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<cone-143> ffmpeg James Almer master:210740b4ed4a: avutil/frame: use the maximum compile time supported alignment for strides
<cone-143> ffmpeg James Almer master:49a6e448d7c7: avformat/movenc: use stream indexes when generating track ids
<cone-143> ffmpeg James Almer master:94165d1b79d3: avformat/iamf: use aligned intreadwrite macros where possible
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<Lynne> jamrial: did my latest email show up normally?
<jamrial> No
<jamrial> actually, it seems all your patches for a long time have been like this
<Lynne> I'll figure something out after I sleep
<Lynne> (something out == postfix + doveshit probably)
<Lynne> or when someone else is annoyed
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<rajivharlalka> can there be a possibility that MSE calculation on ffmpeg and matlab be different?
<rajivharlalka> I have a EXR image and on matlab, while calculating the PSNR the MSE is turning out to be 40.5739
<rajivharlalka> whereas dumping the same EXR and calculating the PSNR: it turns to inf since the MSE is 0
<rajivharlalka> s/a EXR/two EXR image
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<j-b> VDD24 registration form https://framaforms.org/vdd-2024-1723106137
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<cone-202> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:d2a25dc2bfcd: add tools/target_swr_fuzzer
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<thardin> *occupied Korea
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<elenril> >Please wait for approval before booking any transportation.
<elenril> >wants to know which nights to book for
<elenril> :?
<JEEB> o_O
<JEEB> or well, I kinda understand from the point if someone gets NAK'd
<JEEB> and they depended on certain things
<Lynne> 21h travel time, ticket prices are high, this is russia's fault, isn't it?
<JEEB> gone from 8 or so hours to 11-13 hours here
* elenril wonders how is taiwan in november
<JEEB> october supposedly is stable
<JEEB> november probably too?
<JEEB> I'll need to also go there september or later
<elenril> 12 hours HEL-ICN
<elenril> for 644€
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<JEEB> yup, that's for no luggage
<JEEB> but yea, kinda nice that those <700€ prices still exist
<courmisch> elenril: you need to wait and let ME buy the cheap tickets first, hmm kay?
<JEEB> :)
<Lynne> direct flights are 2x more expensive than random transfers
<courmisch> Lynne: yeah, ICN is pretty badly located when you can't overfly Mordor
<courmisch> PEK is worse, and XIY is even worst, but those were never VDD candidates. Of those, ICN is probably the worst
<Lynne> it could've been japan again...
<courmisch> it's also pretty badly affected
<JEEB> Lynne: so you have ~400€ option with luggage? considering that I think HEL-ICN without me being somewhere else in EU (which usually makes things cheaper) was ~880€ .
<courmisch> and you can always buy a ticket from GMP to .jp on your own dime
<courmisch> JEEB: cheapest ex-HEL is 721€/RT I think? (without bag)
<JEEB> gotcha
<Lynne> JEEB: no, I'd have to transfer through HEL
<courmisch> but that's not on the "optimal" conf-only days
<Lynne> no cheap options
<j-b> basically, if you fly from Europe, try to find something under 800€
<j-b> I need to avoid having 15 1500€ flights like a few people did a few years ago
<JEEB> ouch
<courmisch> only way to avoid that: 1) put a price limit and 2) put a booking time limit
<JEEB> Lynne: but yea japan is similar. the only positive bit is that for tokyo you might get the north pole experience (although during VDD time it would be *dark* )
<courmisch> JEEB: implying ICN is always the South route?
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> like osaka
<courmisch> I haven't checked, TBH
<Lynne> you can get that north pole experience anywhere I think, with a long enough exposure time
<j-b> elenril: Daemon404: ePirat: jdek: haasn: ramiro: you are approved for travel, as long as you try to keep it under 800€
<j-b> or not far
<courmisch> the North pole experience is overrated, you just get a cardboard sign with Finnair branding
<j-b> JEEB: Lynne: I don't see your registration
<haasn> I got tickets for about 700
<JEEB> j-b: I'm writing it down atm
<haasn> via finnair
<j-b> courmisch: same
<Lynne> same
<Daemon404> j-b, i did not appyl for travel ;P
<JEEB> I need to still check the cheap days for AY
<j-b> Daemon404: good point
<JEEB> so I can check the night checkboxes
<j-b> you can adjust the checkboxes after
<j-b> as usual
<jdek> j-b: got the same as haasn
<JEEB> ah, forgot that I can modify things :P
<j-b> we got time, for once, the thing is announced more than 2months in advance.
<JEEB> yea, I like it
<j-b> Daemon404: do we do a RFP for talks?
<courmisch> now we need to add another rule that max 5 VDD attended on a single flight, so we don't end OSS multimedia if there is a crash
<JEEB> whomever did the hard work, good job
<j-b> courmisch: lol
<j-b> JEEB: actually, no idea who did.
