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<char[m]> Hello common lisp, Could someone please help me understand why macroexpand-all doesn't work for some forms such as (defun test () (+ 1 2))?
<char[m]> It's not working for me on sbcl.
<kakuhen> Is macroexpand-all even standard CL? Or is this some implementation-specific extension I'm not aware of
<kakuhen> I would assume MACROEXPAND covers what you're trying to do
<char[m]> yes, macroexpand-all is non-ansi extension implemented by a poop ton of implementations and there is trivial-macroexpand-all. Macroexpand doens't guarentee to expand everything; it only makes sure the car is not a macro. It could have deeper nested, unexpanded macros.
<char[m]> What is most odd to me is that macroexpand-all is not expanding defun at all.
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<kakuhen> I guess this is a better question for #sbcl. I'm not getting consistent results across implementations (probably needless to say)
<Bike> ...not at all? that's pretty weird.
<Bike> what i would have guessed is that it would choke on sbcl's named-lambda, which i think defun still expands into.
<kakuhen> SBCL example indeed returns just `(DEFUN TEST () (+ 1 2))`. So I want to blame the implementation of DEFUN :P
<kakuhen> curiously, the normal MACROEXPAND will expand everything.
<Nilby> perhaps it's a compiler-macro and only really has side effects
<Bike> defun is certainly a macro.
<char[m]> It doesn't! that sb-int:named-lambda is left unexpanded.
<Bike> the macro-function is right there. i couldn't tell you why macroexpand-all wouldn't expand it. sounds like it's not doing even basic stuff.
<char[m]> That though. Maybe it is worth it to write a non-trivial-macroexpand-all
<Bike> there's already a couple of those. agnostic-lizard is the one i remember
<Nilby> there's also sb-walker:macroexpand-all and agnostic-lizard:macroexpand-all which both have the same results
<char[m]> ^ that is a question
<char[m]> It is odd to me that agnostic lizard implementation would have the same behaviour.
<char[m]> Obviously if I NIH the non-trivial-macroexpand-all it will work way better /s
<Bike> i think the only way to make a reliable macroexpand-all would be to convince implementations not to use their own special operators, or at least to provide macroexpansions if they do. otherwise it's a bit of a crapshoot as things keep moving
<char[m]> Bike: Do you mean like how 'sb-int:named-lambda is a macro unless it is inside (function ...), or are you referring to something else?
<Bike> well, i mean that once it's inside function, there's no way for a code walker to walk into the lambda unless it knows particularly about sb-int:named-lambda, which is an extension (and an undocumented internal one, even)
<char[m]> Bike: I'm having a bit of that problem too. I had to add a little #+sbcl.
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<phoe> huh
<phoe> (sb-cltl2:macroexpand-all '(defun foo () (+ 1 2))) seems broken indeed
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* phoe submits a ticket
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<beach> If you have an implementation other than SBCL easily accessible, please help fill in the cases with question marks here: https://github.com/s-expressionists/wscl/blob/main/wscl-issues/proposed/aref-accessor-dimension-error
<ixelp> wscl/aref-accessor-dimension-error at main · s-expressionists/wscl · GitHub
<phoe> beach: you have a copypaste error, you probably do not want (one (one ...))
<beach> Oops! Thanks!
<phoe> also your L88 is incomplete
<beach> Fixed! Thanks again.
<phoe> beach: sent
<ixelp> AREF-ACCESSOR-DIMENSION-ERROR results · Issue #22 · s-expressionists/wscl · GitHub
<phoe> CCL, CMUCL, LW don't have type errors there
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<beach> Thank you!
<phoe> LW has something called CONDITIONS:ARRAY-ERROR as the superclass of the signaled error, but not CL:TYPE-ERROR
<beach> Good to know!
<phoe> but, yes, LW signals a CONDITIONS:SUBSCRIPT-OUT-OF-BOUNDS which is a specialized condition type
<beach> Excellent. I will fill that in.
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<mariari> I've noticed CCL doesn't really trigger type errors unless you fill in object slots, in which case it checks (SBCL oddly doesn't)
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<phoe> what do you mean?
<beach> mariari: It may vary according to the OPTIMIZE qualities.
<phoe> which type errors, which objects, which slots?
<mariari> I may very well vary according to optimize qualities, I never got around to trying, I mainly switch between SBCL and CCL when developing.
