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<jamrial> mkver: oh wow, function signature changes
<jamrial> on x265_encoder_encode() of all things
<mkver> I don't even know why. If you need multiple x265 pictures, you can access an array of x265 pictures via an ordinary pointer (provided that the caller uses an array and not a single picture).
<mkver> Does this change mean that libx265 now allocates x265_picture for the caller?
<mkver> And why was there no discussion about this here: https://mailman.videolan.org/pipermail/x265-devel/2024-August/013748.html
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<mkver> jamrial: The function signature change is not the only thing. The second patch changes x265_picture (the planes and stride arrays get a fourth member), breaking ABI again. They clearly don't know a thing about ABI compatibility.
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<Lynne> we could make it experimental, or put a version cap in configure + a version check during runtime
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<jamrial> i'm ok marking it as experimental, but it'd not the first external dep that would require preprocessor checks to support new versions
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<cone-706> ffmpeg Fei Wang master:eab4a9e9f8ae: lavu/hwcontext_qsv: Use vendor id to create device
<cone-706> ffmpeg Fei Wang master:dbd74ba3c8f2: lavu/hwcontext_vaapi: Add option to allow to specify vendor id when init hw device
<cone-706> ffmpeg Fei Wang master:cda5f5c5ed6d: lavc/qsv: Use vendor id to create device
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<j-b> ePirat: sure
<j-b> ePirat: everywhere
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<haasn> courmisch: iirc you said something about mf8 not being available on 32 bit RISCV?
<haasn> Is that still the case, even on systems with VLEN >= 256?
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<courmisch> haasn: no, but EMUL must be no less than EEW/ELEN, and it is hard to conceive ELEN=64 on RV32
<haasn> Oh okay, that makes perfect sense and does not represent an issue at all
<haasn> Wait EEW, not VLEN?
<haasn> "Future extensions may allow ELEN > VLEN by holding one element using bits from multiple vector registers, but this current proposal does not include this option."
<haasn> TIL
<courmisch> well it means that mf8 requires Zve64x, but not rv64 per se
<haasn> where is that in the spec?
<courmisch> that's a lemma, I don't think it's explicitly in the spec
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<haasn> oh I see, zve64x is both e64 and vlen >= 64
<haasn> but it's still technically possible for a 32 bit system to have vlen 64 without supporting e64
<haasn> so as long as we check the vlen and dispatch the correct lmul there's not an issue
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