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<iska`> hii
<holycow> o/
<iska`> I'm kind of a novice with CL, and need some help with print-object
<Bike> what is the problem?
<iska`> I've made my own class, and I want to make it print it similarly to a list
<iska`> so like <1 2 3 ... n>
<Bike> Ok.
<Bike> and the problem?
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<iska`> the problem is that I don't know how to do it and google doesn't help
<Bike> ok, so you just want your print-object to output in this particular format. you can use write-string/write-char for the <> and spaces, and write/etc for the elements.
<Bike> e.g. (defun anglelist (list stream) (write-char #\< stream) (dolist (elem list) (write elem :stream stream) (write-char #\Space stream)) (write-char #\> stream))
<iska`> so do I just loop over (write n) (next-element n)
<Bike> then (anglelist '(1 2 3) *standard-output*) prints <1 2 3 >
<Bike> yeah, something like that.
<yitzi> You could also use pprint-fill to write the contents in between the angle brackets for you
<iska`> guess I can do that too, I already have a function to convert to list
<Bike> you don't have to convert to list. i just gave an example of how iteration could work, since i have no idea what your objects are like
<iska`> tyvm :>
<Bike> the next-element thing works just as well, probably
<iska`> it's a doubly linked list
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<Bike> all i'm basically trying to say is that the fact it's a print-object method doesn't really affect anything; you just want to iterate over the elements and do something for each element, same as you might do with any other kind of processing
<iska`> (defmethod print-object ((obj dl-list) stream)
<iska`> (write-char #\< stream)
<iska`> (pprint-fill stream (dl-to-list obj) nil nil)
<iska`> (write-char #\> stream))
<iska`> this works
<iska`> thanks again
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* splittist really wants a Pretty Printer (Cook?) Book now…
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<beach> The section about pretty printing in the standard is one of the least understandable in my opinion. I had to read it many times to kind of understand what was meant.
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<splittist> Richard Waters' papers were interesting, but for some reason (my being an idiot, probably) it never occurred to me that things like pprint-fill would be independently useful.
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<beach> Definitely.
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<lisp123> splittist: why
<hayley> I guess he was testing the waters.
<lisp123> lol
<lisp123> For what its worth Richard Waters was one of the preeminent Lisp developers / computer scientists in the late 1980s - https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=richard+waters+lisp&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
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<splittist> lisp123: yes, I know. Whoever is selling the freely-available AIM-1102 as a paperback on Amazon for USD110 is shameless. I highly doubt it is Mr Waters.
<lisp123> I wonder if it was released as a paperback
<lisp123> Its not available when I tried to click purchase. Unless I'm mistaken and there is widespread fraud on Amazon
<splittist> you are not mistaken
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<splittist> Wait, I don't know how to parse your last sentence. I am willing to stipulate that there is widespread fraud on Amazon. As to your state of mind, I have no opinion (:
<lisp123> I understand
<lisp123> You know LISP made it when scammers create fake books on it :)
<lisp123> (insert joke about Amazon would have better Garbage Collection if they wrote their systems in Lisp)
<hayley> Well, about that.
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<pjb> iska`: (format stream "<~{~S~^ ~}>" (dl-to-list object)) prints: <1 2 3>
<pjb> Mmm if you want pprint, use also ~< … ~>.
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<Shinmera> Two weeks until Kandria releases! Oh man oh god oh man!
<Inline> what is Kandria ?
<ixelp> Kandria on Steam
<Shinmera> My game
<Inline> ah
<sbenitezb> Is it available outside of steam?
<Shinmera> Yes, it's also on itch https://kandria.com/itch and will be available for direct purchase on the website as well https://kandria.com when it goes live.
<ixelp> Kandria by Shinmera
<sbenitezb> Perfect!
<sbenitezb> Oh, Mac is not supported?
<Shinmera> Afraid not.
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<inward> Shinmera: is Kandria written in Common Lisp?
<Shinmera> Wouldn't be posting about it here if it wasn't.
<inward> Shinmera: I guess that's true, just had to be sure enough to buy it
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<Shinmera> Aw, and here I was hoping people would buy it because it's a good game
<inward> there are many good games but not many that are written in Common Lisp
<Shinmera> That is true.
