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<nij-> How do I interact with a running (sb-)thread?
<nij-> For example, I now have a thread running a task in the background. If certain event happens, i want to have an option to *manually* tell it (from the repl) to switch to another task.
<pjb> nij-: in general, you will want the thread to be programmed to have a controlled interaction.
<recordgroovy> Sounds like you'd want message-passing rather than thread control
<pjb> nij-: you will use mutexes (locks) and condition-variables to let them communicate when events occur.
<recordgroovy> ^
<pjb> nij-: and of course, you can use those mutexes and condition-variables, to build higher level constructs such as mailboxes, or message queues.
<pjb> nij-: that said, it's possible to use bt:destroy-thread and bt:interrupt-thread to have some asynchronous interaction.
<recordgroovy> sb-thread has all the useful multithreading primitives you should need
<pjb> nope. Use bordeaux-threads instead!
<pjb> recordgroovy: this isnot #sbcl.
<recordgroovy> pjb: nij mentioned sb-threads, which is why I mentioned them. Though you're right, bordeaux-threads has those primitives as well
<pjb> nij-: if you want a sbcl specific answer, ask in #sbcl.
<nij-> recordgroovy ok.. lets see.. how to pass message?
<pjb> nij-: you may find some multi-threading libraries.
<nij-> pjb how to pass message with bordeax-thread?
<ixelp> clext/queue.lisp · master · com-informatimago / com.informatimago · GitLab
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<nij-> Oh, so I can make the thread return a "queue" before it starts running.
<nij-> And when it runs, it will constantly check the queue.
<nij-> If queue has something, it reacts accordingly?
<pjb> nij-: not really, threads can return a value only when they terminate, and you can collect it with bt:join-thread.
<pjb> nij-: instead, the main program will create the queue and other such data structures, and will create the threads, the consummer(s) and the producer(s).
<pjb> nij-: the use of condition-variables ensure that the thread doesn't "constantly" check the queue. It only checks it when it receive a condition notification. But otherwise, yes, the code of the thread will be a loop getting a message from the queue, and processing it (for the consummer), or generating a message and enqueueing it (for the producer).
<nij-> condition-variable is only for LW?
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<hayley> No, condition variables are provided in Bordeaux threads.
<hayley> I recommend using safe-queue for mailboxes and queues though.
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<pjb> hayley: (bt:make-condition-variable) #| --> #<ccl:semaphore #x3020026BEA7D> |#
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<aeth> so quiet in here; I guess all of the noisy weekend chatter is in the off-topic channel
<aeth> anyone have an interesting project?
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<recordgroovy> I've been iterating on this https://sr.ht/~shunter/wayflan/
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<aeth> I didn't even know you could write a wayland client in the same style as e.g. clx
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<aeth> I wonder if it would make things more portable to e.g. mezzano or to an attempt to replace pid 1 on Linux with Lisp
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<recordgroovy> I think it would be funny to replace pid 1 with lisp, just to see if one can
<recordgroovy> I would not be the one to do that, though
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<recordgroovy> I should study clx, maybe I'll get some insight to improve the API here
<aeth> comes up a lot
<beach> recordgroovy: Nah! CLX does not use standard classes nor generic functions, so it feels old.
<recordgroovy> Oh
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<recordgroovy> What makes it clx-like?
<aeth> (I mean replacing pid 1 comes up a lot)
<beach> recordgroovy: I think it is similar in spirit to what you are doing in that it implements the protocol directly in Common Lisp.
<recordgroovy> Holy baloney, some of these files are three decades old
<phoe> welcome to Common Lisp
<phoe> a language with legacy™
<Nilby> I've tried lisp as pid 1 and my sad conclusion is, there isn't a suitable free implementation.
<beach> The one good thing about CLX is that it was written by people who seem to know how to take advantage of Common Lisp features to maximize maintainability.
<phoe> Nilby: what do you mean?
<phoe> what sort of implementation traits are required?
<aeth> SBCL doesn't work?
