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<kasper93> haasn: there is double av_frame_free(&in) after bb8044581366fe286e16b14515d873979133dbda, are you interested in fixing it?
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<ergZay> Is it possible for ffmpeg to change the default arib subtitle decoder from libaribcaption to libaribb24?
<ergZay> er typo, from libaribb24 to libaribcaption
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<ergZay> libaribcaption has wider format support and libaribb24 doesn't even work for currently being released transport streams from Japanese television
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<Marth64> TIL there is read_seek2
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<Lynne> wonder why the ML's this quiet?
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<courmisch> lynne: homo developerectus is borrowing in their caves to survive the adverse warm season
<courmisch> burrowing*
<Lynne> warm season, and I'm not too far away from actually turning on a heater
<Lynne> I'm writing LDPC matrix optimization code in Vulkan, so I'll get a ~600 watt heater turned on pretty soon
<elenril> 32-35 predicted for tomorrow
<elenril> AC week it is
<Lynne> despite the codes being pure binary, decoding's float-based and uses atanh(), and I figure I can even find a use for the GPU's tensor units
<Lynne> lucky you
<elenril> [disputed]
<courmisch> 18° windy
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<haasn> kasper93: i saw, will fix
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<kasper93> haasn: thanks, generally vf_scale error handling is iffy, there are also sws context leaks.
<JEEB> vf_scale, the lovely ol' filter >_>
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<cone-215> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:ff55d1cc2078: fftools/ffmpeg_dec: improve detection of lavf-guessed durations
<cone-215> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:10185e2d4c1e: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: default to input timebase for streamcopy
<cone-215> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:9fb8d13d56f2: lavf: deprecate avformat_transfer_internal_stream_timing_info()
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<haasn> not sure if it wouldn't be cleaner to just use *frame_out = av_frame_clone(in); here
<haasn> kasper93: where do you see an sws context leak?
<kasper93> haasn: cannot run it now, but for example this will leak allocated context https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/9fb8d13d56f20728141fd7070d8a325720727d57/libavfilter/vf_scale.c#L725-L726
<kasper93> also this, https://0x0.st/XMzu.txt, not sure it is the same, haven't looked
<kasper93> (vf_scale.c#L725-L726 in fact does not leak, because the alloc is attached to ScaleContext, but still I see reports from this, so something is bad further on)
<haasn> Odd, since uninit() should take care of them
<kasper93> Try with some big scale like `-vf scale=12:2147483647` to make init fail due to overflows, that could also be fixed at some point
<kasper93> to be specific `./ffmpeg_g -i t.mkv -vf scale=12:2147483647 -f null /dev/null` is enough to reproduce leaks
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<courmisch> Lynne: tensor units? you mean bf16 stuff?
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<courmisch> annoying how most scalar product and matrix FMA stuff seems to only support 8x8 multiplies
<courmisch> (to be fair Arm SVE seems to have 16x16)
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<Lynne> courmisch: no, they also support i8*i8 -> i16
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<cone-149> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:85706f5136cf: avutil/hwcontext_videotoolbox: Fix version check
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<Lynne> and f32*f32 -> f64
<Lynne> bf16 hasn't been *that* well supported in consumer/workstation hardware until rdna3/ada
<Lynne> also vulkan still doesn't have a way to expose bf16... for now
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<haasn> kasper93: this is actually a leak in swscale
<haasn> fixed
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<cone-149> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:3606e592ea23: lavc/h264dsp: R-V V 8-bit h264_weight_pixels
<cone-149> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:f1ed351d3b3c: lavc/h264dsp: R-V V 8-bit h264_biweight_pixels
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<j-b> good morning
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Lynne: Very sorry for the absense, I read your email. I got a bit stuck on the null issue last week trying to debug it so I moved to makign the quant shader 2 days ago to get some more progress. Almost finished with that
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<Lynne> the null issue should be trivial to solve
<IndecisiveTurtle> I saw the hwc pointer you mentioned but I wasn't sure if the hwctx member of it is the same as the one FFVulkanContext needed, as its type erased. Searched for references and found only hwcontext_vulkan setting it during init, but that was in its private context that can't access. It's strange as certain filters that use vulkan have FFVulkanContext as a member of private data and don't appear to init hwctx either
<Lynne> AVCodecContext
<Lynne> its required to have a valid frames context set for encoding
<Lynne> and you can always get a device context from a frame context
<Lynne> and even if you couldn't for whatever reason, you can always get a frame context from the avframe given as an input
<IndecisiveTurtle> I'm trying to create some buffers during encoder init so is using frames possible for that?
