jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<fishe> @SiFuh: Even after a full reinstall I'm still getting 404's on packages from your repo
<fishe> It looks like it's only the ones that download from sourceforge which is weird
<SiFuh> Sourceforge is a pain
<SiFuh> It does a lot of redirects
<SiFuh> Which ports?
<fishe> All of the ones that use sourceforge have the issue for me
<fishe> sox, eigen3-plugins, etc
<SiFuh> I don't have those in my repo
<SiFuh> Sure they are not a dependency from another repo?
<fishe> Oh, those are in contrib
<fishe> facepalm
<fishe> libdv uses sourceforge to get the tarball from but it downloads fine
<fishe> But then there are the ports like sox that point somewhere wrong
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<fishe> Regarding the Sox port, I've gotten it to download correctly by using "https://sourceforge.net/code-snapshots/git/s/so/$name/code.git/$xtarget.zip"
<fishe> instead of "https://sourceforge.net/code-snapshots/git/s/so/${name}/code.git/\${xtarget}.zip"
<fishe> Can anyone check if sox in contrib builds properly for them? Entirely plausible that something is wrong with my install
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<farkuhar> fishe: =======> Building '/usr/pkgmk/packages/sox#20211029-1.pkg.tar.xz' succeeded.
<fishe> So something is broken on my end
<fishe> I have no clue why, but it 404s a lot of sourceforge links
<fishe> Just tried it again and I have no clue why but now it's working
<fishe> What should I do when there's a signature mismatch?
<fishe> "MISMATCH signify"
<SiFuh> sourceforge.net/code-snapshots/git/s/so/sox/code.git/sox-code-42b3557e13e0fe01a83465b672d89faddbe65f49.zip
<SiFuh> I just tested the URL and it downloaded fine
<jaeger> what actually got downloaded? Is it a zip file or something else?
<SiFuh> fishe: ^
<fishe> im not actually sure what was downloaded, it kinda just started working
<fishe> ladspa is giving me ssl cert errors when I try to install it though
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<fishe> i reinstalled so i wouldn't break things again and i seem to already have broken things
<jaeger> Are you able to install ANY ports or is it only sourceforge downloads breaking?
<fishe> Most sf ports
<jaeger> Can you run 'file' on one of the downloads?
<jaeger> ladspa.org has something wrong with their SSL cert, that's on their end
<jaeger> You could grab the ladspa source via HTTP or from one of the distfile mirrors in the meantime
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<fishe> @jaeger: It didn't download a file when it was 404'ing because it couldn't reach the page
<fishe> I have no clue what changed but it looks like sf mirrors are working now
<stenur> SiFuh: OpenBSD 7.1 released, April 21, 2022
<stenur> Unfortunately limit excessed, i have to wait a week. 7.1 i will do again. Nice artwork fish!
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<jaeger> Obviously if there's a 404 there's no download but what about the other times? I'm confused, it sounds like you're describing multiple issues at the same time
<stenur> sox URL works for sure
<fishe> I'm not entirely sure what the issue was itself because now it's not happening
<fishe> But a lot of sourceforge links would return 404
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<stenur> for "dig sourceforge.net" i get and
<SiFuh> stenur: not sure. I actually do not use the apm feature on laptops.
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<_moth_> hi all. on my old hardware with intel GMA X3500(Gen4) graphics i got this error in mpv player:
<_moth_> libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open crocus: /usr/lib/dri/crocus_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
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<_moth_> if i understand correctly this changes affect chipsets with intel GMA Gen3-4 graphics (Gen4) and intel CPU with HD Graphics <= 5200 (Gen5-7)...so no hardware acceleration on all of this devices if crocus driver not enabled at build time since mesa 22.0
<_moth_> fixed mesa Pkgfile with enabled crocus driver support -> http://ix.io/3VJi
<_moth_> Crux 3.6
<fishe> @SiFuh: gtest port in your repo is giving me a 404, is that just my system
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<jaeger> Looks like the tag part of the URL (v1.11.0) should be replaced with "release-1.11.0"
<farkuhar> _moth_: nice find regarding mesa 22.0. The official release notes for 22.0.0 clearly indicated that users who wanted stability should wait for 22.0.1, but in light of your phoronix thread the users of older hardware have even more reason to stick with the 21.3 branch for a while.
<farkuhar> webkitgtk returned errors for me after the upgrade to mesa 22.0 ("cannot create EGL context" IIRC), but only on Wayland (X11 worked fine). I thought that error would disappear after the 22.0.1 ("bug fix") release, but no luck.
<farkuhar> so for now I've locked mesa to its last good 21.3 version, but your Pkgfile gives me hope that a clever set of compilation options might bring the 22.0 branch to feature-parity with 21.3
<_moth_> farkuhar: thx for info. it may be preferable to create two packages(mesa-21, and current) to prevent future problem?
<farkuhar> _moth_: good idea. There's already a precedent for that: witness the side-by-side installations of ffmpeg4 and ffmpeg (version 5).
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