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<Traneptora> I'm assuming I can ignore a random nak from paul right
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<jamrial> Traneptora: ask him to elaborate
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<JEEB> if it's the PNG patch, it's a part of the code that doesn't change by the patch
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<lain__> Where could I find jpeg and hevc files/datasets that ffmpeg probably use for test cases to validate its decoder ?
<JEEB> there's also the `fate-rsync` target which syncs things up
<lain__> Ok. Interesting
<lain__> Thank you.
<JEEB> so for example if you have built FFmpeg already, in the build root you can do something like `make fate-rsync SAMPLES=../../fate-suite/`
<JEEB> and that should utilize rsync to sync all of the FATE suite so you can run the tests
<JEEB> (running the tests would then be `make fate SAMPLES=../../fate-suite/` or so
<JEEB> the SAMPLES path of course just being a reference to somewhere that you want that stuff to end up at, and not get overwritten by build roots being created or destroyed
<lain__> ok
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<JEEB> has various relevant docs
<JEEB> https://ffmpeg.org/developer.html for general development documentation
<lain__> Thank you
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<Traneptora> JEEB: it was that one, yea
<Traneptora> the png patch
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<Daemon404> at what point is paul simply banne
<Daemon404> d
<elenril> lol
<nevcairiel> With the CC in charge? Good luck
<elenril> it is a position of certain CC members that paul most not ever be banned under any circumstances
<elenril> *must
<Daemon404> i know
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<cone-941> ffmpeg Marvin Scholz master:2fc37c42391a: avutil/hwcontext_videotoolbox: Fix build with older SDKs
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:0e338c411457: avcodec/videotoolboxenc: Use BufNode as sourceFrameRefcon
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:2eae57c8627b: avcodec/videotoolboxenc: Don't ignore ENOMEM
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:4a3625859bb4: avcodec/videotoolboxenc: Remove unused variable
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:635f7c0f6c94: avcodec/videotoolboxenc: Put ExtraSEI inside BufNode directly
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:2fca8e400ed8: avcodec/videotoolboxenc: Fix concurrent access to CVPixelBufferRef
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<shinjite> avformat_open_input seems to struggle to work with a win32 pipe. Both code is C++ externed correctly. It reads the magic AVI RIFF key
<shinjite> and 1920x1080 but dies at reading pixel fmt(which in mingw build for windows picks up yuv or int of 0) any idea why mvsc toolchain sux
<shinjite> I read pipe in first and dumped result to file for pipe error and got same exact avi out and it ran with not artificats
<shinjite> im suspecting a warning is to blame somewhere using a int instead of a size_t and something is being cut off. Just asking if anyone knows whats the deal.
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<courmisch> what did he do this time
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<cone-941> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:7744c0824080: lavc/h264dsp: R-V V add_pixels4 and 8-bit add_pixels8
<cone-941> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:3002310b7070: lavc/h264dsp: R-V V high-depth add_pixels8
* elenril facepalms
<elenril> ffv1 "frame threading" is worse than I thought
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<courmisch> I demand a C version of ff_h264_loopfilter_strength, or else!!!11!one!
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<courmisch> elenril: in Rust, you can't use booleans as integers
<courmisch> I let you draw the obvious conclusions
<courmisch> I dont wanna install QEMU MIPS just to see what ff_h264_loopfilter_strength_msa does
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:e713a2d85dad: avutil/file_open: Fix build error with wasi
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:cb9c98da16e8: avformat/file: guard fd_dup by FD_PROTOCOL or PIPE_PROTOCOL
<cone-941> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:8ca60e14d200: configure: Fix Apple framework dependencies in .pc file
<jdarnley> Damn! Anton was sitting on this commit for 3 years 11 months
<elenril> what commit?
<jdarnley> 1e9615c5d4
<elenril> isn't that in master?
<jdarnley> It is
<jdarnley> *was*
<jdarnley> *was* sitting
<elenril> it's not *that* long
<jdarnley> I need to make git blame show commit dates not author dates
<elenril> see e.g. 086a8048061bf9fb4c63943f6962db48175f655c
<jdarnley> Much more!
<jdarnley> Although that one says it got subsequent work
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<jamrial> jdarnley: yeah, but the general api didn't change much, just helpers and such
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<Sean_McG> courmisch: I agree with you that the PPC arch selection stuff in configure is not great, but I have to be honest I'm a bit anxious to change it given how long it has been around and how easy it might be to break a working config that we don't have hardware to test on
<Sean_McG> also, I'm putting the VSX acceleration stuff aside for now, I've been struggling with the math too much.