<ePirat> j-b, got the same flight as jdek
<Daemon404> j-b, i dont know anything about organizing confs lol
<j-b> JEEB: not a joke.
<Daemon404> maybe? yes? no?
<j-b> Daemon404: come on
<j-b> JEEB: ask Lynne.
<Daemon404> RFP could attract Company People if useful
<courmisch> Request for Host, you mean?
<Daemon404> thats for next year ;)
<j-b> Daemon404: it is.
<courmisch> well, dunno. VDD in Silly Con valley seems like a bad idea budget-wise, even if free host
<JEEB> j-b: so if the checkboxen can be modified later, here goes :)
<Daemon404> america vdd cant happen anyway
<Daemon404> half the attendees wont ever enter the usa
<courmisch> VDD in YVR also bad idea budget-wise
<Lynne> all I did was ask around for someone, and connected
<JEEB> nice
<Lynne> speaking of I should send the URL to the organizer
<courmisch> I can enter the USA with my employer, so I don't completely buy the argument but whatever
<Daemon404> i wonder if Mr. OS/2 will attend
<j-b> Daemon404: a short RFP document and an email for RFP is great.
<Lynne> its still 3 months away
<Lynne> that's a quarter of a year
<JEEB> it's good to have a buffer and just cron-automate the later reminder emails for deadline
<Daemon404> most confs do RFC 6-8 months out, so 3 months is "short"
<Daemon404> that said, all talks get written 12 hrs before
<JEEB> reminds me of when I never seemingly got a clear response whether I would talk or not until I saw my name in the program
<courmisch> there is no checkbox for liba52, libdca and libmpeg2. This means boycott
<JEEB> ebin :D
<Daemon404> j-b, are you asking me to write a doc?
<Daemon404> or rather parapgraph
<JEEB> Daemon404: just an email
<Daemon404> email to whom =p
<JEEB> is how I parsed it. probably MLs?
<Daemon404> the Company People will need a paste somewhere else
<Daemon404> like slack
<Daemon404> normally id say somewhere like twitter, but twitter is dead
<j-b> Daemon404: yes, so we can put that on the webpage
<j-b> and then, where to apply
<Daemon404> "email jb@v.o"
* Daemon404 runs
<j-b> pretty much
<courmisch> hotels seem Not Cheap in the area
<j-b> we won't be in the area, I think
<Daemon404> i am staying in seoul proper
<Daemon404> not the university boonies
<Daemon404> (i already booked)
<Daemon404> trains exist and i will take one to the uni
<courmisch> Daemon404: but is it any cheaper downtown?
<courmisch> I'd expect it to be worse
<Daemon404> no but it is nicer and closer to stuff.
<Daemon404> worth checking
<JEEB> oh right, I wonder how much the place I liked is nowadays
<Daemon404> i, in fact, booked the same hotel i stayed in in 201 ;p
<Daemon404> 2018*
<Daemon404> because i liked it
<Daemon404> so why change
<courmisch> sounds like my hotel room will be charged to Remlab, meaning tax office pays one half and I pay the other half
<JEEB> Daemon404: I know that feeling very well
<courmisch> where is the Salmiak-intolerant option
<courmisch> how do I edit my form entry
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<JEEB> the done URL does contain a sid and a token, but the go back button has a reset form :D
<Lynne> see what I mean? its still months away, its not tickets for a concert which are sold out by the time they're for sale
<courmisch> even with the SID and token, I can't get back to existing entry
<courmisch> I *think* AY is having a sale now though
<JEEB> yea, the prices are a bit on the cheap side
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<Marth64> ICN lounges have good food
<Marth64> at least back in 2017
<Marth64> also I remember it being a very clean airport
<JEEB> that it was in 2022 as well
<JEEB> also I liked the videos on the train to seoul
<JEEB> dokdo information displays :)
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<cone-818> ffmpeg Kacper Michajłow master:b534e402d8c4: avformat/mov: ensure required number of bytes is read
<cone-818> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:c95ea0310468: avformat/wtvdec: clear sectors
<cone-818> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:c390234da2e3: avformat/wtvdec: Check length of read mpeg2_descriptor
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<ePirat> j-b, should I send the VDD link to the OBS Studio person btw?
<Lynne> who? derrod?
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<ePirat> Lynne, I think so
<Lynne> you don't know?
<ePirat> havent memorized every persons nickname across various platforms
<ePirat> Lynne, just checked, yes
<Lynne> would you mind if do it, I have to talk to him about avtrasport anyway
<ePirat> sure, no problem
<another|> hmm... at what time will the community bonding activity on Friday be? roughly?
<Lynne> ...3 months away
<another|> well...
<Lynne> ah, you must be waiting for your car to be delivered that day, or maybe you have a plumber coming in
<another|> I mean at what time of day. I arrived in the afternoon in Dublin and couldn't participate
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<mkver> Great, x265 broke its ABI and API.
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<mkver> elenril was right: It should be experimental.