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<pal_> i have seen no evidence that xl can go faster than j2k
<pal_> Lynne: by "editing", do you mean cutting and assembling the final timeline, or do you mean modifying the contents of the frame?
<Lynne> cutting and assembling
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<pal_> Cutting/editing is often done with proxies. In entire lifecycle of a title, a minority of activities require access to full quality. The idea is one can store content at the highest quality (lossless or not) but access on a best effort basis, depending on the activity.
<Lynne> meh
<Lynne> its not the 90's anymore, if you can't have your cake and eat it, its simply not good enough!
<pal_> For example, dubbing/subtitling does not require full quality...
<pal_> ... or checking if there is in fact a starbucks cup or a boom in a shot
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<Lynne> you wouldn't use something poorly integrated for this, you'd use a test cut
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<rcombs> Lynne: my laptop's SSD does several GB/s both read and write, which is plenty for even 4K uncompressed
<rcombs> in practice nobody uses loassless video for editing even in a studio setting though
<rcombs> the limiting factor these days is more network bandwidth (to NAS drives and such), or storage space, rather than raw disk speed
<rcombs> and raw disk speed is more of a concern for recording than editing
<rcombs> intra-only lossy codecs do plenty well for even very high-end applications
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<cone-982> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:ab8f7030bc46: aarch64: Use cntvct_el0 as timer register on Android and macOS
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<Lynne> rcombs: depends on the field, for VFX, OpenEXR is the standard, but for everything else, including recording, its prores, or a vendor-specific format
<Lynne> on a side-note, the reason why you can't find good pro cinema cameras able to record to uncompressed raw is because RED claimed they owned the patent on that, and sued everyone
<Lynne> the single manufacturer which dared to was Kinefinity, and they used CinemaDNG, e.g. writing a single raw DNG file with a timestamp in the name and an XML manifest PER FRAME
<Lynne> I'd just like to dream we can do better than this
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<Daemon404> jamrial, any objection to merging 2, 3, and 5 from https://ffmpeg.org//pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-June/329365.html?
<Daemon404> (i.e. the ones that dont include the rectangular stuff with open questions)
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<Daemon404> jamrial, and actually i had a brain fart. youre right it should be 0. i got my enums mixed up
<Daemon404> changed locally. do you want a a v2 for the set?
<jamrial> yes
<Daemon404> ok will send
<Daemon404> (trying to get this sorted properly so i can start using them at $dayjob)
<jamrial> is this vexu box also defined for iso-bmff, or just mov?
<Daemon404> both
<Daemon404> with some official apple streams in both
<Daemon404> but also some of it isnt define at all
<Daemon404> because they never updated their docs properly
<Daemon404> :D
<Daemon404> so their pdf misses a bunch
<Daemon404> i have emailed them about this but they ghosted me
<Daemon404> (shocking, i know)
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<Daemon404> (if we want to get Super Technical, the public docs only define it in ISOBMFF, but all of apple's software produces it in MOV, except for streaming :D)
<jamrial> doesn't seem to be present in 14496-12 2015 :/
<Daemon404> it isnt in any spec
<Daemon404> just apple's pdf and files
<jamrial> oh
<Daemon404> and half of the boxes are currently missing from apple's pdf
<Daemon404> since it was a draft
<Daemon404> i had to reverse engineer the rest
<Daemon404> do you expect better from them? i dont.
<jamrial> heh
<Daemon404> jamrial, last question: a co-worker suggested to call it rectilinear rather than rectangular, as the rest of the industry calls it the former.
<Daemon404> any opinion?
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<jamrial> either is fine by me. rectilinear may help differentiate it from the equirectangular one
<Daemon404> will change
<Daemon404> using the more standard term seems reaosnable to me
<JEEB> Daemon404: essentially modern MOV is now pretty much 14496-12 plus apple stuff...
<Daemon404> yeah.
<Daemon404> and mov == we can do whatever we want and not define it
<Daemon404> because it technically is proprietary
<BBB> the troll is strong
<BBB> must ... not ... bite
<JEEB> then just gnawl at it? :3
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<Daemon404> sent
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<jdarnley> Didn't someone report a crash in the flac encoder several months ago
<jdarnley> I have a fix sitting in my tree
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<mkver> jdarnley: ticket number?
<jdarnley> I don't have one. I recall someone pinged me on irc
<jdarnley> I think it was some automated testing that generated a sequence of data that triggered the bug
<jdarnley> on x86
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<rajivharlalka> BBB you had mentioned that if the video data is 10bit, AVFrame's data would be in unint16_t* , does that need to explicity type-casted from the available unint8_t? Do you have a reference implementation for a similar thing, would be helpful.
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<BBB> rajivharlalka: yes
<BBB> rajivharlalka: see https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavcodec/bit_depth_template.c and https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavcodec/h264dsp_template.c;h=fe23a2cff1f1aff3d5c76a55af987ebdaeaa3bf2;hb=HEAD
<BBB> rajivharlalka: note how (if BIT_DEPTH = 8) pixel is uint8_t and else it's uint16_t
<BBB> rajivharlalka: lines like "pixel *block = (pixel*)_block; \" do the typecast for you
<BBB> you can do that for AVFrame->data[plane] also
<BBB> hope that helps
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<jamrial> stride/linesize will always be in bytes, though, not pixels
<BBB> rajivharlalka: also see https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavcodec/h264dsp.c for how it's included :) let's call it the glue
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<Daemon404> glad to see i unsubscribed for 2 months and that cursed thread is sitll going
* Daemon404 100 foot pole
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<Lynne> fix aac sbr padding calculations and I'll use my power to make it go away
<Lynne> e.g. I'd buy you a beer or two to forget about it momentarily :)
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<nevcairiel> log10(0) is undefined right? is that ok to call? it throws a fp exception here, which is anything but great (talking about 5df901ffa56e0ff225fcc129c751befeb3b4d0d0 which does that can causes me grief)
<jkqxz> It's not undefined. It is implementation-defined what it returns and whether you get a SIGFPE, though.
<jkqxz> I agree that that code should be checking for error conditions before they occur.
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<j-b> good morning
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