<ramiro> does nobody have a real ppc fate box? I used to have one back in the day.
<Sean_McG> ramiro: there is a broken G4 Mini on my desk that I have been attempting to get booting with not much luck
<Sean_McG> but I may put out a "wanted to buy" posting locally to see if someone has other G4s or maybe even a G5
<Sean_McG> (although I am told the fans on a G5 are obnoxious)
<ramiro> iirc mine was from 2005. do we still care about such old hardware?
<Sean_McG> the AltiVec code is still used on modern POWER machines.
<ramiro> then maybe we should get a modern power machine :)
<Sean_McG> a RaptorCS Blackbird is $5K USD
<Sean_McG> I've been flip-flopping on pulling the trigger on one of those for months now
<Sean_McG> (that said, the Blackbird and the Talos are phenomenal machines)
<Sean_McG> I think we'll be hearing about POWER11 within the next few months though -- and if I understand what I am reading the new machines will have larger vector width (AltiVec and VSX are only 128-bit)
<Sean_McG> it might be worth to remove the "big-endian only" AltiVec stuff as POWER has largely transitioned to little-endian by default (at least on Linux), even though it can still be used in BE-mode
<Sean_McG> if that is desired I can go ahead with it
<Lynne> I wouldn't object to using the project's funds for a machine
<Lynne> checkasm for altivec was broken for 4 years or so
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<Sean_McG> Andreas did a great job fixing it up
<Sean_McG> s/Andreas/mkver/
<Lynne> hey, I contributed a few patches too after a friend got one
<Sean_McG> and you did :)
<Lynne> I don't think power9 is that relevant though, after raptor multiplied all prices by 10 or so
<Sean_McG> IBM decided not to share POWER10, so I think the eco-system is busted again
<Sean_McG> and I suspect it will be the same for POWER11
<Sean_McG> and yes, they haven't made new POWER9 chips since 2018, so there is that... but I still think the 8c4t is sexy as hell
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<Lynne> sexy? have you see Zen 5's technical documents?
<Lynne> dual decode pipeline! 6 ALUs! 6!
<Lynne> you can chew through simple loops with tens of instructions in one clock cycle thanks to speculation
<Sean_McG> but not SMT4 yet, is it?
<Lynne> I find SMT4 offensive
* Sean_McG giggles.
<Sean_McG> anyways, no harm done.
<Lynne> Zen 5 lets you use ALL of a CPU when running a single thread
<Lynne> how badly must code be written to not use ALL of a CPU?
<Sean_McG> someone who's never heard of threads?
<Sean_McG> or an algorithm that is more memory-bound than CPU-bound
<Sean_McG> which, if I recall correctly AMD has struggled with
<Sean_McG> (full disclosure: my desktop is a Threadripper 2950X)
<elenril> Lynne: true fact: beause of a lizardpeople conspiracy only 1% of transistors on a chip are actually computing anything
<Sean_McG> hahah
<elenril> the rest are drawing hail-hydra patterns on silicon
<Lynne> its bad news if 100% of the transistors are switching, you'll fry your CPU in one clock cycle
<elenril> I'd share an authoritative reference, but this line is too short
<elenril> that's what they want you to think
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<elenril> the so-called second law of thermodynamics is more like a guidance
<haasn> it's possible to reverse the arrow of time, but it requires sacrificing magical girls
<Sean_McG> "the more you put things together, the more they fall apart"
<Sean_McG> haasn gets it
<elenril> /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
<Sean_McG> now I want to re-watch Madoka Magica
<JEEB> I should grab the movies at some point, I don't think I watched anything after the original TV series
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<elenril> I was pleasantly surprised by the last one
<elenril> first two are just a summary fo the series
<AMM> Rebellion is a must, I don't think the recaps changed much
<Lynne> didn't like the TV series
<JEEB> yea I guess it had the recap movies
<JEEB> the new stuff is what I mostly was interested in
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:af9935835335: avcodec/vc2enc: Fix overflows with storing large values
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:7147c3c911f4: avcodec/ratecontrol: Handle wanted bits overflow
<cone-941> ffmpeg James Almer master:b248dace929e: avformat/iamf_parse: keep substream count consistent
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:664fbfb9ac55: avcodec/mscc: move frame allocates to later
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:8a4e5e0e15fc: tools/target_dec_fuzzer: Adjust threshold for RV30
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:a84fbd747119: avcodec/j2kenc: Merge dwt_norm into lambda
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:69e90491f15d: avcodec/utvideoenc: Use unsigned shift to build flags
<cone-941> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:0993ef675f06: avcodec/mpeg12enc: Use av_rescale() in vbv_buffer_size computation
<Sean_McG> michaelni: cheers
<Sean_McG> (for the j2kenc one)
<jamrial> elenril: the ml seems to not like your patchset much or something. i see a dozen in the archive, and only five in my mailbox
<elenril> seems ML decided to stop talking to me
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<courmisch> elenril: gimme a reason to reject a patch of yours and I'll oblige
<courmisch> and cultivate my smartass jerk image, two birds with one stone
<Sean_McG> oh dear.
