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<jeosol> good morning all!
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<jeosol> Following my recent posts regarding memory leak and restarting of server machines, I finally wrote a small code to capture (room) output after few iterations. For a small test code, dynamic space usage grew to 129MB linearly from around 85MB.
<jeosol> Note this is a small test code. After I call (gc) dynamic space usage dropped to ~58MB. This is on SBCL. I have a question: I suspect for my longer running computation (2-3weeks) this memory probably increases in a similar fashion. I don't call (gc) at all. Do guys explictly call (gc) or that is code smell.
<edwlan[m]> You shouldn’t need to
<edwlan[m]> But you might need to tune some of the variables that affect GC for your workload
<edwlan[m]> Also, sb-sprof lets you profile code to find what allocates the most
<edwlan[m]> Maybe that would give you a hint about where to focus optimizations.
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<jeosol> edwlan[m]: thanks for that. I think I need to rethink a few design, but that is going to take a lot of code redesign. I stated other day, I am running some calculations for K iterations, and I create all necessary array for the K iterations. Ideally, I only need k-1 and k, at any time, can write results for k-1 to file before updating the counter.
<jeosol> I was hoping this is not a major issue if I can at least assign all needed memory (initialized to zeros) and just will with correct values as the computation progresses
<edwlan[m]> The other day I discovered a dumb coding mistake in one of my libraries with allocation profiling
<edwlan[m]> I was calling local-time:reread-timezone-database in a tight loop
<jeosol> edwlan[m]: yes, good point. I did also capture the breakdown of the cons objects, string-objects, vector-objects, for the dynamic space. I will add this code to the long running process to see which is the culprit. My guess is that I am generating a lot of arrays
<jeosol> good point. It's possible, I have something that is running some errant code. It's a costly optimization for sure, but I have been able to run it on another machine in the past, but I have since update and modified the code.
<jeosol> refactor is a pain, I am hoping I don't have to do that:-(
<edwlan[m]> You might be surprised that the solution is really simple
<edwlan[m]> As a rule, programmers are a bad judge of what needs to be optimized
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<jeosol> edwlan[m]: haha, I hope so, but the codebase is massive
<jeosol> edwlan[m]: here is gource visualization of the repo I made last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHBw_BX71bA&ab_channel=Jay
<ixelp> Gource visualization of a Common Lisp Application repository (last commit 5/27/2022) - Updated - YouTube
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<jeosol> edwlan[m]: but I do agree, I have to go at it like an onion, little by little. I think I have to go the direction of only save the previous and current states,  more post-processing work later and less memory requirements
<jeosol> thing is i generated some results with the code, but generating the rest has been a pain so far.
<jeosol> edwlan[m]: i appreciate your input. I will add the 'room' utility and see what the trend looks like
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<nij-> (uiop:run-program "nc -zv localhost 1-9999" :output t :output-error t :ignore-error-status t)
<nij-> The above form doesn't print out anything.. But when I try the same command in my terminal, it shows open ports.
<nij-> Why so?
<edwlan[m]> Does it print anything into the inferior-lisp buffer?
<jeosol> good question, I limit what is printed to the "console" to just a status line
<jeosol> not sure what you buffer here, but above I mean (format t "~..." ...)
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<jeosol> edwlan[m]: are in the US or EU?
<edwlan[m]> US
<jeosol> I will plumb this small utility and run it overnight so by tomorrow AM US time, I should have some results
<jeosol> edwlan[m]: ok, cool, I am CST
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<nij-> edwlan[m] Nope, nothing is printed into inf-lisp buffer.
<nij-> Is it a bug of uiop?!
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<nij-> It did hang for a second. That means nc was run. It's just that nothing gets printed..
<edwlan[m]> I forget if launch-program or run-program is the right one for this use
<edwlan[m]> One of them is async and will not print to stdout
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<_death> jeosol: check out http://www.sbcl.org/manual/#Introspection-and-Tuning .. especially bytes-consed-between-gcs .. also, if you have a long-running process maybe it's a good idea to expose a "/metrics" http endpoint and have something like https://prometheus.io/ hitting that.. there's https://github.com/deadtrickster/prometheus.cl but I never used it (writing your own ad hoc handler may be easy enough)
<ixelp> SBCL 2.3.3 User Manual
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<jeosol> _death::-)   Thanks, I appreciate the pointers.
