michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<Lynne> JEEB: do you know how the decision for JP TV to use 1440x1080 anamorphic 16x9 video was made?
<Lynne> HDCAM tapes used 3:1:1 (3/4 luma res), and I'm wondering if they settled upon 3:1:1 because of HDCAM, or HDCAM settled on 3:1:1 because of TV
<Lynne> or was it because of TV production and backend was still tied to 4:3 TV?
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<kurosu> Don't know when that happened in JP and FR, but HD started that way as well in FR around 2008-10. Constrained by both bitrate (no statmux afaik) and complexity. So another possibility there?
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<JEEB> Lynne: I don't know the details, but since terrestial had to live with heavy bit rate constraints I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to that. since satellite channels then utilized non-anamorphic.
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<Lynne> complexity? interesting, I thought they just left that to *hardware decoders* to deal with
<JEEB> uhh, not complexity. bit rate constraints
<JEEB> I think it was like 8mbps commonly usable for terrestial, with mpeg-2 video
<JEEB> I think kyoto broadcasting or whatever it was actually utilized non-anamorphic on terrestial and it was absolutely horrible
<JEEB> yup, remembered correctly. KBS did 1920x1080 since 2005 on terrestial and clearly showed why others didn't do it ^^;
<JEEB> ah, kurosu mentioned complexity. I think that might be *encoding* complexity
<JEEB> decoding indeed was generally done with ASICs or (rarely) FPGAs
<Lynne> the pre-x264 era must have been dark
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<cone-133> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:fd69700e5150: lavc/hevcdec: call export_stream_params_from_sei() before ff_get_buffer()
<cone-133> ffmpeg Jiasheng Jiang master:4065ff69a2ed: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Add check for av_packet_new_side_data()
<cone-133> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:99b0c3dc7c53: lavc/hevcdec: do not pass a pixel format to set_sps()
<cone-133> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:5295650655ec: lavc/hevcdec: do not call export_stream_params_from_sei() in update_thread_context()
<cone-133> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:e939f02ce67f: lavc/hevcdec: improve check for PPS changing between slices
<cone-133> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:5861576f39c8: lavc/hevcdec: move export_stream_params() from set_sps() to hevc_frame_start()
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<kurosu> Lynne: there wasn't enough CPU power anyway around 2005, and any encoding delay, eg from framethreading, is frowned upon
<Lynne> yeah, but in 2005, were they even thinking of using anything but hardware encoders?
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<Traneptora> there was an RCE vulnerability discovered in OpenSSH like 24 hours ago. does any of our infrastructure need to have its openssh updated?
<Traneptora> CVE-2024-6387
<JEEB> I think there was an ubuntu 22 in the infra, might be worth just an `apt update && apt list --upgradable` and then install the update(s) and check `systemctl status ssh` that the ssh service was restarted
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<Lynne> Traneptora: no, we run ssh 8.2 which isn't listed as vunerable
<Lynne> at least the main website, mailing lists and samples repo
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<Traneptora> thanks
<JEEB> the ML thread regarding server management maintainers mentioned 22
<JEEB> that's why I said that it might need to get updated
<JEEB> as jammy is noted as affected and fix released
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<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:ab944e06bcac: avcodec/hw_base_encode: add FF_HW_ prefix for two enums
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:3747bf0426a8: avcodec/vaapi_encode: introduce a base layer for vaapi encode
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:dea5204b4136: avcodec/vaapi_encode: add picture type name to base
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:ff06343d7e95: avcodec/vaapi_encode: add async_depth to common options
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:f303c2629252: avcodec/vaapi_encode: move pic->input_surface initialization to encode_alloc
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:aa82340b0ccd: avcodec/vaapi_encode: move the dpb logic from VAAPI to base layer
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:1242abdcee25: avcodec/vaapi_encode: extract the init and close function to base layer
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:3ca740f19ca0: avcodec/vaapi_encode: extract gop configuration and two options to base layer
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:88b70b8883e1: avcodec/vaapi_encode: extract set_output_property to base layer
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:6403ad77e37a: avcodec/vaapi_encode: extract a get_recon_format function to base layer
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:fc25b7866a70: avcodec/vaapi_encode: extract a free funtion to base layer
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:d822146f4fc2: avutil/hwcontext_d3d12va: add Flags for resource creation
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:ba0c14e6bffe: avcodec: add D3D12VA hardware HEVC encoder
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:0ba10f2d750e: Changelog: add D3D12VA HEVC encoder changelog
<cone-340> ffmpeg Tong Wu master:e783e45e29e7: avcodec/hw_base_encode: avoid getting FFHWBaseEncodeContext from avctx
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<Lynne> no, we run ubuntu 20.04 on our main server
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<JEEB> ahh > Nikolay updated the VM patchwork runs on to Ubuntu 22.04 less than a month ago
<JEEB> so that was the 22.04 mention :)
<Lynne> oh, I didn't know patchwork runs elsewhere
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<courmisch_> so QCom optimises glibc by disabling NEON (in memcpy and memset)
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<sdc> x86 simd question: I need to merge results from different computations using masks but I'm actually a bit short on registers -- I was thinking I could temporarily save out a mask to a register using movmskps and then restore it when I need it again? Not sure if there's a better approach
<elenril> avx512?