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<Lynne> elenril: same
<Lynne> I thought it was my mail server, which resulted in me breaking it and having to restore from a backup, not what I wanted to do today
<jamrial_> looks like it's solved now. i see the entire set
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<elenril> commit message for 27/39 is dedicated to mkver
<mkver> ?
<mkver> Why did you not ask me for my branch?
<elenril> last I asked you did not answer at all
<mkver> When?
<elenril> a few weeks ago IIRC
<mkver> I don't remember that at all.
<courmisch> so why won't libreoffice open paths from the CLI anymore
<courmisch> this has got to be a violation of my rights as a Unix shell user
<JEEB> now to wait for the SCO people asking whether you have a license for that Unix(TM)
<Sean_McG> derp
<courmisch> JEEB: you mean Oracle?
<JEEB> possibly. whichever corp now has Unix under its belt
<JEEB> SCO I think was it at some point?
<courmisch> well there have been two related SCO's.
<courmisch> One that got bought by Sun and the eviler one
<JEEB> right'o :D
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<courmisch> that eviler one, i.e. Caldera, was liquidated
<JEEB> so now we just have solaris... wait, that is now forked, isn't it?
<Sean_McG> it's effectively defunct
<courmisch> I think Oracle only really cared about Java, and maybe ZFS?
<Sean_McG> unless you're Fujitsu, supporting exisiting SPARC64 installations.
<Sean_McG> Oracle only cares about ZFS insofar as it benefits their database product
<JEEB> not sure how much ZFS development there actually was in its "upstream"
<Sean_McG> or whatever buys Larry a new yacht
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<JEEB> yea, larry needs many more
<courmisch> yachts are so last century
<courmisch> any self-respecting tech mogul builds space rockets nowadays
<microchip_> Novell holds the UNIX licenses
<Sean_McG> ohhhh right
<Sean_McG> well, they are gone since 2014
<Sean_McG> the Internet says it basically belongs to The Open Group now
<Sean_McG> since August 2021
<Lynne> great, my mail server is bouncing mails from the ML
<Lynne> why is email so horrible?
<Sean_McG> and yet it is the killer app of the Internet
<elenril> Lynne: PEBKAC?
<elenril> email has a lot of cruft, but everything else is worse
<Lynne> even astronomers got rid of it and replaced it with something horrible yet better - kafka
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<Traneptora> texting be like: yo can you come over, nah busy, aight np
<Traneptora> email be like: enclosed please find an invitation for your arrival at my location....
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<Lynne> only both the sender and the receiver are members of the british aristocracy, and they need at least 10 tea parties to discuss it before cordially accepting a message
<Lynne> ten tea parties of talking about the weather, lord allenby, lord allenby's wife's brother's affair, sir johnathan's new statue on shaftesbury avenue and lord henford's recent cruise to egypt
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* Sean_McG giggles.
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<thardin> can someone tell me what the actual purpose of srt:// is? it seems strictly worse than a well tweaked TCP implementation
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<Lynne> mpegts + fec
<thardin> those aren't transport protocols
<Lynne> that's what it was designed to carry
<elenril> thardin: welcome to webscale?
<thardin> or is it possible to tweak it to guaranteed in-order delivery?
<elenril> reinventing strictly worse implementations of the wheel, since 2016
<thardin> there's something called "Too-Late Packet Drop" that seems possible to disable
<thardin> in this specific application it makes little sense to drop packets because the stream is split up into 30 second chunks or so sent to an AI backend, and the entire thing has maybe 2-3 minutes of latency
<Lynne> you get frames out of order?
<Lynne> shouldn't the decoder figure out when to decode them based on DTS?
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<thardin> I doubt SRT is frame aware. I get garbage packets
<thardin> I guess it fills missing data with NUL
<thardin> -tlpktdrop 0 perhaps
<thardin> or &tlpktdrop=0 on the URL even
<JEEB> elenril: but SRT (protocol) was not a web thing :D
<Lynne> use avtransport, rule number 1 is you will never ever get garbage
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<thardin> so far setting that seems to work. it seems with SRT you just have to know the right incantation
<thardin> I sense.. another niche to get into
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