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<mfiano> Is there a predicate that checks if a quoted type specifier list even designates an existing type definition?
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<pillton> You could argue that the operations that use the type specifier define the requirements of the type definition. If the type specifier doesn't meet the requirements of the operation than it doesn't exist.
<hayley> There isn't, I believe.
<phoe> mfiano: trivial-types:type-specifier-p
<mfiano> Not even for atomic type specifiers, as in, does this name match an existing deftype/defclass/defstruct in that package?
<White_Flame> what about (subtypep t '<typespec>) ?
<pillton> Assume the function exists, what do you do with the type specifier afterwards?
<mfiano> The type specifier is user input, it gets transformed into program output.
<mfiano> So, thrown away.
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<lisp123> splittist, no problem. I've seen some ugly firings so I know that companies try to pull the you sent work home card when its a bad breakup
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<jackdaniel> mfiano: (typecase nil (typespec)) wrapped in handler case
<jackdaniel> also don't forget to muffle warnings
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<phoe> you gotta compile that though, no?
<phoe> that would be just an HANDLER-CASE TYPEP NIL at runtime I think
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<jackdaniel> tryitandsee™
<jackdaniel> but I don't think that the specification elaborates of what happens when the typespec does not exist
<jackdaniel> s/not exist/not denote any type/
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<Shinmera> mfiano: there is not, though you can use the Definitions library as a portability layer.
<mfiano> Thanks
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