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<char[m]> hey lisp. for trivial-with-current-source-form, it takes a &rest (it is a macro). What should I do if a have a list of sources that I want to inject into it?
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<NotThatRPG> char[m]: Maybe make a paste? Not sure what the macro does or what you are trying to do with it.
<ixelp> GitHub - scymtym/trivial-with-current-source-form: Helps macro writers produce better errors for macro users
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<char[m]> FORM and FORMS are evaluated. I have a variable called sources I want FORM to be (first *sources*) that's easy. I want FORMS to be (rest *sources*) that's where I am stuck.
<Catie> Is it within a macroexpander or just a function body?
<char[m]> In a function that is called from a macro
<char[m]> outside of the quasiquote, so it should be called at macroexpand time.
<Bike> char[m]: the underlying operators don't support that
<Catie> You could do it with eval, I guess
<char[m]> Bike: would you consider adding a version that takes a list? perhaps trivial-with-current-source-forms (plural s). Catie how so?
<char[m]> Bike: It looks like they are just list* together anyway.
<Catie> (eval `(with-current-source-form ,forms ...)), unless I'm really misunderstanding how eval works
<Bike> char[m]: you'd have to convince the sbcl maintainers as well
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<Bike> it would probably have to be a new operator, too. using just one fixed form is pretty much the norm
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<char[m]> It seems like it works in dynamic scope, so that should work for my case.
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<char[m]> using it in dynamic scoped worked very well for me.
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<Bike> not sure what you mean by that, but i'm glad it worked
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<char[m]> Bike: like this: https://paste.debian.net/1273438/
<ixelp> debian Pastezone
<char[m]> Going back to our previous conversation about `the`, sbcl is telling me to add &optional to disallow values like (values fixnum &optional).
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<Bike> oh, sure, it has dynamic scope
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<qhong_> is it a good idea to extend ASDF so that it knows how to fetch the source of a system? e.g. extending prepare-op?
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<pjb> qhong: there's quicklisp for that.
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<pve> Good morning! Here is my slime-chatgpt tool, in case anyone wants to play with it. It's pretty fun, although I'm not sure how useful it actually is. At least, I think a better prompt is needed.
<ixelp> GitHub - pve1/slime-chatgpt
<semz> If I put my email address as #.(concatenate 'string "foo" "@bar.com") into an ASDF system definition, is this going to cause problems? Are there widely used tools that rely on a lack of read-time evaluation?
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<mfiano> No. Some people even read their entire README file into a string and dump it into :long-description at read time. The documentation renderers I have seen, all handle this as you would expect in this regard.
<jackdaniel> an eternal question of what seems to work and what is semantically sound
<mfiano> Fair enough.
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<Shinmera> semz: why would you, though
<mfiano> He probably wants to protect against email address crawling bots
<semz> indeed
<Shinmera> I plaster my email everywhere and don't have a spam problem, so idk.
<Shinmera> But seeing such a thing in an ASD *will* make me actively angry at you.
<semz> Will you angrily send me spam? :p
<mfiano> It doesn't take much to get a Lisper to be angry at your code, though, so that isn't saying much.
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<Shinmera> mfiano: It's saying a bit more coming from someone that tries to wrangle ASDF far more often than she'd like.
<phoe> we shall see what happens once my-awesome-project.asd contains (defmacro define-asd-project ...) (define-asd-project ...)
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<jackdaniel> mfiano: that was funny, made me chuckle actually
<mfiano> (defun my-reverse (list) (declare (optimize (speed -1))) list)
<Shinmera> Anyway, I don't actually know if Redist handles that case nicely.
<Shinmera> Since Redist does *not* evaluate ASDs.
<Shinmera> Though I think it also currently doesn't extract the maintainer field at least.
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<semz> hm, that does complicate things
<Shinmera> Also your solution would not protect against stuff that *does* evaluate it and compile the info into static documents, like quickdist and quickref
<Shinmera> Which will just publish your email plain.
<semz> that's a good point actually
<Shinmera> So my advice is: don't bother. The spam is not an issue. Or: use standard human-readable "encryption" like my AT example DOT com
<jackdaniel> #.(read-png "email.png")
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<Shinmera> Looks like Redist chomps through (find-file-systems "(asdf:defsystem fooey :maintainer #.(concatenate 'string \"foo\" \"@bar.com\"))") just fine. It treats doesn't evaluate the reader expression, substituting a dummy object instead.