<jeosol> I was thinking of something, hence me writing something capture (room) output, so if I can an API perhaps I can query it to track the metric.
<jeosol> _death: bummer, haha, that prometheus.cl does essentially does what I am trying to do. I just wrote the small utility to capture (room) parameters. It is also does capture the breakdown of the different dynamic memory categories
<jeosol> _death: you are the man, thanks a lot
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<jeosol> _death: I think I need to add it to code, and run it off a different port perhaps it can work. My previous approach was going to be "blind" as in, I run first, them dump memory-state to a file, and analyze file after a run
<_death> well, with prometheus you can also set alerts on certain conditions
<_death> so that and keeping an open swank server in case you need it may be a good idea
<jeosol> that could be the next step. I did try to test on the cloud on gcp, that could be relevant when I test again. I had to get a big machine which could be costly. Now I am testing on local, to shake things out very well.
<jeosol> I am trying to incorporate the prometheus.cl code, hope it's not bit rot, gettinng some CLOS class precedence errors, but still looking into it.
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<nij-> edwlan[m] run-program is sync, and launch-program is async. So run-program should have printed..
<nij-> I'm very confused.. I must rely on something that will print whatever I will see in a terminal.
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<jeosol> _death: still here?
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<jeosol> _death: I am not able to use prometheus.cl due a bug but will try a again later.
<jeosol> edwlan[m], _death: I did a test using my crude implememtation to capture parameters from (room). This is the resultant plot https://drive.google.com/file/d/1suSVeFneWSqP8wmp44zaYqd3wkO9Uw03/view?usp=share_link
<ixelp> Google Drive: Sign-in
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<jeosol> The see-saw pattern is gc being called I supposed.
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<Josh_2> Hey :trumpet:
<Josh_2> Can I redirect the output that I have to use my system tools like journalctl to read back into my sly repl?
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<nij-> On the other hand, (sb-ext:run-program "/opt/homebrew/bin/nc" (list "-zv" "localhost" "1-99") :output *standard-output*) does print something. In the terminal, I see 5 lines got printed (port 22, 80, 5000, 7000, 8080). sb-ext:run-program only prints port 22 and 80. uiop:run-program prints nothing..
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<nij-> Ah... (sb-ext:run-program "/opt/homebrew/bin/nc" (list "-zv" "localhost" "1-9999") :output *standard-output*) does print 5 lines. So the only problem now is on uiop:run-program.
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<Alfr> minion, memo for nij-: On you uiop:run-program problem: The joys of &allow-other-keys, try :error-output instead of :output-error in the call.
<minion> Remembered. I'll tell nij- when he/she/it next speaks.
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<nij-> Thanks! I knew what I did wrong.
<minion> nij-, memo from Alfr: On you uiop:run-program problem: The joys of &allow-other-keys, try :error-output instead of :output-error in the call.
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<Shinmera> Another day, another library https://shirakumo.github.io/cl-opus/
<ixelp> Cl Opus
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<JeromeLon> Says that the car of a compound form can only be a symbol or a lambda. Why is the spec so restrictive (as opposed to just "a function descriptor" that would accept much more, without more work for the implementation as lambda already requires the whole thing to work)? Is there something deeper to it?
<Bike> what's a function descriptor?
<Bike> do you mean a function designator?
<JeromeLon> yes, sorry
<Bike> a function designator is a kind of value, but is talking about form syntax. the car of a function form is not evaluated
<Bike> that's part of being a lisp-2. if the car was evaluated, when you did (car foo) it would have to look up the variable CAR rather than the function CAR
<JeromeLon> except that it is when it's a lambda
<Bike> no, it isn't.
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<Bike> lambda expressions are specially recognized. it doesn't go through the normal evaluation rules.
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<JeromeLon> ok, thanks!
<Bike> you could set up some semantics where symbols in the head are not evaluated normally but cons forms are, but that would be pretty patchworky in a weird way
<JeromeLon> yes, that's what I had in mind. detect function instead of detecting lambda
<Bike> what i mean by function designators being a type of value is that to "detect" them you would need to do a full evaluation
<JeromeLon> oh right, where are lambda is guaranteed to return a function
<JeromeLon> *whereas
<Bike> the evaluator sees (head . rest), and has a test something like (cond ((symbolp head) (apply (fdefinition head) (evlist rest env))) ((and (consp head) (eq (car head) 'lambda)) ...process lambda expr...) (t (error ...)))
