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<lisp123> What are the downsides of representing a buffer as an Array of strings, one for each line?
<kakuhen> depends on what you're doing i guess... the buffers I often deal with would make that representation a very inconvenient one...
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<lisp123> kakuhen, why is that
<lisp123> is that because you are reading across lines?
<kakuhen> no, because i misunderstood what you meant by "buffer"
<kakuhen> i was thinking more generally
<lisp123> ah ok, I mean in terms of Emacs Buffer
<kakuhen> i usually deal with things like audio samples... which make that representation a bit inconvenient
<kakuhen> yeah, text buffers your idea seems alright
<mfiano> Text editors usually use moe complicated text buffers, such as ropes
<mfiano> Arrays of arrays (array of strings) cannot be made very efficient either, being an array of pointers.
<lisp123> mfiano, could you expand on that
<mfiano> Which part?
<lisp123> "cannot be made very efficient either, being an array of pointers."
<mfiano> (upgraded-array-element-type 'string) says it all
<mfiano> (see associated sections of the standard too)
<lisp123> thanks, will read
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<lisp123> the context of why I'm going down this route (after doing some analysis), is that an array of 'lines' lends itself to subclassing lines to various media formats - plain text, rich text, pictures, videos, etc
<lisp123> so I want to see how much the disadvantage is for a 'pure plain text' buffer
<lisp123> Although what I could do is treat each line as buffer in itself
<mfiano> I seem to recall there was a way to tell CL to invoke the debugger on printer releated errors, instead of silence and seeing <<error printing object>> (on SBCL) in the printed repr. Is that something on the CL side or SBCL side? (it's been way too long for me to remember this stuff). cc: yitzi I think it was who wrote a portable printer implementation.
<Fare> mfiano: in those cases, I had handlers or ignore-errors and validity checks in my own print-object methods
<mfiano> Ah it is cl:*break-on-signals*
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<splittist> lisp123: Thanks for the warning.
<splittist> lisp123: also, have you looked at Cluffer and its use in Second-Climacs?
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<pve> Good morning! Continuing the theme of file-local things, I wanted to see if symbols can be made file-local. Here's an example of what I got:
<pve> But the hyperspec page for the reader algorithm says that "The reader macro function must not have any side effects other than on the input stream...", and I'm not entirely sure how to interpret that.
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<beach> What is it you are unsure about?
<pve> beach: the reader collects the file-local symbols into a table as it goes through the file, and replaces the occurrences with uninterned symbols.
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<pve> I guess it's a side effect, but on the file level it doesn't seem to make a difference.
<beach> Yes, I also think it is a side effect. How does that work if the symbol ends with the special character?
<pve> do you mean how it's implemented?
<beach> Yes.
<epony> are you talking about NUL terminated strings? ;-)
<epony> (or is it about value terminated pointers)
<pve> beach: when it encounters "%FOO" for the first time it adds an "%FOO" -> #:FOO entry to a hash table, on subsequent occurrences it uses that same uninterned symbol
<beach> I was asking specifically for the case when the special character is at the end of the name. And I am asking how you program the reader to do that.
<pve> uh, I mean "%FOO" -> #:%FOO
<Nilby> pve: The standard reader macros have side effects, so the hyperspec is being a little hypocritical. It's probably good to make sure reader macros don't have _unintended_ side effects, but I think every CL allows it.
<pve> beach: oh, I use (alexandria:ends-with "%" (symbol-name sym)), if that's what you mean..
<beach> Oh, so you traverse the buffer "manually" to replace symbols?
<White_Flame> #.(setf *side-effect* :lol)
<beach> pve: Or let me ask it this way: What reader macros did you define?
<pve> beach: oh ok, with-symbol-expansion sets up the readtable that "intercepts" the standard reader for all "standard" characters
<beach> Oh, wow. I see.
<pve> so all characters point to the same reader macro function
<beach> Too bad you are not using Eclector. It would be much simpler, and you would not need to violate the restrictions of the standard.
<pve> beach: you mean specialize the method that "interns" symbols?
<beach> Yeah.
<beach> But I guess you want this thing to work with the default reader of the Common Lisp implementation.
<beach> Then let me change to "Too bad all major Common Lisp implementations are using a reader other than Eclector".
