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<phoe> mfiano: I am actually shocked that this does not even use the MOP
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<splittist> phoe: wow (:
<Bike> that is an unexpected use of call-method.
<phoe> Bike: I know, right? I kind of realized this when I started to hack this together - CALL-METHOD can be thunked and this thunk can be called from elsewhere
<phoe> twelve lines of LOOP plus ten lines of an obscure lisp operator - and bam, we can hack our way to dispatching on &REST
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<phoe> this is very likely incorrect because it does not respect class precedence (since it finds the first method that matches) but it shows the general idea I guess
<Bike> the "right" way to do this would be to specialize compute-discriminating-function so that method combination and discrimination are still separated, but whatevs
<Bike> and that would be difficult with getting it to work with defmethod and all
<phoe> we'd obviously need a custom GF class for that
<phoe> doable, though
<phoe> is CL:DEFMETHOD guaranteed to expand into any sort of MOP-defined generic function?
<jackdaniel> since mop is not part of the standard...
<Bike> it calls add-method and make-method-lambda and bla bla bla, but some of the parsing does not have mop hooks
<Bike> e.g. as far as i know there is no way to define new specializer syntax, though sbcl has some kind of extension for that
<pjb> phoe: nice goops!
<phoe> I think ADD-METHOD would be enough
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<phoe> if we had a custom GF class with a custom method class, then on (add-method goops-gf standard-method) we could create a goops-method based on the standard-method and subsequently call (add-method goops-gf goops-method) which would perform the actual adding
<phoe> and that would be necessary to remove all required parameters, since I think that a (&REST ...) or similar lambda list would be required to satisfy conformance constraints in that case
<phoe> since we can have a maximum of 0 required parameters if we were to imitate GOOPS in this case
<phoe> like, move required arguments to optional or &REST in the lambda list, turn the specializers into qualifiers, hack our way around the rest
<phoe> such as compute-discriminating-function
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<phoe> Bike: you mentioned that you'd need to separate method combination and discrimination, but I see no way to achieve the latter without the former
<phoe> namely, you cannot pass specializers without required arguments if you use standard DEFMETHOD syntax
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<phoe> unless we, ourselves, create freakish method objects where the number of specializers is more than the number of required arguments
<phoe> which is likely to break *something* along the way
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<phoe> yes, this cannot be done because 7.6.2 states, "there must be a parameter specializer for each required parameter".
<phoe> ...wait, okay, this is crazy, but this only seems to rule out the situation where there are *less* specializers than required parameters
<phoe> not *more*
<phoe> yes, it seems that most implementations break in various creative places then this is done
<phoe> yes, I think this cannot be done portably without using qualifiers, because 7.6.3 leaves us only with wiggle room in the qualifier section
<phoe> which also means that we need a custom method combination on all of these GFs, sigh
<phoe> even if this combination turns out to be method-combination-utilities:lax
<phoe> (defclass foo-gf (c2mop:standard-generic-function) () (:default-initargs :method-combination 'method-combination-utilities:lax) (:metaclass c2mop:funcallable-standard-class)) fails because the symbol is not enough, a method combination metaobject is required - but c2mop:find-method-combination requires a GF object
<phoe> what do I pass it?
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<phoe> seems like any standard generic function will do
<phoe> and I think that, within the compute-discriminating-function, c-a-m-u-s can always return (VALUES NIL NIL) beacuse there are no required arguments, which means that c-a-m will be called which seems like the right thing to do
<phoe> at which point caching will need to be done by c-a-m too, because the MOP page of c-d-f mentions caching only done if c-a-m-u-s returns a true secondary value
<phoe> and there's notes by beach at http://metamodular.com/CLOS-MOP/compute-discriminating-function.html which seem to refer to exactly this issue
<ixelp> compute-discriminating-function
<phoe> and it seems that there are no MOP hooks into the caching mechanism whatsoever, since that is mostly implementation-defined
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<phoe> sigh, doing it properly is tougher than I expected, because it effectively requires a custom mop:c-a-m, which means that it will be slow because this won't be cached, unless I find some clever way to reuse the system c-d-f which seems unfeasible since the system c-d-f won't cache anything for me
<phoe> and writing a custom c-d-f seems scary
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<phoe> I think the craziest but most portable and fastest way would be to have a series of "internal" standard-generic-functions with 0, 1, ..., N required arguments, have these use system caching, and dispatch between their c-d-fs based on the length of arglist for each call - also forward all sorts of i-i/r-i/add-method/remove-method calls to them as well
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<phoe> Bike: I have no idea how MOP- and spec-conforming this is, but https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3604#3604 is a hacky implementation of the above tomfoolery
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<Bike> i don't understand what "you cannot pass specializers without required arguments" means
<phoe> (defmethod foo ((bar number) (baz integer) ...) ...)
<phoe> how do you pass NUMBER and INTEGER without BAR and BAZ
<Bike> what is "pass" here
<Bike> what is being passed to what?
<phoe> by "pass" I mean "somehow make the specializers available for later MOP wizardry after evaluating a DEFMETHOD form"
<Bike> but... they are available? from that defmethod? I don't understand
<Bike> the defmethod form will create a method with specializers #<class number> and so on, and later mop stuff can interrogate that
<phoe> that defmethod has required arguments though and you cannot evaluate it if FOO has a lambda list like (&rest args)
<Bike> okay, so what you're saying is that with normal defmethod syntax, you can't have a lambda list of (&rest args) while there's more than zero specializers, for example
<phoe> yes
<phoe> and if I manually MAKE-INSTANCE 'STANDARD-METHOD and then ADD-METHOD, implementations simply break
<phoe> because they make implicit internal assumptions that the length of specializers is equal to the length of required parameters
<phoe> that is e.g. if the lambda list is () and specializer list is e.g. #.(loop repeat 3 collect (find-class 't))
<phoe> https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3605#3605 crashes in different ways on sbcl ccl clisp ecl abcl
<Bike> right. i figured you'd just have a lambda list of (n1 n2 &rest args) or something, i guess
<phoe> yes, but then I can't call that gf with zero args or define a zero-arg method, which is what goops explicitly allows
<phoe> and that is a hard incompatibility, like, the spec says that it's an error wrt the number of required arguments
<phoe> IIUC the most standard required arguments such a GF can have is zero, which means that 7.6.3 leaves only qualifiers for method disagreement
<Bike> i figured you'd use the proxy thing for that
<phoe> for what exactly?
<Bike> like add the method to the proxy gf (which has a fixed number of required args that matches the number of specializers)
<phoe> if I understand correctly, then you mean what I actually did in code
<Bike> looks like it.
<phoe> OK, which means that I have one hacky implementation of that clos thing that people have been complaining about
<phoe> maybe worth polishing and testing and performance measurement
<phoe> thanks for rubberducking a little bit
<Bike> it is unfortunate that the number of specializers has to match the lambda list. i don't really see any reason that needs to be the case, for nonstandard methods
<phoe> this is correct, but I guess that would need to be an extension that would then need to be implemented and tested in each implementation
<phoe> and that's the really rough part
<phoe> the spec only seems to mandate that there must be at least as many specializers as there are required args, it says nothing about more specializers - but that's where the implicit part of the spec comes into play
<phoe> and it takes a person bonkers enough to check what happens when they supply more specializers than required args, and I assume there are not many of them
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