<mariari> phoe: when one writes (defclass test-class () ((var :initarg :var :type keyword)))
<mariari> (make-instance 'test-class :var 3), CCL errors on the default settings
<mariari> [Condition of type CCL::BAD-SLOT-TYPE-FROM-INITARG], whereas SBCL just accepts it
<phoe> yes, AFAIK you need higher safety in SBCL for this
<beach> As I recall, SBCL only relatively recently added type checks for slots of instances of standard classes, and then only when certain OPTIMIZE qualities are hight.
<beach> *high
<mariari> It's just interesting given how signatures are checked more stringently in SBCL but class slots less so
<mariari> with the default optimize qualities that is
<beach> Yes, I find the combination of SBCL default OPTIMIZE qualities and its safety checks a bit unfortunate.
<beach> Many newbies keep the default OPTIMIZE qualities and are then surprised that some things are not checked.
<mariari> I really should play with tweaking my code more OPTIMIZE qualities wise, as I typically just go to CCL to debug, as by default it preserves all let values in the debug frames
<beach> I set the OPTIMIZE qualities in my .sbclrc to (DEBUG 3) (SPEED 0) (SAFETY 3)
<beach> But newbies don't think of doing that, for obvious reasons.
<phoe> I don't DECLARE OPTIMIZE, I globally restrict the compiler policy to high debug/safety so that lisp code cannot set it any lower with e.g. (optimize (safety 0))
<phoe> sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy
<beach> Intersting.
<beach> *sigh*
<beach> *Interesting.
<mariari> I would put debug high, however I believe SBCL turns off TCO at what any debug higher than 1.
<beach> I find that to be a good thing. Then I am forced to design algorithms that don't eat too much stack space.
<beach> And I am sure my code will work on implementations without tail-call optimization.
<beach> Also (SPEED 0) forces me to think more about algorithms and data structures and less about low-level tweaks.
<mariari> For portability it is a good thing to have TCO disabled, yeah. Interesting, so you try to use it as a guide marker for structural efficiency gains
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<lisp123> How big of deal is that a list is defined as being possibly nil
<lisp123> hmmm scratch that
<lisp123> (ignore me)
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<pjb> lisp123: note that in lisp, there's no abstract data type for list.
<lisp123> pjb, thats where i was thinking
<pjb> lisp123: (deftype list () `(or null cons))
<lisp123> i was trying to create one
<pjb> just chains of cons cells, or the empty list, denoted by nil.
<lisp123> but concluded that (or null cons) was the best / only way
<pjb> You could implement your own list type, where you'd define an empty list type and singleton.
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<pjb> lisp123: in a way, in lisp, the empty list exists as (), and is only implemented as CL:NIL.
<lisp123> (defclass list () ((car :initarg :car :accessor car) (cdr :initarg :cdr :accessor cdr))) doesn't really work
<pjb> in scheme, () is an empty list by itself, there's no predefined nil symbol.
<pjb> lisp123: (shadow '(list car cdr)) first
<lisp123> almost would have to do (defclass list () ((value :initarg :value :accessor value))) and then let value be nil or cons
<thuna`> Is there a way to force SBCL (and other implementations) to use "/path/to/file" as the source location?
<pjb> (defclass empty-list (list) ())
<pjb> thuna`: sb-ext:set-sbcl-source-location
<pjb> lisp123: or indeed, you can abstract away the whole list with your last defclass.
<phoe> pjb: also define methods for (SETF CAR) and (SETF CDR) that signal an error, and (warning, optimization) EMPTY-LIST can also be a singleton
<lisp123> (defclass empty-list (list) ()) -> that works
<thuna`> pjb: That reads like it sets the path for the sbcl code and not the one I'm compiling?
<thuna`> Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the location of any implementation. I have an implementation, and I want the code I compile (using that implementation) to point to somewhere else
<pjb> thuna`: the one you're compiling cannot be changed! You can read it while compiling using the variables *compile-file-pathname* *compile-file-truename* and while loading with *load-pathname* *load-truename*.
<pjb> thuna`: you can specify the file you compile by passing the path to (COMPILE-FILE path).
<thuna`> Hmm
<pjb> thuna`: you can also set *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*
<pjb> to a pathname that is merged with the pathname you give to open, load, compile-file, etc.
<pjb> So if you do (setf *default-pathname-defaults* #P"/my/sources/") (compile-file "foo") it will compile /my/sources/foo.lisp
<thuna`> Alright, that sounds promising
<pjb> with (setf *default-pathname-defaults* #P"/my/sources/foo.cl") (compile-file "bar") it will compile /my/sources/bar.cl
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<Demosthenex> hrm. so jexer and a turbovision port are available. jexer means java, the tv one is c++. wish i could find something closer to CL i could use for db forms
<Josh_2> Mornin :sunglasses:
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<Demosthenex> arg, claw conflicts with sbcl, so i can't even try to load the c++ lib :P
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<thuna`> Sooo... just thinking out loud: If I add `:perform (compile-op :before (o c) (declare (ignore o c)) (setf *default-pathname-defaults* #P"/path/to/different/file"))' to the asdf recipe, would that set the source properly (as in, in /path/to/different/file as opposed to /path/to/original/file)?
