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<kathe> hello everyone. :)
<kathe> beach: are you active here at the moment?
<beach> Now I am.
<beach> Hello kathe.
<kathe> heya beach. did you get to read my email on the topic of "reading code"?
<beach> yes.
<kathe> great.
<kathe> hope your co-author rejoins you and you two end-up writing that book.
<beach> But I am not sure what to do about it.
<beach> I doubt she will, unfortunately.
<beach> Her priorities have changed.
<kathe> that content which i have suggested is supposedly the best book on that topic.
<beach> I see.
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<kathe> but the said book employs ansi-c under netbsd.
<beach> I understand.
<kathe> and one also needs to be well-versed in operating systems to benefit fully.
<kathe> beach: maybe you could collaborate with phoe! and it go fully commercial!
<beach> We tried that, and he gave up on me (and on everything else for a while).
<kathe> oh, you are "that" difficult? :p
<beach> I don't think so. The reason phoe gave up was personal.
<kathe> ah. okay.
<beach> Also, my favorite coauthor has a certain number of qualities that are hard to all find in the same person. So she is going to be very hard to replace. I have one potential candidate, but I have no great hopes.
<kathe> wish you peace.
<kathe> bye all.
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<splittist> fset seems surprisingly pleasant to work with (so far, after a few minutes... (: )
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<phoe> minion: memo for kathe: yes, I'm not in a shape to be working on any CL book for the time being and that's the only reason I'm not doing much in the topic at the moment
<minion> Remembered. I'll tell kathe when he/she/it next speaks.
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<phoe> by cthulhu I swear, I wish having a remotely creative mind did not come with a high risk of getting a package of nasty side effects
<phoe> the funniest part is realizing that the very same reasons that had me writing and completing the condition system book now effectively prevent me from writing clr2 or working with beach's progalg stuff; the only difference is their configuration
<phoe> fun stuff
* phoe hushes with the offtopic
<beach> phoe: I fully understand.
<beach> By that, I mean, I totally sympathize with you when you are unable to work on something planned by someone else.
<beach> One of the qualities of my favorite coauthor is that she doesn't have a problem with that, and in fact seems to appreciate to work that way.
<phoe> yes, thank you, the problem is kind of wider though since it also affects things planned by me myself
<beach> Ouch!
<beach> :)
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<phoe> and that's kind of disorganizing and also a reason I'm devoting a lot of energy to figure this one out
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<beach> It might be worth thinking hard about that one, yes.
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<jeosol> good morning all!
<jeosol> beach: for the qualities of your favorite co-author, do you have them listed somewhere perhaps. I think I have heard/seen you say this before. One of the qualities my graduate adviser "beat" into me was being a bit "pendantic", I suppose he meant rigorous, but for him it was to understand everything about research/results thoroughly
<jeosol> beach: For example with a graphical plot, to understand why it trends the way it does at different points/areas, e.g., high or low slope etc
<jeosol> beach: just read the thread down, and I see you mentioned one: "the ability to work on something planned by someone else"
<jeosol> phoe: what is the stage of the clr2 work now? in hiatus or abandoned for now
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<phoe> jeosol: the latter
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<jeosol> phoe: is it something that can be resuscitated, and what is needed for that? Are the project docs somewhere
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<jeosol> phoe: also by "progalg" do you mean programming algorithm?
<phoe> jeosol: algorithms and data structures, beach has a lot of bookworthy material for this that AFAIK needs piecing together into a coherent book
<phoe> jeosol: also what is needed is a person willing to do the work of updating CLR into 2023-quality, based on the current first edition
<phoe> and actually doing that work
<jeosol> ah, that sounds interesting. I did a couple of data structures and algo courses last year (refresher) and it's something I had been interested for sometime
<jeosol> phoe: thank you for clarifying that what is needed for the CLR2 work. By "2023-quality", do you mean updates on the CL programming language/implementation side of things
<jeosol> phoe: I'll follow up with beach later about the algorithms and data structures project
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<phoe> jeosol: I mean all updates that happened since 2015 in the CL world, and there has been a lot of them
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<phoe> links have been updated, PLNs have become commonplace, some libraries have popped up, some libraries have become obsolete
<phoe> it's unironically a ton of work because you gotta sum up everything that has changed in the FOSS and proprietary Lisp world and digest it and turn it into a book at least as coherent as the first edition of CLR
<jeosol> phoe: I understand, all possible updates since the first edition. Time flies, I didn't know it was in 2015
<phoe> really big shoes to fill, as someone said back in the day
<jeosol> phoe: no doubt, big shoes for sure.
<jeosol> phoe: I mean one approach is to break it piecewise, bit by bit, and then where there isn't much work left, then it can be releasted. And also add a time-bound or constraint. Not easy.
<phoe> the good thing is that recipes are mostly independent
<jeosol> phoe: was the initial update plan to be by one person or a small task force or small list of authors
<jeosol> phoe: that is certainly a good point. They can be updated independently initially, and cross-references or links added later to smoothen the reading experience
<phoe> the bad thing is that they're highly hyperlinked
<beach> jeosol: I don't have a list of qualities, but I know that often when I consider a replacement, I recognize a missing quality in that person.
<phoe> jeosol: the initial plan was that I'd be able to handle it with help from other people, and that plan didn't work out
<phoe> but yeah, hyperlinking can happen later
<jeosol> beach: good point. Even if the qualities where listed, it will happen by that "omission" process because it becomes more glaring/evident when it's lacking in a possible replacement
<jeosol> phoe: I agree it makes sense, to have one person charged overall with significant oversight on the whole thing and then with support (of course) from the wider community.
<beach> jeosol: Yeah, I don't think I am able to make a list.
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<Shinmera> Wrote a lengthy year review for Kandria: https://reader.tymoon.eu/article/419
<Josh_2> Thanks Shinmera
<Josh_2> :sunglasses:
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<Josh_2> Shinmera: its lame to claim something is cliche. Should just own it like the king :crown: you are
<Shinmera> uh. ok.
<Josh_2> :muscle:
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