<IndecisiveTurtle> The coefficient buffer for each plane and a ubo for quant LUTs
<Lynne> if you're not trying to do something proper you can do that upon a first frame in, you're still far off from encoding multiple frames
<Lynne> oh no
<Lynne> you don't need quant LUTs
<Lynne> just divide by the quantizer
<Lynne> unless you mean the actual quantization index -> quantizer LUTs, then yeah
<IndecisiveTurtle> The qmagic_lut
<IndecisiveTurtle> And ff_dirac_qscale_tab
<IndecisiveTurtle> They are q_m/q_a
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<IndecisiveTurtle> The strange thing to me is, why do filters work when not setting the hwctx member that is what I don't understand honestly
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<IndecisiveTurtle> For example I saw vf_gblur_vulkan
<IndecisiveTurtle> In no place does it set the hwctx member of its vulkan context
<IndecisiveTurtle> Or probably I didn't find it
<Lynne> you don't need qmagic_luts
<Lynne> just do coeff/quantization_index instead
<IndecisiveTurtle> I see, will do
<Lynne> it'll save you debugging, and it can always be added in the future, the magic luts are just faster ways of doing integer division
<Lynne> let's start from the start
<Lynne> which field is not set?
<IndecisiveTurtle> The AVVulkanDeviceContext *hwctx member of FFVulkanContext
<IndecisiveTurtle> Any function that uses it will crash
<Lynne> ah, you're supposed to set that one
<Lynne> check out libavcodec/vulkan_decode.c:1153
<IndecisiveTurtle> I got confused because filters didn't appear to set it so thought I was doing something wrong elsewhere
<Lynne> filters have a common initialization routine in libavfilter/vulkan_filter.c which sets up the context and everything they need
<IndecisiveTurtle> Ah I see so it's only supported in decoders
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<Lynne> to initialize the context yourself, you have to set s->frames_ref, s->frames, s->hwfc, s->device, and s->hwctx
<Lynne> all of this can be done with any AVBufferRef to hwfc you find
<IndecisiveTurtle> Let me try now
<Lynne> you'll also need to copy the ctx->s.extensions code from libavcodec/vulkan_decode.c:652 to set the extensions
<Lynne> so, do ctx->s.extensions = ff_vk_extensions_to_mask, call ff_vk_load_functions, set the 5 fields I pasted up, call ff_vk_load_props and you'll have a fully initialized context
<IndecisiveTurtle> Thanks, hope it runs after this, I've added the dispatches to haar shader and basic encoding shader. The latter will definitely need some decoding but its mostly a straight copy of cpu code with (1, 1, 1) workgroup size. Do I need to wait for the submit to finish for each frame or just let it?
<IndecisiveTurtle> *debugging
<IndecisiveTurtle> You can see the work I've done here btw https://github.com/raphaelthegreat/FFmpeg/tree/vc2_enc not the prettiest but I will clean it up
<Lynne> yes, you'll need to wait, just call ff_vk_exec_pool_init() with nb_contexts == 1
<Lynne> err, nevermind
<Lynne> just call ff_vk_exec_wait after submit
<IndecisiveTurtle> Oki will do
<IndecisiveTurtle> Ah I wanted to ask another thing but forgot initially, regarding the shader integration I got some questions. I tried copying the code from in the makefile that generates headers for them but it didn't seem to work, I got link errors when defining the extern strings.
<IndecisiveTurtle> So I hardcoded them in the source files for now. Another thing is that I noticed calls to ff_vk_pipeline_descriptor_set_add will actually emit glsl themselves for the descriptors which we probably don't want in this case, any way to avoid this or actually does this even matter?
<Lynne> you can paste shaders
<Lynne> so you shouldn't hardcode descriptors
<IndecisiveTurtle> Hm I see, so I should remove the descriptors from the shader and let the descriptor add them for me
<Lynne> yes
<Lynne> just call GLSLD(source);
<IndecisiveTurtle> Understood, will fix this too
<Lynne> to fix linking errors, you have to add the shader file you added as a dependency to the encoder
<Lynne> libavcodec/Makefile, OBJS... vc2enc_vulkan.o <other deps> vulkan/<shader_name>.o
<IndecisiveTurtle> If my shader name is dwt.comp do I name it dwt.o or dwt_comp.o
<Lynne> dwt.o
<IndecisiveTurtle> Hm seems like it doesn't recognize either, anything else I need to add?
<IndecisiveTurtle> At the bottom of the makefile I have added the lines that call source2c
<Lynne> doesn't recognize it?
<Lynne> it fails building due to linking, or due to another error?
<IndecisiveTurtle> Looks like I made a silly copy error in writing it, issue resolved sorry :P
<IndecisiveTurtle> For UBOs with multiple structs do I need to add them all in a single line in buf_content?
<IndecisiveTurtle> Eh not multiple structs but a struct with many arrays as members
<Lynne> check out what libavfilter/vf_nlmeans_vulkan.c does
<Lynne> it just has pointers to all buffers the shader needs in pushconst
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<Lynne> not sure what you mean by many arrays?
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<IndecisiveTurtle> I was looking at that just now actually. Seems to define a bunch of buffers but buf_contets is just a single line with a float array i.e float weights_3[]
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<IndecisiveTurtle> I removed qmagic_lut but still need to pass the other ones (ff_dirac_qscale_tab, quant) I think, so I chose UBO as its read only.
<Lynne> sure
<IndecisiveTurtle> So do I need to make them separate bindings like that filter or I was wondering if I can have a single UBO with both
<Lynne> just use separate bindings
<IndecisiveTurtle> Oki thanks will do
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