<sdc> I'm currently trying to target avx2
<elenril> ancient hardware, nobody's using it anymore
<sdc> okay so worth to just go for 512 and use the extra registers then?
* JEEB stares at his zen3
<elenril> I'm mostly joking in case it's unclear, but avx512 has builtin masked operations for everything
<sdc> ahhh okay haha sorry I'm pretty new to simd so went over my head
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<pengvado> sdc: the restore part takes several instructions, there is no simple inverse of movmskps.
<pengvado> if you need to spill, just spill to memory
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<sdc> pengvado: sounds good I'll do that, thank you!
<courmisch_> nah, just deprecate x86 and switch to WASI
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<Traneptora> ramiro: do you have an email address and/or name? I'm formatting the commit and I want to add you with Reported-by: Foo Bar <baz@qux.com>
<Traneptora> unless you don't wish to be
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<Traneptora> found it, you have a commit
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<frankplow> Iain E. Richardson's got a new book coming out, looks like it will use FFmpeg for exercises or something similar: https://www.vcodex.com/coding-video-book
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<elenril> he's accusing us of being well documented
<elenril> that's a first
<courmisch> elenril: it could also be read as "relative (...) well documented"
<courmisch> +ly
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<Daemon404> most people who accuse ffmpeg of being poorly documented have never actually read the docs
<Daemon404> just -h
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<another|> I have read the docs and some things are just not documented. Had to go into source more than once
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<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:ca4ff242d897: MAINTAINERS: Add Timo Rothenpieler to server admins
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:34fd247c3bf0: fftools/ffmpeg: Check read() for failure
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:6398242bb2b9: avcodec/vvc/dec: Check ff_init_cabac_decoder() for failure
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<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:2882d30e3acf: avformat/mov: Check edit list for overflow
<cone-848> ffmpeg Mars Zuo master:09a62a641390: swresample/swresample: Rectify invalid function in the documentation
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:97b2ab15de96: fftools/ffmpeg_enc: simplify opaque_ref check
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:462bd44b032c: fftools/ffmpeg_enc: Initialize fd
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:935d9a57120b: fftools/ffmpeg_enc: Initialize Decoder
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:7b483609076a: fftools/ffmpeg_mux: Remove unneeded initialization
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:68f6063e0470: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: Cleanup on error return in set_dispositions()
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:ed364444f16a: fftools/ffmpeg_sched: Remove dead assignments in sch_dec_send()
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4bca1474157f: fftools/ffplay: Check vulkan_params
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:385784a148d2: avcodec/cbs_jpeg: Try to move the read entity to one side in a test
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4824156fa06b: avformat/img2dec: assert no pipe on ts_from_file
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:d22a33710acb: avcodec/vvc/dec: Remove constant eos_at_start
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:97ae47f9e928: avcodec/vvc/ctu: Remove dead ret check
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:63ecce9ba878: avcodec/vc1_loopfilter: Factor duplicate code in vc1_b_h_intfi_loop_filter()
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:86cd7c68bc65: avcodec/mfenc: check IMFSample_ConvertToContiguousBuffer() for failure
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4c285bb27896: avdevice/dshow: Check ICaptureGraphBuilder2_SetFiltergraph() for failure
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:a469e48b6dd8: avformat/mxfenc: resurrects the error print
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:64df7d4c1ee3: avformat/mov: Check requested_sample before using it
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:ca237a841e9e: avformat/mpeg: Check len in mpegps_probe()
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:0d0373de3bc6: avformat/rdt: Check pkt_len
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:aab0c344c5d1: avfilter/avf_showcwt: Check av_parse_video_rate() for failure
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:34f821e44821: avfilter/drawutils: Fix depthb computation
<cone-848> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:c296d4fdec19: avfilter/vf_avgblur: Check plane instead of AVFrame
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<Marth64> ffmpeg -h
<ramiro> Traneptora: thanks
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