<Nilby> sbcl has problems with memory and signal handling
<recordgroovy> Wayland is pretty straightforward as a protocol beach, just a couple quirks like passing fd's over
<aeth> jackdaniel and Duuqnd (and others) had a similar conversation in #lispcafe (iirc) yesterday
<beach> recordgroovy: I see.
<phoe> wrt signals, there are solutions like https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init which work around the "unix signaling for PID 1 is special" thing
<recordgroovy> The hard part is making the compositor, since you don't have a companion server like Xorg to do lots of the hard part for you
<phoe> wrt memory, you mean high memory use or GC or something else?
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<Nilby> phoe: the signal thing has to do with how sbcl runtime deals with with unix signals on a deep level. I wasn't even concenred with init systems, because I was doing a lisp busybox like thing. The memory problem, is the fixed dynamic space thing as usual.
<Nilby> phoe: there's also a few patches i had to do for stack overhead
<phoe> yes, I see
<beach> Hmm, that sounds like we need to work on a new implementation. :)
<aeth> a New Implementation of Lisp?
<beach> Heh!
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<Nilby> sbcl does a lot of interceding with signals, file descriptors, and threads, which is somewhat necessary, but troublesome. My dream is to someday have a sbcl patch set which can run as pid 1, but I keep getting tempted to rewrite the C runtime to lisp.
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<hayley> If only there was an implementation written entirely in Common Lisp.
<Nilby> I'm ready for it.
<Nilby> hayley: I'm curious, what would you guess is the percent of your sbcl GC work, in C vs Lisp.
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<hayley> The only Lisp code I've written is to make MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS work with the new heap layout.
<Nilby> hayley: thanks. I know that's a dumb question since the other GCs are C
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<hayley> You might enjoy reading through https://github.com/JikesRVM/JikesRVM/tree/master/MMTk/src/org/mmtk then.
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<Nilby> Heh, thanks. I think I've looked a bit through that. "Enjoy" not the word I would used :|
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<Nilby> But there's something calm about it, compared to the GCs in most current CLs
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<Nilby> I wish we had even %10 of the work/research that goes into Java or Javascript GC
<hayley> My motto for myself has always been "bringing SBCL up to late 00's Java." Which perhaps is a bit too cruel.
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<aeth> hayley: so you're selling your work to Oracle soon, then?
<hayley> I wish.
<Nilby> It seems like you're doing the most Lisp GC work currently. So we need to 100x you.
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<hayley> My approach is to bug Doug Katzman a lot.
<Nilby> sounds reasonable, they might just have to grab you into the googplex
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<hayley> Eh, not sure if I want to work at Google. But it's the time of year when everyone bugs me to get a job.
<Duuqnd> Nilby: Any reason why SBCL should need to run as PID 1 specifically? In my attempt, /init is a shell script (need busybox or similar to mount filesystems anyway) that does nothing but start SBCL, and that works fine. Of course it would be ideal to run only SBCL, but practically I don't see much difference. What am I missing?
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<jackdaniel> recordgroovy: check out work by cmack on wayland vackend for mcclim (it is in the repository pull requests)
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<aeth> Duuqnd: Good point. As I mentioned in #lispcafe (and a bunch of times before on IRC over the years) I definitely think a top-down approach is the way to go here. Well, I mean top-down from something like stumpwm (or a wayland compositor), but even just top-down in your sense could work, too.
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<aeth> i.e. get something that works on top of your init (or even on top of systemd). Maybe replace it later. Instead of starting about how to rewrite/fork SBCL or write a new CL or whatever
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<aeth> I definitely try to have something that works every step of the way. It's hard for some projects that are massive and interconnected (e.g. game engines), but those tend to be more successful imo
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<Nilby> Duuqnd: You're right. It's just that I wanted a system with only the Lisp shell where I didn't need to have any old shell code. A system with a simple init and a lisp shell works now, although I wish I had a lisp DHCP and power monitor, ntpd, etc.
<Nilby> wifi, bluetooth, etc
<Duuqnd> I did look for ways to ditch busybox for a bit, but mounting file systems turned out to be a not-so-nice task to do from Lisp. I also wanted to minimize any changes I made to software to keep it simple to set up, so I didn't really feel like building that into SBCL.