<thuna`> Of course, this would have to work for non-flat projects as well
<flip214> does CL mandate whether (LET (...) (defun ...)) replaces the function (and therefore the let bindings around!) when the function body is EQUAL to the last definition? I'd guess yes, or is an implementation allowed to check a compile cache or so?
<beach> That sounds undecidable in general.
<beach> The LET binding would have to be evaluated to check that it contains the same value as last time, and run into the halting problem.
<beach> So I can't imagine any implementation that would attempt anything like that.
<thuna`> I think I can't put multiple :perform's in a single defsystem with the same operation and qualifier, right?
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<Josh_2> Is there a library around for interfacing with usb barcode scanners?
<Josh_2> I think I just have to read a /dev/
<pjb> thuna`: asdf already manages the paths for you.
<pjb> flip214: LET DEFUN will produce a closure, not just a function. So even if the body is the same, a new closure need to be produced when evaluated.
<thuna`> pjb: Well, the thing isI can't use the path asdf uses. I have the sources in a tmp directory, and after I compile them (using make/asdf) I move them to a non-tmp directory.
<thuna`> is, I*
<pjb> perhaps. But it's better to keep it simple.
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<phoe> if we are truly trying to be lispy, shouldn't *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* be named *PATHNAME-METADEFAULTS* instead?
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<dipper> hi
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<josrr> Josh_2: The last time I used one of those, it behaved like a keyboard.
<beach> Hello dipper.
<dipper> hi good night beach
<Josh_2> josrr: Seems that way
<josrr> Josh_2: maybe read-line will suffice
<Josh_2> Perhaps
<Josh_2> Might just use RFID cards instead
<Josh_2> Might not use anything. Although I certainly have a use for a nice CLIM interface
<pjb> Reading devices may be surprising sometimes with the stream wrapping. It's not obvious that read-line will be ok. You may have to open it as a binary strea, and to read octet by octet.
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<pjb> or vice-versa, they may have problems with read-sequence, and read-line is better.
<Josh_2> Well its only a "maybe" project atm
<Josh_2> I would write a lisp program for managing memberships for a new business a family member may setup
<ixelp> common-lisp/cesarum/stream.lisp · master · com-informatimago / com.informatimago · GitLab
<Josh_2> depends on the popularity of the event. If its popular and theres plenty of money floating around then there is money for paying for RFID membership cards. Otherwise there is no point me wasting my time developing a CLIM app
<Josh_2> Could use bios instead, but finger print scanners seem to be pretty slow
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<josrr> Josh_2: if you decide on the barcode reader: the last time I used it, I did it in conjunction with a CLIM text-field gadget.
<Josh_2> Thanks, thats good to know
<Josh_2> Seems it easier to get membership cards that are RFID or the swipey kind rather than something with a barcode
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<Josh_2> Seems the RFID scanners work the same way, like a keyboard
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<Seok__> is there a channel for cepl related stuff?
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<phoe> maybe #lispgames
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<Seok__> ok
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<Josh_2> Bike: What is meant by this? "Clasp has the ability to save and restart from memory snapshots."
<Josh_2> Or what does that mean in practice. Is it just the equiv of save-lisp-and-die?
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<Bike> Pretty much, yeah
<Josh_2> aww
<Josh_2> alright
* edgar-rft wonders how Clasp saves from memory snapshots
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<Bike> "Clasp can save to and restart from memory snapshots", if you like
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<yitzi> Josh_2: Clasp uses slightly different terminology from other implementations b.c. the name "core" is used as a package name. What some implementations call a core, Clasp calls an image. What other implementations call an image Clasp calls a snapshot.
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<Josh_2> Thanks for the clarification yitzi :)
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* phoe dances because the Wizards of SBCL have just fixed a bugticket he submitted
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<Josh_2> Show
<phoe> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1956621 a minor annoyance/MOP compliance issue that I managed to work around anyway
<ixelp> Bug #1956621 “SLOT-MAKUNBOUND-USING-CLASS is not always called” : Bugs : SBCL
<phoe> kudos to stassats
<Bike> wow, that is an ugly workaround.
