jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: [notify] libappindicator-gtk3: fix segmentation faults with electron/matrix/discord
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<Guest67> So there will be no solution with the rust-bin package? Would this be considered a bug? After all, this is a x86_64 distribution and the code should be compiled to run on every CPU fitting the bill.
<SiFuh_> If you want to see how it is compiled check out opt/rust/Pkgfile.
<SiFuh_> And is there a reason you prefer rust-bin over rust?
<SiFuh_> Why not make your own opt/rust-bin by compiling opt/rust and using the rust package you built as the distfile for rust-bin ?
<SiFuh_> You will need pkgmk compression mode set to 'xz' in pkgmk.conf so it will archive the package you bilt as '*.xz' and then rename it to rust-1.59.0-1-crux-3.6-bin.tar.xz and put that in your opt/rust-bin/ directory or where ever you keep your distfiles
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<Guest67> the problem is that I don't have a powerful cpu and compiling rust takes me more than a day so I try to avoid this kind of packages and opt for binaries.
<Guest67> And compiling for more than a day every time a new version of rust is released is not the best thing to do. A lot of people can't afford to buy a new pc or processor right now.
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<Guest67> I appreciate your answers about my problem. I just found another solution. However, I am a little disappointed in the community that no solution to the problem has been found because someone else might have the same problem as me.
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<ppetrov^> guys, does anything, actually, depend on upower from opt or contrib?
<SiFuh_> Not that I am aware of
<SiFuh_> It only installs on my machine when I install XFCE power manager
<ppetrov^> ok, so it wouldn't matter much if i keep it locked
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: fetchmail: udate to 6.4.28
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: libgphoto2: update to 2.5.29
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: imagemagick: update to 7.1.0-27
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: gvim: update to 8.2.4501
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: fakeroot: update to 1.28
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: should be fine, unless it uses something that changes in the kernel
<ppetrov^> yep
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<farkuhar> ppetrov^: https://git.sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/poweralertd makes use of upower. Like most sourcehut-hosted projects, this one only appears in the overlays of individual CRUX users, not in contrib or opt.
<farkuhar> so there's no harm in locking upower to its previous version, if that's what works for you.
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<ppetrov^> yes, it does and I think to keep it like this for now
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