<jackdaniel> pushy
<pve> beach: If I were to use eclector, I think I would still need to intercept the standard reader for all characters to redirect to eclector at the beginning of the file. Unless some asdf voodoo can be done to change how a file is loaded (I think I would rather load with CL:LOAD).
<beach> Yes, I don't think you can change what reader CL:LOAD uses. But that would be handy if it were possible.
<jackdaniel> but you can change the readtable it uses (i.e with asdf-flv extension)
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<pve> But regardless of the choice of reader, I think it's pretty neat that helper functions or special variables can be made file-local. I, at least, sometimes have trouble coming up with names for helper functions because I usually want them to be short (like with flet or labels), but at the same time they can't be too short because the (perceived) risk of clobbering other functions grow bigger. I know this
<pve> isn't *really* an issue, but the anxiety is still there :)
<beach> jackdaniel: "pushy"? I meant that just as a reiteration of my well known position, i.e., that there is a lot of duplicate effort in the Common Lisp community, and we are already short of peoplepower.
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<jackdaniel> hm, let me elaborate: surely creating yet another reader reduces the the amount of duplicated effort; by pushy I mean that you reiterate your well known position (that imlementations should replace their own modules with your clearly better ones) quite frequently
<beach> Eclector is not just another reader. It can do things that no standard reader of any existing implementation can do.
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<_death> pve: I often use package-inferred-system style, where each file defines its own package.. this removes the anxiety of choosing such internal names
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<Nilby> Eclector is actually harder to use the standard reader, and can't function as a standard reader without the "client" supplying a number of pieces. Recommending it for things the implementation's reader can do seems inappropriate.
<pve> _death: I go back and forth on package-inferred style, but I it does help with the anxiety for sure.
<beach> Nilby: I see.
<Nilby> On the other hand, the standard reader is missing one crucial feature from Lisp Machine Lisps that makes it impossible to do a number a very useful things.
<pve> Nilby: what's that?
<Nilby> pve: Customization of intern via something like *read-intern*.
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<pve> ah, ok
<_death> pve: it has the added advantage that nothing out of the ordinary (for a CL programmer) is going on..
<pve> _death: yeah, true
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<Nilby> beach: I'm not trying to pick on Eclector. I think it's great to have a fully customizable reader. But it can be tricky to use, especially for replacing the implementation's version.
<pve> _death: But sometimes I feel that there's a tiny bit too much friction with the package-inferred style if I'm just exploring (like frequently changing export lists). I dunno, maybe you know what I mean, or maybe it's just me.
<pve> If the experience could be made smoother somehow (opinionated is fine), I might be all over it. But this could be a case of having my cake and eating it.
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<pve> like sometimes I know I want to USE everything in another file, except the helper functions, and figure out the exports later.
<_death> well, in tests and experimental code I sometimes use :: until I figure it out.. I don't mind it because it's the same project
<_death> when reading the code it sticks out like a TODO
<pve> right
<_death> and when the right interface to export comes up, removing those ::s feels good.. so win-win :)
<pve> wait a minute, couldn't I just automatically export everything that's bound to something unless the symbol contains, say, "%"?
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<_death> to me #\% and other such nuisance chars are too distasteful to use in names.. *foo* is as far as I go
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<pve> it's not pretty, no
<_death> but do continue to experiment.. I bet it's fun ;)
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<jcowan> Bike: Whether consing or mutating is slower depends on the GC algorithm
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<jcowan> As for license changes: take a look at the license of Python some time. Most of it is junk DNA that is carried around by the requirement not to strip the license text.
<jcowan> beach: see the Lisp Curse article: everyone implements their own 80% solutions
<jcowan> (not to be confused with seven percent solutions)
<beach> So what do you conclude from that?
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<jcowan> That we have so much overlap because nobody is willing to say "I will include stuff in this library for which I myself have no use"
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<Shinmera> that's not the reason, but ok
<Shinmera> or at least that reason does not correlate at all with my observations.
<Shinmera> A similar reason that I *do* see is that it often feels like getting changes into an existing project is more effort than just writing a new solution. Or in the very least, it is much less appealing to do so.
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<beach> I am not sure what to do with this information.
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<dbotton> I am trying to understand what (declare dynamic-extent XXX) is used for
<dbotton> it seems both uses are valid, but what use is the second version?
