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* mfiano has decided that his new favorite testing framework is 1am but would have tried one hour later if jackdaniel put it in the QL dist.
<Shinmera> Any actionable complaints with Parachute?
<mfiano> Not minimal enough, nor as fast, but Parachute's goal is full-featured and extensible, so probably runs things through a bunch of generic protocols, so it's not a complaint, just a preference. I also wanted something faster for tens of thousands of tests that I would have expected to take less time in one project that uses Parachute and previously prove, and it did much better. I was tempted to
<mfiano> write my own light macro around assert, but 1am does it just fine.
<Shinmera> I use parachute with uax-* and those have tens of thousands of tests that run fast enough.
<Shinmera> The slow part is printing, which goes away if you use the quiet report (or the new largescale report)
<mfiano> Nice to know for the future. I think I'll stick with this ~60loc code that is permissive enough to just inline in my tests.
<ebrasca> Morning!
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<jackdaniel> mfiano: 1am is made by lmj, not me
<jackdaniel> I've hacked 2am for ecl, but I take my pride in not publishing it in ql - we have too many testing frameworks so it'd be more loke littering
<jackdaniel> like*
<loke[m]> jackdaniel: haha, that typo notified me :-)
<jackdaniel> sorry! :)
<hayley> Yes, you want to be sure you don't leave lokes lying around.
<mfiano> jackdaniel: That's why I said one hour later :)
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<mfiano> But not a big deal. I didn't have much interest in the few added features. The minimalism of 1am is just the right opinionated selection of features I need, most of the time.
<jackdaniel> cool
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<Josh_2> Have you tried lisp-unit mfiano ?
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<mfiano> I've pretty much tried them all over the years, and none of them are what I want in all circumstances. I have been tempted to write my own for my own use-cases, but I'm lazy and don't really enjoy that type of meta-programming.
<mfiano> In this particular case, 1am fits perfectly though.
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<nij-> Any de facto memoizing library? I may use it on local functions (those defined with flet, say), so I don't want the table be stored globally.
<nij-> Hopefully, GC is automatic when the original function is GC'd.
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<kakuhen> you can just make your own memoize function that returns a closure checking inputs against a hash table... it becomes a bit complicated once you deal with functions taking more than one argument
<kakuhen> but it does not require a global hash table
<kakuhen> use the so-called "let over lambda" pattern when writing your memoize function
<jackdaniel> (let ((foo (load-time-value …)))))) is another way to have a local static value
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