jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<ppetrov^> hi, is pkg-config part of core in the upcoming 3.7?
<ppetrov^> ah, it's pkgconf now?
<ppetrov^> cwm and desktop-file-utils still have pkg-config as a dependency
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: [notify] cifs-utils: update to 6.15, fix for CVE-2022-{27239,29869}
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: remind: update to 04.00.00
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: pmwiki: update to 2.3.4
<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.6]: xorg-libx11: update to 1.8
<ppetrov^> vte3 fails on 3.7
<SiFuh> Isn't 3.7 still under development?
<ppetrov^> i saw this link, providing a very early test iso, so decided to check if my stuff builds there
<SiFuh> So not officially released, so therefore not really relevant at the moment
<SiFuh> Could direct it to #crux-devel but I don't think they will care if it is still in development
<ppetrov^> emm,... ok? I assumed that any testing is welcome
<SiFuh> Sure, but that isn't really for this channel
<SiFuh> By the way, I breifly scrolled through the error and it seems to be vala related
<ppetrov^> yes
<ppetrov^> well, my xfce desktop builds
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<SiFuh> vte*
<SiFuh> This vte is built against 3.6 yes?
<ppetrov^> i am building vte3 in a chroot environment of 3.7
<SiFuh> Sorry, I will rephrase. This vte3 is a port that is from 3.6 and you are building it in 3.7?
<ppetrov^> ah, i have not compared it
<ppetrov^> no idea if it's the same
<ppetrov^> hmm... krb5 also fails. you say I should send these to the devel channel?
<SiFuh> It is still to early
<ppetrov^> k, i just shut up :)
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: libreoffice: ->
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: cwm: pkg-config -> pkgconf (ppetrov^)
<ppetrov^> stenur, is the dependency change necessary for 3.6?
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<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.6]: Revert "cwm: pkg-config -> pkgconf (ppetrov^)"
<stenur> Thanks ppetrov^.
<SiFuh> stenur: You stocking up on food yet?
<SiFuh> Pretty much every bank is saying there will be a crisis of food soon
<stenur> They should stop playing world war.
<SiFuh> They say third world will be hit first. I don't think so. I think Europe, espically Germany will be hit first .
<SiFuh> This is nothing to do with world war
<stenur> In Germany the poor already buy anything sunflower etc oil related like grazy. Out of stock. Limited numbers per buyer also for some other things.
<SiFuh> Are you sure?
<stenur> Yeah i am pissed how Germany behaves. They would not get a single weapon from me.
<SiFuh> Or is just out of stock because of lack of supplies
<stenur> Sure i am. What kind of nitpicking is that? You cannot buy cheap oil in the supermarkets no more. (Unless you are lucky)
<SiFuh> I never care about oil to be honest
<SiFuh> I use fat for cooking tallow or lard
<stenur> But they play games, Diesel is more expensive than Super even though Super has to be worked on. That is world war.
<SiFuh> And even better is butter
<SiFuh> BIS, WEF, IMF are all saying that there will be a food crisis in a single term
<SiFuh> A term is 3 months
<SiFuh> I think a semester which is 6 months
<SiFuh> But 3 months is scary, because the world has always 90 days worth of food. Continual rotation
<SiFuh> I recommend everytime you buy something, buy something extra and build up a stock of non-perishables
<SiFuh> Here the fresh foods are vanishing and the canned and package stuff are getting higher in price.
<SiFuh> I am teaching the locals how to make pemmican. It is a clonial food pinched from the Indians
<SiFuh> I replaced the berries with cherries and beetroot
<SiFuh> You can fly to Mars eating this crap
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