<Duuqnd> I think keeping some C programs around will be necessary until either drivers start being written in Lisp (currently considering how that might be done in Linux, or at least hacked together) or if something like a unikernel is used.
<Nilby> someday maybe I'll have enough of the pieces.
<Nilby> unfortunately when writing unix-like utilities i keep wishing i had a transactional file system, so you could do nice "safe" (with-dangerous-thing macros
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<aeth> well, Linux finally is allowing some Rust code after being strictly C for a very long time
<aeth> so perhaps a low-level subset of Common Lisp could one day, maybe in 10 or so years, get used for drivers, too
<phoe> one without runtime, I suppose
<phoe> so it would be a separate dialect of CL rather than CL itself
<hayley> Why can't it have a runtime?
<aeth> no runtime, no GC; since it's for kernel code and kernel drivers in this hypothetical
<aeth> could have GC at macroexpansion and compilation time, though
<phoe> hayley: try convincing the linux people that adding a gc and lisp runtime to the kernel is a good idea
<phoe> aeth: yes, that's no problem, that's what Carp does
<aeth> it would be a strange reversal of some languages that have restricted compilation-time evaluation
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<hayley> And, honestly, why settle for not-Common Lisp? Can't reuse any code, and why bother with the endeavor.
<hayley> You're both fucking hopeless.
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<aeth> huh? it would be a DSL of sorts
<phoe> there is a GC and unbounded allocation at macroexpansion/compilation time in there
<aeth> no different than e.g. the shader languages
<phoe> yep
<phoe> but then you'd need CL at compilation time available for building the linux kernel
<Nilby> heh, I also tried sbcl as a bsd rumpkernel a long time ago, but that had runtime problems too
<aeth> phoe: just a small technicality
<phoe> which is another dependency, for building this time
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<phoe> adding rust is a small technicality and it took years for it to happen
<phoe> adding a language like CL that is completely alien™ to C and Rust is nothing I can imagine
<aeth> Nilby: as far as your file system though that wouldn't even be an issue here though
<aeth> userspace filesystems. FUSE
<aeth> seems dangerous, though. Those things take years and years to trust with your data
<aeth> so it's more of a life's work type of thing
<Nilby> aeth: right, it's just hard when you're coding lisp to try to do thing the unix way, and just panic on error with handlers or unwind-protect
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<phoe> yeah, depends on the error handling system of the outerlying layer
<phoe> working with lisp in the erlang world would also be a major pain because a process is usually expected to completely die upon encountering any error, after sending an appropriate exit message to the processes it's linked with
<phoe> but then again, that's different styles of interacting with "the world outside"
<Duuqnd> What I imagined trying in terms of drivers is exposing whatever a driver needs to use (idk I haven't written many drivers) through the file system so drivers could be written straight in Lisp. Of course, I don't see much practical use for this, all I want is to see how this could work.
<aeth> as a... uh... kmod or something?
<Duuqnd> Maybe? I don't know what kmod is
<phoe> kernel modules?
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<Nilby> Duuqnd: at least in linux, most things can be done like that at user level. depending on the hw, some drivers are developed at user level and then later put in the kernel.
<Duuqnd> I'm thinking that if it's exposed through the file system I wouldn't need to modify SBCL's runtime
<phoe> if anything there's a ton of stuff you can do while just being root, accessing devices with root-owned programs would be one of them I think
<phoe> a lisp image running as root that talks to the filesystem or accesses some foreign memory that's actually a device DMA region would be one of them
<phoe> s/one of them/such a usecase/
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<jackdaniel> Nilby: do you remember what the problems with rumpkernel and sbcl were?
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<Nilby> jackdaniel: It was 8 or 9 years ago, but I think I booted it and got a repl, and it did have some crashes, but I think I wasn't so happy with the approach.
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<jackdaniel> I see, thanks
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<nij-> I just learned that merge-sort algorithm is better for list data structure, and so sbcl probably uses that for #'sort and #'stable-sort.
