jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<jaeger> What errors exactly?
<jaeger> If they're long you can use something like pastebin.com or ix.io
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<fishe> is asciidoc failing to compile for anyone else?
<farkuhar> fishe: what kind of compilation errors are you seeing with asciidoc?
<fishe> a2x: xmllint returned non-zero exit status 4
<farkuhar> some of its dependencies have post-install scripts, which are needed to finalize the setup. Make sure you run those post-install scripts.
<fishe> did some googling and it should work if i can find a way to remove the nonet option, but it means im missing a package
<fishe> ah ok
<fishe> only dependencies for it are docbook-xsl and python, ran the post-install for docbook but it still errors when it runs xmllint
<farkuhar> there should also be a post-install script for docbook-xml
<fishe> running that one makes it work
<fishe> thanks!
<fishe> is there a good way to know when a package has a post-install, beyond just checking a package's dependencies if it fails compiling?
<farkuhar> you could run `find /usr/ports -name post-install` to identify such ports. If you trust all the port maintainers whose updates you receive via ports -u, then you can just set "runscripts yes" in /etc/prt-get.conf and those scripts will be executed automatically.
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<fishe> ah
<ppetrov^> fishe, don't you use prt-get?
<fishe> yes?
<ppetrov^> you can set it up so it automatically runs the install scripts
<ppetrov^> sop you do not need to pass --install-scripts every time
<ppetrov^> runscripts yes
<ppetrov^> in /etc/prt-get.conf
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<fishe> my dumb ass just managed to delete prt-get.conf instead of running vim
<ppetrov^> what if you reinstall prt-get?
<tilman> fishe: "the keys are like next to each other" :D
<fishe> nah
<fishe> i rely too much on autocomplete, went into vim on "prt-get." so I exited vim, but I pressed w instead of q
<fishe> so then i rm `/etc/prt-get.` and use the up arrow to do it for the actual file like a dumbass
<joacim> mcomix got a 2.x release with python 3 support
<joacim> thats in addition to the previous mcomix3 fork.
<joacim> wonder which one will stick
<joacim> handles right to left a lot better than yacreader i think
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<ichi> > <ichi> i installed crux and its all good so far but i try to install i3 and i3status and it gives me an error
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<ichi> <ichi> i enabled contrib
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<ichi> <@jaeger> What errors exactly?
<ichi> <@jaeger> If they're long you can use something like pastebin.com or ix.io
<ichi> it wasnt really long, im not booted into crux right now but it said there was like a dependancy it couldnt find in my repos, idk how to join any others besides those ones as the others dont have a .inactive file, i found some sync files on the website but i have no idea how to use them, once i get the crux install to a point i can boot into an environment it will be great
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