<Bike> in both cases it's quite possibly pointless since the list is in constant memory.
<jackdaniel> I was about to say that
<Bike> in the second case it is invalid (i.e. the declaration is a lie)
<dbotton> was just typing that I don't understand point at all
<dbotton> for that reason anyways
<dbotton> so when would it be used?
<jackdaniel> when you have a somewhat large data structure that you know that it does not escape the dynamic extent
<jackdaniel> then it may be allocated on the stack (i.e it does not touch the heap)
<jackdaniel> hence is faster (i.e does not cons)
<jackdaniel> of course the compiler may ignore that declaration whatsoever and go straight to the heap with it
<dbotton> I think I am having difficult understanding then when it would be deallocated off the stack
<jackdaniel> when the stack unwinds, then it will be simply forgotten
<jackdaniel> that's the thing with the stack, you don't need to deallocate things
<dbotton> yes understand that, but which stack. of the function?
<dbotton> so this is a hit to say that nothing escapes the function
<dbotton> then if that is the case #2 should be invalid
<Nilby> Yes. Dynamic extent says the thing won't be used after the function returns. The details of the exact optimization can change
<dbotton> so dynamic extent is same as lexical scope here?
<dbotton> and if that is the case what is #2 valid
<jackdaniel> #2 is invalid (as Bike pointed out), but nothing will crash, because that data is not allocated on the stack
<jackdaniel> you have quoted it, so it is in the constant memory either way
<dbotton> ok so #2 is an invalid hint
<jackdaniel> yes
<dbotton> to the compiler - that at least with scbl is not reported
<jackdaniel> it is your promise to the compiler
<dbotton> so I am a crook :(
<dbotton> got it
<jackdaniel> some implementations may decide to ignore the declaration /unless/ they can formally prove that the value does not escape
<jackdaniel> other implementations may trust you and then gleefully have a segmentation fault
<jackdaniel> and sometimes it may depend on optimization settings
<dbotton> so why is it called dynamic extent - it is local scope
<dbotton> lexical scope - sorry
<dbotton> I may be confused in the definition here of dynamic extent
<jackdaniel> scope (dynamic or lexical) is about names, while extent is about values
<dbotton> so dynamic extent = value is in lexical scope
<jackdaniel> no
<jackdaniel> (defun xxx (a) (print a)) (defun yyy () (let ((foo (list 1 2))) (declare (dynamic-extent foo)) (xxx (list* 1 foo)))))
<jackdaniel> the list named foo in yyy is available in xxx (and xxx is invoked in the dynamic extent of yyy), but foo is not available for xxx by name
<dbotton> so lexical and dynamic or "local" - downward - indefinite = global
<jackdaniel> of course what I did is an undefined behavior, because print returns its argument, and I'm returning the result of xxx, but that's beside the point
<mfiano> is that undefined behavior there?
<mfiano> ah ok ninjad
<Nilby> I don't want to add confusion, but print could call a print-object method that steals the object too.
<jackdaniel> "steals"?
<Nilby> Allows it to escape dynamic extent.
<dbotton> so if you are hinting dynamic-extent to compiler you should tell users of your function not to "steal" your object
<dbotton> or potentially a seg fault?
<jackdaniel> you should not let escape variables with dynamic extent to escape, in other words you should not call functions that may capture the variable outside of it
<dbotton> got it, sorry had it inside out
<Nilby> e.g. like when CLIM prints an object in a listener window.
<jackdaniel> Nilby: yes, I get it now, thanks
<jackdaniel> dbotton: scopes and extents are orthogonal
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<dbotton> are there any other things to be careful with using such a declare?
<Nilby> jackdaniel: Sorry, I know you're highly versed in CLIM. Maybe even CLOG can do something similar.
<jackdaniel> for example (block foobar (lambda () (return-from foobar))) ; -the returned function is defined in the lexical scope of the block, but escapes its dynamic extent (and invoking it will lead to a runtime error, unless you have a very peculiar implementation that travels in time)
<dbotton> thanks!
<dbotton> wonder if way to demo that graphically - should be able to show two time lines one for code and one for objects
<jackdaniel> strictly speaking the user is not allowed to write print-object methods specialized on system classes, but the point still stands about the capture if we replace a list with make-instance 'foo
<jackdaniel> good night \o
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