<nij-> I now have a long list, from which I only want to select the 3 best ones.
<nij-> The usual sorting algorithm "quicksort" has a selecting cousin for this, which is caleld "quickselect".
<nij-> Is there anything like that for merge sort? I can't find any by searching "mergeselect"..
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<phoe> sort the sequence and then take the first three elements?
<phoe> that would be O(nlogn)
<phoe> I wonder if it could be done in O(n) since you don't need to sort the whole list to pick three maximal elements
<nij-> So quickselect is basically quicksort, but it cleverly stops doing the rest when there's a proof that the first 3 have been found.
<nij-> I can't think of one for merge sort though..
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<empwilli> I think you approach the issue from the wrong direction
<nij-> Or maybe I should just copy my list to a vector, quickselect there, and backport..
<nij-> empwilli me?
<empwilli> yup
<empwilli> ask yourself why mergesort is for lists better and what you really have to do for quickselect
<empwilli> afaik quickselect is a: pick the ~ n/2 elements that are lower/higher some element and do this recursively
<Nilby> getting the top 3 is O(n 3) vs O(n log n) so will be quicker for anything above 20 or so
<nij-> Yeah my list could have length 2000
<nij-> Hmm.. I start to wonder why I use lists in the first place.
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<nij-> Oh, but I don't have a good upper bound of how long my list will be.
<nij-> Nilby, do you think copying my list to a vector and run quickselect, would be better?
<nij-> I'm worried that copying takes a long time.
<empwilli> why can't you do quickselect on the list?
<empwilli> (of course, other questions arise as well: how often do you plan to perform the operation? is it worth to maintain an ordered list to begin with, ...)
<Nilby> 2000 is so small you don't have to worry about anything really
<nij-> Nilby, the problem is that the comparer takes more time than #'>
<nij-> it actually is the bottleneck now
<nij-> empwilli I see. I think I can, it's just not optimal for lists.
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<empwilli> why so?
<Nilby> nij-: just getting the top 3 is faster than any sort
<Nilby> until you want n log n top things
<Nilby> or rather log n top things
<phoe> maybe you could even only traverse the array once using some clever comparisons, but no idea if that would perform better
<nij-> phoe oh that's actually pretty nice. since I only need to get 3, which is a small number.
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<Nilby> yes, no need to be clever, just one traversal of max3
<empwilli> tbh. I guess you are really overthinking the issue: if you read the data once at application start, simply sort it---you can reuse battleproof library sources and don't have to worry about fixing bugs in there. If you do it several times implement a quickselect probably (or still sort it, just hit benchmarks)
<empwilli> last resort: try to implement this iterative approach with a single loop but behold: some assmuptions about code (input size, "the number will always be 3") change sooner than later and then you have to throw things away
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<empwilli> (of course I don't want to interrupt philosophical/theoretical discussions :))
<empwilli> but Nilby already showed an example and I'd guess its best to benchmark and consider readability/maintainability
<empwilli> (Also: considering that you write your code as modularized as possible, this part can be changed later as soon as everything else works, if you find it to be a source of slowdowns)
<nij-> Great advice :) Thanks!
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<nij-> Ah.. I used #'uiop:launch-program to run a program, but I didn't "save" the returned process-info. Now I lose the handle to interrupt/terminate it. Is there anyway for me to kill that from lisp, without killing lisp?
<phoe> the standard unix way, find the pid, send it a signal
<nij-> Oh, uiop didn't maintain a history list of all processes created, so I can only kill it externally..
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<beach> nij-: Finding the N largest elements in a list is a standard algorithm in the textbooks on algorithms and data structures.
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<nij-> beach there are several
<beach> Like what?
<nij-> quickselect, or the method phoe mentioned
<beach> That would be in a book only as an example of what not to do.
<nij-> or in some scenarios it maybe easier to just sort and select the first
<beach> That one as well.
<phoe> easier, sure, probably not the most efficient
<nij-> There's a unique efficient selecting algorithm that suits all cases?!
