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<kurosu> re sfence and the movntdq* familly, yes, GPU. I remember nevcairiel chiming in some years ago when the same topic was brought. He might be someone with a better opinion or better facts than I
<nevcairiel> that was limited to those gpu-specific copy functions though, no idea about any asm in sws
<nevcairiel> trying to use sws straight on gpu memory seems like an adventure
<nevcairiel> also, make the gpu do pixel shuffling, thats what they are good at
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<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> libplacebo is a good example of that :)
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<cone-858> ffmpeg Gyan Doshi master:d55f5cba7b1f: avfilter/trim: flag trim filter as metadata only
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<ramiro> is there already a macro for aarch64 neon that loads a 32-bit immediate and replicates it 4 times in a vector?
<Lynne> not really, I'd suggest just putting it in rodata
<Lynne> I believe ld1r had worse timings on some chips, so I suggest just splatting it in an entire vector in rodata
<BtbN> Is it valid to send 0 bytes via tcp? Pretty much only as a "would this block" check
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<ramiro> Lynne: thanks, I'll do that
<Lynne> BtbN: may conflict with the return code for ancillary data only
<Lynne> on the receive side
<BtbN> hm, so it would send an empty packet?
<Lynne> either that, or clients would interpret it as only receiving an ancillary data about something they subscribed
<BtbN> Annoying, no idea how to sensibly implement non-blocking tls writes then
<BtbN> For reading it's easy enough, but for writes, I see no clear solution
<Lynne> I think it should be fine to send zero-sized packets, some voip systems rely on this for dtx
<BtbN> it's ugly though
<BtbN> specially because it's absolutely possible to check for blocking, it's just that our avformat layer does not implement it
<BtbN> Basically, I'd want this function to bail right there: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavformat/tcp.c#L311
<ramiro> and which is best, "mov x3, xzr" or "mov x3, #0"?
<BtbN> hm, actually. That seems to be the wrong way around
<Lynne> ramiro: I'd prefer the former
<ramiro> Lynne: thanks
<jdek> latter is overwhelmingly preferred by current code
<Lynne> I have no strong opinion, if that's how it is
<courmisch> movz x3, #0x0000
<courmisch> you never know, better have many zeroes
<ramiro> you can never have too many zeros...
<courmisch> movz x3, #0x0000, lsl 0
<courmisch> or if you are running an obfuscation context: .word 0xd2800003
<ramiro> can anyone check some neon code I wrote? I'm sure it can be optimized (maybe merging multiply and add, or using rshrn to shift and narrow at the same time, or some other way to pack two vectors into one): https://github.com/ramiropolla/ffmpeg/commit/4770f8b8fd48251a1b0d0556be78b31c0d13dacd
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