<Bike> (simplified obviously, it would have to test for macro and special operators as well)
<splittist> Shinmera: cool!
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* splittist is tantalizingly close to... something. https://snipboard.io/0Cw4BX.jpg But time for a break from million-monkeys 'debugging'
<Bike> https://github.com/clasp-developers/clasp/blob/main/src/lisp/kernel/cmp/bytecode-reference.lisp#L636-L661 here's a more comprehensive version, actually, now that i think about it
<ixelp> clasp/bytecode-reference.lisp at main · clasp-developers/clasp · GitHub
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<shunter> nice work Shinmera!
<Shinmera> Thanks
<beach> JeromeLon: As Bike said, the lambda expression in the CAR of a compound form, does not "return a function", because it is not evaluated.
<Shinmera> Harmony can now decode Opus, Vorbis, Flac, MP3, and Wav. I think that should cover things.
<Shinmera> Oh, and a ton of tracker formats.
<Shinmera> Forgot I added that silliness at one point.
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<Shinmera> AAC could be nice I guess, but then I'd need an mp4 container parser
<ixelp> CLHS: Standard Generic Function MAKE-LOAD-FORM
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<jmercouris> What is the canonical way in usocket to wait for usocket:socket-connect?
<jmercouris> I thought about looping until no USOCKET:CONNECTION-REFUSED-ERROR is raised
<jmercouris> but that doesn't seem right at all
<jmercouris> well, I did the loop for now :-D
<random-nick> what do you mean by that? wait for the other side to start accepting connections?
<random-nick> if that's the case, I don't think tcp/udp support any way to know that? how would that even work on the network level?
<_death> a loop makes sense, but you probably want to wait for some time (backoff) before retrying.. each failure could increase that amount of time (say, exponentially) and perhaps with addition of a bit of noise (jitter) to avoid multiple clients connecting at the same time (a thundering herd)
<pjb> JeromeLon: these restrictions allow the implementations to generate efficient code.
<pjb> JeromeLon: this doesn't remove much power, since you can always use funcall if you need to compute something else as function.
<pjb> (funcall (compute-some-function a) b c)
<pjb> JeromeLon: note that if the symbol names a function in the same compilation unit, the compiler is allowed to 1- directly call the code vector, without going thru (symbol-function name), and 2- possibly inline the function (as long as it's not declared notinline, even if it is NOT declared inline!), and 3- if it's a CL function, it can even do "more" than inline it, what's so called "open-code" it. Ie. basically generate code as if it
<pjb> was a special operator.
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<nij-> Some CL implementation supports native threads (e.g. sbcl). How is it done? Particularly an easy question is: How do they evaluate a variable? Do all threads share the same lookup table?
<ixelp> Function: MAKE-THREAD - Bordeaux-Threads
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<nij-> Isn't bordeaux threads just a wrapper around all threads implementations?
<gilberth> It is, based on CLIM-SYS which is based on the Lisp Machine.
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<gilberth> Anyhow, special variables share their value among threads unless bound. When you bind a special variable the value is thread-local. Was that your question?
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<Bike> nij-: yes, but when they put it together they hammered out a bit of the semantics involved.
<Bike> such as the special binding behavior jut mentioned
<nij-> I was wondering how thread B can get the value of a symbol that's stored in thread A.
<nij-> If B does it simply by querying and waiting, I'd imagine that creates lots of slow downs..
<Alfr> nij-, why or what kind of query are you thinking of? Threads share address space, so they can simply access a symbol directly.
<Bike> nij-: usually threads do not access each others' dynamic bindings. there is no way to do so outside of some specialized functions like sb-thread:symbol-value-in-thread
<Bike> nij-: you may need to elaborate on what you mean by "value of a symbol". are you talking about special bindings or lexical bindings or something else?
<nij-> Alfr oh I see..
<nij-> I have to think more about it.
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<Alfr> Uhm ... did he just leave?
<Bike> i wouldn't worry about it
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