<phoe> I know, right
<phoe> redefining SBCL guts is, by definition, ugly
<phoe> ...and the way I did it makes it doubly so
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<hayley> Redefining compiler guts is fun.
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<euouae> Hello, how can I generate an executable using asdf:make?
<phoe> euouae: well, by calling it
<euouae> So my two questions are, where can I read the docs for asdf:make and how to generate executables?
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<phoe> (describe 'asdf:make) shows the docstring; as for the other things, hmmmm
<phoe> you need to define the entry point and the pathname
<phoe> and I admit that I'm kinda lazy and ignorant because I do not use raw asdf for that, I use https://github.com/Shinmera/deploy
<ixelp> GitHub - Shinmera/deploy: Deployment tools for standalone Common Lisp applications
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<phoe> which has its How To section, with four properties you need to add to your system definition, and then you can call asdf:make
<euouae> Wait, is this fasl? I mean compiled binaries
<euouae> native binaries that is
<phoe> no, this is actual executables
<phoe> as in programs that you can run
<euouae> nice, thank you for that library. I'll check it out.
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<euouae> Ah, so I should had used (asdf:make :my-project/exe). It's a bit different than test-system which takes :my-project instead of :my-project/tests
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<euouae> But the deploy library seems useful for the purpose of targetting many OSes
<phoe> and taking care of bundling shared libs too
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<euouae> oh I see. So it works everywhere
<euouae> What about a build system? Of course I can ask the users to launch sbcl to build it, but should I just use a makefile?
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<phoe> or you can order your build system to do two steps
<phoe> step 1, pull all the dependencies, `(ql:quickload :my-system)`
<phoe> step 2, generate the executable, `(asdf:make :my-system)`
<phoe> which means doing something like sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :my-system)" --eval "(asdf:make :my-system)" --quit
<phoe> (speaking in unix terms)
<euouae> Nice. Is there some approach here that is reasonable or do I hand-craft all of the .sh/bat files
<phoe> there are github actions templates for testing and generating stuff
<euouae> where?
<euouae> I've never used a gh action, is there a central place for them?
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<phoe> https://40ants.com/run-tests/ for instance
<ixelp> GitHub Action to Run Tests for a Common Lisp Library
<ixelp> GitHub Actions
<euouae> nice, thank you
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<euouae> How about documentation extraction? I'd like multiple pages that reference the symbols, is that possible?
<euouae> A bit like how Rust does it
<euouae> Ideally the docstrings are in markdown and so are the ;;;; header comments, with cross linking?
<ixelp> Staple
<phoe> there's multiple docgenerators available
<euouae> Shinmera seems to have some good stuff eh?
<euouae> I'll take a look at staple, thanks ixelp
<euouae> err, thanks phoe
<phoe> euouae: yes
<phoe> and no problem,
<phoe> :D
<euouae> aah common lisp is so nice
<euouae> I'm dusting off my parens
<euouae> Does asdf:make always build optimized?
<phoe> optimized *how*
<euouae> Becuase what I have now seems to be a debug build
<euouae> E.g. loaded with gdb I see C source code with `l`
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<phoe> oh, yes - remove all FASLs by removing ~/.cache/common-lisp/ and then rebuild your code with the proper OPTIMIZE settings set globally before ql:quickloading anything
<euouae> where is OPTIMIZE set?
<euouae> is it asdf?
<phoe> in your code!
<phoe> or, rather, --eval "(declaim (optimize ...))" --eval "(ql:quickload ...)" and so on
<euouae> Ah oh, declare optimize
<euouae> got it
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<euouae> So (declaim (optimize speed)) is giving me speed right?
<phoe> yep; depending on how much performance you need at the cost of other things, you can tweak all the different optimize qualities from 0 to 3
<phoe> clhs optimize
<ixelp> CLHS: Declaration OPTIMIZE
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<phoe> (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0) (safety 0) (space 0) (speed 3) is basically "I don't care how it runs but boy when it does it gotta go FAST"
<euouae> I still see debug symbols, I guess those are by default and could be stripped?
<phoe> but usually it's a bad idea because almost any programming error can destroy your memory safety
<phoe> euouae: if you're using SBCL, I actually don't know if it's safe to strip it - AFAIK not
<phoe> maybe ask on #sbcl
<euouae> So (safety 3) (speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0) seems reasonable?
<phoe> if you want very very very little debug information, I guess, yeah
<euouae> I'm not sure how production works
<euouae> Maybe debug info is fine too
<phoe> experiment and figure things out and benchmark, that's the way forth
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