHR_H_INT *also* lowers PSNR
<haasn> but adding both of those flags together *raises* PSNR
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<awehr_> hello
<awehr_> i submitted my first patch, is there any way to know if someone has taken a look?
<awehr_> im not very familiar with how mailing lists and stuff work
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<ePirat> aweh___, people will reply to the mail with review comments
<ePirat> if you get no comments after a week or so, its fine to reply to your own mail with the patch with a ping message asking for review
<aweh___> got it
<aweh___> though i dont know if it ever got sent, i was struggling with formatting it lol
<ePirat> which is it?
<cone-287> ffmpeg James Almer master:a528a54ee119: avfilter/vf_tiltandshift: fix buffer offset for yuv422p input
<cone-287> ffmpeg James Almer master:3d5bad75019b: fate/filter-video: tests more pixel formats with the tiltandshift filter
<cone-287> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:2df8aaa8c58d: avfilter/vf_tiltandshift: fix buffer offset for yuv422p input
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<aweh___> ePirat: in avformat/hls, i sent
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<mkver> jamrial: Your tiltandshift tests fail with CPUFLAGS=0 here.
<jamrial> mkver: probably missing bitexact flags for swscale..
<mkver> jamrial: Aren't these flags normally autoinserted in fate-run.sh? Why does this need special handling?
<jamrial> they don't, see the output of the tests with V=0
<jamrial> it inserts -bitexact which is a cli option that only applies to de/encoders and de/muxers, i think
<mkver> With flags I meant sws_flags which you add manually to the cmd.
<jamrial> no, framecrc does not seem to include it
<mkver> Ok then
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<courmisch> I want #[naked] functions in C. Why we can't have nice things
<Lynne> you can use attributes, can't you?
<Lynne> why do you need a naked C function anyway?
<courmisch> well in C, it would suck anyhow because inline asm syntax is awful
<courmisch> but there's two nice thigns about naked functions: can make them static, and don't need to declare them since they have a prototype
<courmisch> in Rust there is the added benefit that they participate in the namespacing
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<Lynne> yeah, that's not very interesting
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<cone-744> ffmpeg James Almer master:ecd3a9783413: fate/filter-video: add missing swscale flags to tiltandshift tests
<Lynne> I use naked asm functions in lavu/tx to link transforms, the plan for other arches is to just deal with the ABI as its consistent
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<Marth64> DVD seeking is ready. Patchset coming after current fixes merged
<Lynne> nice, I'd like to test them
<Marth64> :)
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