jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<pjb> phoe: nope.
<phoe> pjb: which part is the "nope" aimed towards?
<pjb> since when you use the restart to set the PLACE, (not the value DUH!), check-type CHECKS AGAIN the same type, until you provide a value that bound to that place that checks the type.
<pjb> Try it.
<pjb> or macroexpand it. (macroexpand-1 '(check-type (car foo) integer)) #| --> (ccl:without-compiling-code-coverage (do* ((#:g2332 (car foo) (car foo))) ((typep #:g2332 'integer)) (setf (car foo) (ccl::%check-type #:g2332 'integer '(car foo) nil)))) ; t |#
<phoe> pjb: I meant (lambda (x) (check-type x number) (setf x (prin1-to-string x)) (check-type x string))
<pjb> oh, this way, yes.
<_death> phoe: check-type takes a place, but it only ensures that it contains a value of that type after the form is evaluated, not that it remains so
<phoe> yes
<_death> phoe: you could have an operator like with-checked-type that also has a locally
<pjb> But the compiler may compile it to something equivalent to: (lambda (x) (check-type x number) (locally (declare (type number x)) … (locally (declare type t x) (setf x (prin1-to-string x)) (check-type x string) (locally (declare (type string x)) …))))
<pjb> which you may also write yourself, as a compact form of my previous foo / %foo example.
<_death> but this does not conflict with correctable error behavior
<pjb> Of course not.
<pjb> this is the only sane way to use type declarations. Checking them (or PROVING them) before.
<phoe> pjb: do you have (locally (declare (type number x)) (locally (declare (type t x)) ...)) in there?
<pjb> Yes. Before assigning to X, you must accept any type of value!
<ixelp> CLHS: Declaration TYPE
<phoe> " If nested type declarations refer to the same variable, then the value of the variable must be a member of the intersection of the declared types."
<pjb> (unless you've proven the function returns a number, which prin1-to-string does not.
<pjb> )
<phoe> this won't work
<pjb> phoe: oops :-(
<pjb> well, well, well, this makes type declarations even more useless than I thought…
<pjb> This doesn't prevent some magic on the part of the compiler when processing check-type, but it makes it more difficult than a simple rewrite of the bodies.
<pjb> People using type declarations in CL are crazy.
<phoe> nah, they just manage to enforce type discipline
<phoe> I assume the compiler can make its reasoning when it detects that a lexivar is never written to after its initial binding, or when the writes are of known types
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<Spawns_Carpeting> is the trivia pattern matching library pretty widely used among the CL people
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<hayley> I use it quite frequently.
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<hayley> Only one issue, which you might not hit any time soon, which is that attempting to write a pattern which matches some predicate, when the predicate does not correspond to any type, signals full warnings. Thus I have to leave some logic outside of patterns, as from memory Quicklisp will not accept systems which signal full warnings when built.
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<Spawns_Carpeting> is this something that would be less of an issue when not using quicklisp?
<Spawns_Carpeting> that is my understanding since i can just ignore warnings
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<Bike> asdf and slime will also, by default, report failure if compilation hits a full warning
<Bike> you can load the fasl anyway and configure this stuff away, but it will be a little annoying
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<jasom> I seem to recall there was some site that had a table with QL packages in rows and CL implementations in columns and said whether or not they succesfully loaded?
<aeth> all I can think of is https://portability.cl/ which only has a few libraries
<ixelp> Common Lisp Portability Library Status
<aeth> about 30
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<remexre> is there a non-gross way to "pass a place" to a function? not thrilled with passing a cons or making the function a macro, but I suppose I wouldn't hate making a single-field record?
<remexre> not ideal, ofc
<hayley> I've used a function e.g. (lambda (x) (setf <some place> x)) before to represent a place.
<phoe> remexre: depends on your use case, I'd pass a locative if I absolutely need to - so what hayley said
<remexre> OK, I'll do that then, thx
<hayley> ywlcm
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<aeth> if you want something like a cons, you can also make a zero dimensional array or a one-dimensional array of length 1
<aeth> you can use symbol-macrolet or with-accessors to make it seem like it's a variable when it's an accessor
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<Nilby> there's a style of encapsulating state in dynamic objects which tends to elimitate most needs for locatives or passing places
<Nilby> and make things friendly for multiple thread instances
<pve> What does "locative" mean in this context?
<Nilby> pve: something like hayley said: (lambda (x) (setf <some place> x))
<pve> Nilby: oh ok, thanks
<Nilby> of course there's also defsetf
* Nilby wonders if anyone has ever used the longest form of defsetf
<pve> so it means a way of accessing a place indirectly, as opposed to passing the place directly, in this case?
<Nilby> i guess maybe the term locatative is taken from the grammatical part of speech like "in", so like x vs (in x)
<pve> yep, I think I understand now
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<Nilby> a lot of languages have more interesting locative forms than english
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<pjb> remexre: have a look at those macros: https://termbin.com/o3wi
<pjb> remexre: of course, you wouldn't do that a lot in a lisp program, otherwise, you'd be back to C (almost). But occasionnaly, this can be useful. Or just write the closures explicitely (the lambdas).
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