michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<courmisch> they want 5k$ for a one time landing page. That sounds fair for B2B but...
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<nevcairiel> thats a sales pitch? i was kinda thinking its a community contribution
<courmisch> I wouldn't know. I hadn't watched the video at that point.
<courmisch> Having done it now, he's ambiguous, saying he'd welcome getting in touch but unclear if/how he'd expect to be compensated
<courmisch> in any case, the rest of the site would need to be updated too, so while it looks nice, it's not usable as is, I'm afraid
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<frankplow> Looks like that website is under MIT license here: https://github.com/bufferhead-code/redesigning-ffmpeg
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<JEEB> oh wow, draft of latest MPEG-H Audio is actually public https://www.mpeg.org/wp-content/uploads/mpeg_meetings/147_Sapporo/w24059.zip
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<Lynne> wonder if it's got more xHE-AAC fixes
<JEEB> USAC coding tools are in a separate spec, same for the USAC packet format I think?
<Lynne> MPEG-H's codebase is based off of xHE-AAC, and since its in active development, it finds out issues first
<JEEB> which is all annoying since it means that by just having the MPEG-H Audio spec, it's just referring to stuff :D
<Lynne> they've probably removed some coding tools, but I know for a fact they've kept the placebo stereo tool
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<BBB> we should ask the guy to submit upstream :)
<BBB> and kieran (?)'s response: https://x.com/FFmpeg/status/1804172708952883368
<elenril> "modern" web design sucks
<BBB> it may not be for you, but many users love this sort of stuff
<BBB> think of it as marketing
<elenril> it's objectively worse
<BBB> that's an opinion. I like the look of it
<elenril> "i like the look" is an opinion
<elenril> "it's twice the size and has less information density" is an objective fact
<elenril> we don't do marketing, we do technology
<sfan5> but you need to market the technology
<elenril> do we?
<elenril> we control the market already
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<sfan5> it's also e.g. for attracting new devs
<Lynne> its modern alright, there's 2/3rds of a horizontal screen being unused
<Lynne> these days I mostly browse on my vertical screen as a result, even though it looks awful for text because pixel groups are the wrong way
<elenril> sfan5: I'd like to attract devs who care about technological excellence, not latest fads
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<sfan5> well I agree the design could be less "look at this app this guy from SF just coded up on his macbook"
<sfan5> otoh maybe moving away from mailing lists would do more in that regard ;)
<kasper93> attracting new devs << I wouldn't want to atract new devs based on some marketing landing page fluff
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<kasper93> I think attracting new devs is not a problem, the problem is working with them, I think it is quote common quote that you can find in multiple forks of ffmpeg
<kasper93> > I gave up getting the patches into ffmpeg
<JEEB> yea improving that part of the development experience for both contributors and reviewers is one of those things that could have nice gains
* Sean_McG peeks in
<BBB> elenril: "we control the market" is what a monopolist would say
<BBB> I acknowledge that what I say is just an opinion, but when it comes to this, I disagree with you
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<elenril> you say it like it's a bad thing
<BBB> being a monopolist?
<elenril> yes, whatever you mean by that word
<BBB> depends on whether you're the monopolist or its competitor
<elenril> we have an effective monopoly and IMO we have very little need to market to the kinds of people swayed by the shiny
<Lynne> we don't have a monopoly
<Lynne> gstreamer is sadly the more preferred option on linux
<elenril> IME we don't really compete in the same markets
<elenril> or "markets"
<JEEB> at least gstreamer seems to be the thing that apparently gets you €€€ in multimedia consulting
<BBB> and remember gpac "sharing" our NAB booth?
<BBB> it's nice that everyone uses ffmpeg, but if all the money goes to gst and gpac, then ... maybe we're doing something wrong after all
<BBB> and yes I believe marketing affects $$$
<elenril> I don't disagree that eating gstreamer's lunch would be good, but I'm not convnced this is an effective way to do it
<elenril> nor that chasing all the $$$ at any cost is in the project's best interests
<JEEB> yea. it was just mentioned because clearly in the multimedia landscape there are other things. of course many of them also utilize avcodec etc as modules. also nowadays a lot of decoders and encoders are in their own projects (dav1d being the best example of that)
<JEEB> so we're one of the major frameworks for multimedia, but I don't think we have a monopoly
<BBB> Lynne has always said he doesn't think dav1d should be its own thing
<BBB> sorry, she
<BBB> (autotypo, screw me)
<BBB> and I Think she's right, in a way
<elenril> it obviously should be merged into lavc
<elenril> and it is going to happen
<BBB> perhaps yes maybe /me runs
<elenril> I'm also wondering about merging libx264
<BBB> someone's on fire today
<BBB> shall we also merge avm?
<JEEB> > research code
<elenril> aom?