<Shinmera> *-treats
<jackdaniel> and here I am wondering what redist is; when I'm at my computer I'll type something like "shinmera redist" -- I have a vague idea what it may be
<ixelp> GitHub - Shirakumo/redist: A toolkit to handle the Shirakumo Quicklisp dist.
<phoe> jackdaniel: my algorithm is more or less (and (or "shinmera" "shirakumo") "redist")
<Shinmera> that just constant folds to "shinmera"
<jackdaniel> so if the system is not part of shirakumo quicklisp dist then it is not a subject of redist - you are safe semz ;)
<phoe> Shinmera: actually to "redist"
<jackdaniel> at first I thought it is "redis" and was wondering what redis has to do with common lisp
<Shinmera> phoe: Oh yeah.
<jackdaniel> but oh well, I have my own New Inventions to Handle
<Shinmera> jackdaniel: redist was made specifically so you can import the official quicklisp-projects meta and create your own clone of the official dist
<jackdaniel> yes, I believe Xach wrote something similar
<Shinmera> Since when Xach disappeared for a year I became somewhat worried about the continued support of the dist.
<jackdaniel> (and I think I saw a few other such projects, I'm guilty of one too but it was not published)
<Shinmera> And wanted to make something that's documented.
<Shinmera> ANd actually works
<jackdaniel> new-invention-handler, I call dips on that class name
* jackdaniel stops unnecessary banter on his part
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<pjb> pve: thanks. This will be useful!
<pve> pjb: Great! I just added a more general slime-chatgpt-consult function.
<pve> keep in mind that the free version of chatgpt has a limit of around 30 queries per hour or so
<pjb> Yes. I'll have to get an apikey too.
<jackdaniel> I wonder how that plugin would comment the function defined by mfiano earlier as a joke (that with speed -1)
<mfiano> Maybe declare names a function shadowing CL:DECLARE in the current package, and thus, isn't picked up as a syntax form when parsing.
<mfiano> It could infact be mutating the list :)
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<mfiano> Well, it'd have to be a macro, but still a function.
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<pve> jackdaniel: :) the comment reads as follows:
<pve> "The function 'my-reverse' is not actually reversing the input list, but rather it is just returning the same input list. This can be seen from the code where the list is just passed as it is with no manipulation or reversing being done. The 'declare' statement with the 'optimize' option suggests that the function is intentionally written to perform poorly on purpose, likely just for demonstration or
<pve> testing purposes."
<jackdaniel> thanks :) apparently it didn't pick the joke (yet!)
<phoe> I thought that -1 is meant that speed is going in reverse direction so returning the list would actually return it backwards
<jackdaniel> right, that was a joke, congrats!
<jackdaniel> s/a/the/
* phoe yays!
<pve> jackdaniel: yeah, it sees there's something fishy, but can't quite light the bulb
<jackdaniel> we should poke jokes at it while we still can (;
<pve> its wrath will be all the worse later
<mfiano> :)
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<semz> Might as well post it here after asking about its .asd file: If you're looking for a strict and fast Deflate decompressor, you may find https://semelz.de/software/decompress.html interesting
<ixelp> A defensive and fast Deflate decompressor in pure Common Lisp
<semz> not in QL yet obviously
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<Lycurgus> somehow 'pure' sounds funny with CL
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<Bike> Can I use babel to write the utf8 encoding of a string into a byte stream? I don't see any obvious way.
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<jackdaniel> perhaps with flexi streams?
<Bike> ah, yeah, looks like that can do it i think. thank
<Bike> s.
<jackdaniel> sure
<semz> There was some talk about a streaming API in Babel itself a while ago but it would have required refactoring and didn't go anywhere yet afaik
<yitzi> There is a "use-bom" slot in the encoders. Not sure what happened to the babel docs though.
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<ixelp> ELS 2023, Amsterdam - European Lisp Symposium
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<beach> Great!
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<splittist> semz: awesome!
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<NotThatRPG> Function type declaration confusion: I tried to declare an FTYPE as being (GENERIC-FUNCTION <args> <values>) and both Allegro and SBCL reject this saying that (GENERIC-FUNCTION ...) is not a function type. But the spec seems to say that a generic-function is a type-specifier and that generic-function is a subtype of function. What am I doing wrong?
<NotThatRPG> oh, I think I see that it's just an atomic type specifier. So do we declare function types of generic functions just using "FUNCTION"?