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<edgar-rft> Common LIsp is a good game if that makes you happy :-)
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<inward> Shinmera: have you published any tutorials for writing games in Common Lisp?
* jackdaniel waits for a mezzano port ;)
* froggey too
<Shinmera> Not tutorials per se, but I wrote about the process back in July https://reader.tymoon.eu/article/413
<Shinmera> jackdaniel: I'll consider it when Mezzano gets GL support ;)
<inward> Shinmera: thanks :)
<inward> I'm so excited for this game
<Shinmera> Glad to hear. I'm more anxious than excited, myself
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<inward> Shinmera: why anxious?
<Shinmera> Because many things can go wrong, especially the game not selling well.
<sbenitezb> Is there any reason Mac isn't supported? OpenGL although not supported is still there
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<Shinmera> Apple keeps pissing in my cereal every year and I got tired of dealing with piss in my cereal
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<Shinmera> Or in other words: they keep making deployment more and more of a pain in the ass and their documentation is trash, so I got tired of investing hours and hours for a fraction of the marketplace on a platform whose trajectory and leadership does Not Look Good.
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<Shinmera> The engine and game both are open source, so if someone is willing to figure out how to make it work again, then by all means.
<Shinmera> I'm just not going to do the work myself, I have enough on my plate as it is.
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<inward> Shinmera: maybe you can get Johnny Giger to advertise your game :D
<Shinmera> Who's that?
<inward> famous swiss german skateboarder / influencer
<Shinmera> Ah. Probably not.
<inward> :(
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<Josh_2> :trumpet: GM :trumpet:
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<sbenitezb> Shinmera: totally understand that. One of the reasons I'm moving away from macOS development for future projects, but I wouldn't ignore the platform anyway.
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<zephyr> is anyone aware of a parser generator library similar to https://github.com/Engelberg/instaparse? instaparse gives you functions that generate parser functions from grammar strings. algorithm is GLL.
<ixelp> GitHub - Engelberg/instaparse
<phoe> zephyr: seems like esrap plus some string->sexpr layer
<zephyr> phoe thanks much, i'll take a look at esrap
<zephyr> hm, i think i prefer the sexp grammar anyway. yay
<utis> in format, can one set the maximum width of an ~a ?
<Shinmera> No.
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<utis> when i try to quickload ironclad i get a complaint that package sb-rotate-byte doesn't exist
<Bike> that's an sbcl contrib. you can do (require :sb-rotate-byte) to load it, assuming you're using sbcl
<utis> ``Don't know how to REQUIRE sb-rotate-byte''
<utis> is the reply i get
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<Bike> do you have the sbcl sources where sbcl can find them?
<utis> not that i know
<utis> i do seem to have /usr/lib/sbcl/contrib/sb-rotate-byte.{fasl,asd}
<_death> what's the value of (sb-int::sbcl-homedir-pathname)
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<utis> NIL
<ldb> #f
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<_death> you can try setting the environment variable SBCL_HOME to /usr/lib/sbcl
<utis> _death: thanks! that worked. -- i suppose something must be wrong for that to have been necessary
<ldb> probably because package manager misconfig
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<utis> ah
<_death> maybe ask the package maintainer
<utis> yeah
<_death> my advice is to compile sbcl on your own and also make sure your sbcl can find the sources, so that you can M-. on sbcl-defined symbols and see source code, modify it at will and such
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<utis> thanks, i didn't know about M-.
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<random-jellyfish> is it possible to save an image from sbcl without exiting the repl?
<random-jellyfish> something like sb-ext:save-lisp without dying
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<mfiano> No
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<random-jellyfish> is there a specific reason for that?
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<mfiano> You'd have to ask #sbcl
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<_death> you can try (when (zerop (sb-posix:fork)) (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "foo"))
<random-jellyfish> hmm
<random-jellyfish> #sbcl recommends same thing
<pjb> the problem is how to reopen the files and network connections, the shared libraries, etc, that were opened when you forked and saved the image. You'd need a hook when you reboot the saved image. ccl has several such hooks. Check the sbcl user manual for similar.
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<ldb> When unexec system call was still a thing, one can do similar things in a C program with fork then unexec.
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