<elenril> or is that something else
<JEEB> avm is aom2
<JEEB> or aom-ng
<elenril> eeew
<BBB> avm, the model for av...next
<BBB> you're not allowed to say av2 yet, it's a secret name
<BBB> I guess the real question is ... if we make a decoder for avnext, should it be in dav1d or should it be its own project?
<BBB> (before someone merges it in ffmpeg, ofc)
<elenril> the point is that x264 is stable, widely used, and has little activity these days
<jamrial> but it's gpl
<elenril> we do have gpl code
<Lynne> its not key code, its mostly just asm
<BBB> how much $ to relicense?
<BBB> we've relicensed filters
<Lynne> ask jdarnley
<JEEB> x264 is already under dual licensing structure, so I'm not sure if there was community benefit for it being LGPL instead of GPL
<jamrial> BBB: too many contributors
<JEEB> LGPL would mostly allow closed source applications to utilize it, which they can already do with the commercial licensing option
<jdarnley> I did once agree to relicense my contributions to yadif to allow it to be LGPL. These days I might only agree to AGPL
<elenril> stick it to da man
<jdarnley> I think I agreed to the change for 1000 eurobucks so that might be the ballpark figure for a few assembly functions
<jdarnley> For relicensing all of x264 I'd say itd be over a million. And anyone with amount of cash might as well just buy it outright.
<Lynne> what about the flac enc asm?
<jdarnley> That's gpl
<Lynne> yeah, wasn't that the question?
<jdarnley> "How much to relicense that?"
<kasper93> funny, how you say ffmpeg has monopoly, but clearly does not control the market. I guess definition of "monopoly" may differ for you.
<courmisch> eh, no fair having the trolls during office hours so I can't particiate
<courmisch> +p
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<Marth64> new website prototype is nice but idk seems too marketing-ish
<Marth64> + js framework nightmares
<Daemon404> that's because it is a cookie cutter San Francisco Startup website
<JEEB> ^
<Marth64> yes not my thing
<Marth64> but its visually appealing, i don't deny
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<Lynne> ...if we were a san francisco startup, what would the lobby contain, and what would the fridge be filled with?
<Daemon404> vc money, and vc money
<jdarnley> A scuplture of the zig-zag and ... white claw monster?
<Sean_McG> Perrier water?
<courmisch> reminds me, if I had kept all my NVDA stock, I would have $12M now (pretax)
<courmisch> oh well
<Sean_McG> courmisch: wow, damn
<jamrial> Lynne: a huge couch in the form of the logo
<courmisch> could retire and do OSS for the rest of my career
<JEEB> yea, it has risen during the last 10 years quite a bit
<courmisch> in total, I got 3000+ units over 4 years
<jamrial> last year was the biggest jump afaik
<courmisch> but those were divided by 40 since then
<Daemon404> biggest jAImp
<jamrial> yeah
<Lynne> I'd vote for a rat maze in the form of an ffmpeg logo, and the fridge would be filled with ayran
<courmisch> I should sue the guy who caused me to be fired
<elenril> huh, intel stock sure looks bad
<courmisch> isn't stock supposed to go up when you announce layoffs?
<Marth64> retro computing museum to run fate test on old architecture?
<courmisch> how about museum runs FFmpeg 7 and we remove historical CISC architectures like x86-64?
<courmisch> also isn't Intel's foundry business swmimming in government monies?
<jamrial> courmisch: yes, but also down when news that half your the chips in the market are fautly
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<courmisch> jamrial: old news
<courmisch> besides, CISC is faulty by design :D
<jamrial> risc propaganda
<JEEB> risky risque risc
<Daemon404> better than CRWD
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<cone-508> ffmpeg Roman Arzumanyan master:bcea693f75da: avcodec/cuviddec: more accurately guess probed sw pixel format
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<cone-508> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:670ff6c7ce0c: avcodec/nvenc: rework on DTS generation
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<cone-508> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:afd45c7ff74c: lavc/h264dsp: stick R-V V biweight to 16-bit
<cone-508> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont master:677f28b310ac: lavc/h264dsp: stick R-V V weight to 16-bit precision
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<cone-508> ffmpeg Shiyou Yin release/7.0:abd5df3033de: swscale: [loongarch] Fix checkasm-sw_yuv2rgb failure.
<cone-508> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.0:f2145744a2e2: avformat/iamf_parse: Check for 0 samples
<cone-508> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.0:8b0cf8ab3174: avcodec/utils: apply the same alignment to YUV410 as we do to YUV420 for snow
<cone-508> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.0:679a572e44e5: avcodec/snow: Fix off by 1 error in run_buffer
<cone-508> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.0:e3a61e910306: Update for 7.0.2
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<cone-508> ffmpeg Rémi Denis-Courmont n7.0.2:HEAD: lavc/h264dsp: stick R-V V weight to 16-bit precision
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