<NotThatRPG> SBCL does not seem to like giving FTYPEs for functions defined with DEFGENERIC
<ixelp> SBCL error message - Pastebin.com
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<Equill> Bike: FWIW, I've implemented encoding of strings (and other structures) into a usocket stream, in case that's of use as prior art. I'm no Edi Weitz, but the code is in https://github.com/equill/neo4cl/tree/main/src
<ixelp> neo4cl/src at main · equill/neo4cl · GitHub
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<Equill> Look in `bolt.lisp` for `defmethod send-packstream` for transmitting a vector of octets, and in `packstream-encoding.lisp` for `defmethod encode-string` for, well, how I encode UTF-8 strings into said vector of octets. The context is a database driver.
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<Bike> Equill: Thank you
<Bike> NotThatRPG: just proclaim the (function ...) type - knowing it's a generic-function won't really help anything
<Bike> NotThatRPG: though as you might be able to divine from that message, the function type might not help either, since sbcl pretty much assumes generic-functions can return whatever, i think
<NotThatRPG> Bike: I can't tell -- does it also assume that the parameters can be whatever?
<NotThatRPG> This was sort of as much for documentation as for anything else...
<NotThatRPG> But I would have liked the runtime type checks when optimizing SAFETY
<Bike> kind of looks like it, but it might be worth checking with the sbcl folks, if this isn't in the manual (and i don't think it is)
<Bike> even if it does ignore the proclamation, i think it's probably wrong for it to complain about it
<Bike> btw, if you want both the extended type and the generic-function, you can do (and generic-function (function ...)), awkward looking as that is
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<Bike> is there a way to get ASDF to tell me where it's looking for systems? Like the results of all the source registry whatevers.
<Bike> quicklisp local-projects has stopped working and I don't know what's up (and yes i did register-local-projects)
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<mfiano> Not exactly the answer to your question, but #'ql:where-is-system should help.
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<Bike> well in this case it's more like where isn't system
<mfiano> :)
<mfiano> Quicklisp sort of side-steps a lot of ASDF's search mechanisms...
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<Catie> #'asdf:system-source-directory maybe?
<mfiano> That should be more appropriate here, yes.
<mfiano> But it will probably error in his case, since it can't be found.
<Catie> Yeah, sorry about that
<mfiano> We really do need better tools in this regard. I feel this pain all too often.
<mfiano> Bike: Also be sure to check that local-projects/system-index.txt actually references the new systems after r-l-p.
<Catie> I've always had an easier time using just bare ASDF than Quicklisp, I don't think I have anything in my local-projects anymore
<Catie> That's probably just a matter of what I chose to get familiar with though, honestly
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<NotThatRPG> Bike: Yes, there is a way to do this...
<NotThatRPG> But it's complicated because If I recall correctly QL adds its own search method.
<NotThatRPG> Also there's a lot of indirection in the code for the search. I think if you use the DSL configuration then you should be looking at the contents of asdf/source-registry:*source-registry*
<NotThatRPG> Unfortunately, that doesn't tell you much about how entries get in there, and how ASDF is interpreting your DSL expressions.
<NotThatRPG> You can also, of course, look at ASDF:*CENTRAL-REGISTRY*
<NotThatRPG> But as far as the Quicklisp-specific configuration, I got nothin'
<jasom> Hmm, on SBCL, is it possible to atomically set/clear a bit in an element of a (simple-array sb-ext:word (*))? Those are available for atomic incf/decf but not CAS...
<Bike> NotThatRPG: yeah, i found *source-registry* but mostly i'd like to see where this configuration is coming from. oh well.
<jasom> Actually, is writing to a bit-vector on SBCL thread-safe? That might be an option too.
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<NotThatRPG> Bike: I have been meaning to get this done for years. The process of ASDF configuration is quite opaque, and it doesn't help that ASDF does some configuration as it's loading, based on environment variables, which means it's tricky to set up tracing before it's too late.
<NotThatRPG> Also a lot of the code that does this stuff is in anonymous lambdas, meaning it would require some refactoring to make it possible to use TRACE.
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* NotThatRPG knows it's not a good excuse
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<Bike> eh, i get it
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<jasom> Not surprisingly, it does not appear that aref on a bit-vector is thread-safe in sbcl; any suggestions for logically implementing a lockless bit-vector on sbcl given that CAS doesn't work on vectors of words?
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