<phoe> what do you mean by "all cases"
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<phoe> you have an array of unsorted data, that's what I understood
<phoe> and you want to find the N greatest elements in it
<nij-> I have a list of unsorted data.
<nij-> not array nor vector
<beach> nij-: The books on algorithms always assume that the list has a large number of elements, and they usually give the algorithm with the best asymptotic complexity.
<phoe> sure, that doesn't matter because the traversal is going to be linear anyway
<nij-> phoe if we use quickselect, than the traversal isn't linear
<phoe> the solution is not to use quickselect if you have a list then
<beach> nij-: If the traversal is not linear, you are not looking at every element, so that can't work.
<phoe> quicksort-style algorithms often assume O(1) random access time, which lists don't have
<beach> nij-: This is fairly elementary stuff. I suggest you read one of those books I recommend.
<phoe> you can traverse a list and maintain the three greatest elements at any time
<beach> phoe: No, quicksort has the same complexity on lists as on vectors.
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<beach> The optimal algorithm for finding the K largest elements in a list of N elements seems to be the one that uses a heap of size K, and its complexity is O(N log K).
<nij-> Cormen - Introduction to Algorithms ?
<nij-> Ok, I think it's time for me to get one book to stay around me.
<beach> That is one of the standard books, but I haven't checked it for this particular algorithm.
<nij-> Which book actually covers most cases?
<nij-> I think a dictionary-like index would be nice.
<beach> Like I said, there is only one "case" as far as algorithms go, namely one where the list has a large number of elements.
<phoe> beach: huh, I need to re-read
<beach> phoe: Pick the first element as the pivot. Traverse the list and divide it into two according to comparison with the pivot. Then sort the two lists recursively. Finally, append the two lists.
<nij-> What I'm worrying is that I may get one book, which doesn't cover a case I need in the future.
<Nilby> phoe is right, it's well known that mergesort is better for lists, and quicksort for arrays
<nij-> I also read that mergesort is better for lists.
<nij-> But that doesn't mean quicksort is worse on lists than on arrays.
<phoe> beach: I see, there's no need to have random list access then
<beach> phoe: Exactly.
<beach> Merge sort is better for arrays too, but in the standard version requires O(N) additional space. But there has been a lot of research on merging for arrays to get the additional space down to O(1).
<nij-> interesting
<nij-> since space is cheap, i wonder why quicksort is still more standardish than merge sort
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<nij-> (time is expensive though)
<pjb> nij-: perhaps because of cache memory.
<beach> You have to allocate that space, so the constant factor is larger than for Quicksort. On the other hand, Quicksort is not great in the worst case.
<nij-> Very good to know.
<nij-> Quicksort isn't as quick as I thought!
<beach> And it is quick only on the "average".
<nij-> n^2 isn't acceptable especially in production..
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<nij-> I appreciate this conversation. Thanks Nilby pjb beach phoe .
<Nilby> and don't forget timsort from as recent as 2002
<nij-> Gosh.. too many sorts..
<Nilby> it's actually not such a simple topic
<nij-> There's not a single bible which records many (if not most) practical solutions for different cases, and which makes the comparison easy?
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<nij-> is tim better than merge?
<Nilby> yes, because it's tuned based on the parameters
<nij-> Wow.. and I wonder how that compares with phoe-sort.
<nij-> Oh sorry, phoe-select.
<nij-> Actually I only need a selection algorithm, not sort. =_= almost forgot
<nij-> I have to leave for now. I will use phoe-select in my case as there are only 3 to be picked. I cannot imagine any other algorithm that could beat it.
<nij-> Thanks folks!
<beach> I gave you the optimal algorithm for selecting the K largest elements from a list of N.
<beach> *sigh*
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<nij-> beach I think I may have missed some of your message. Looking back, I didn't see which book you mentioned, nor any algorithm.
<beach> The optimal algorithm for finding the K largest elements in a list of N elements seems to be the one that uses a heap of size K, and its complexity is O(N log K).
<nij-> The one?
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<beach> I can't see how anything could be better.
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<nij-> phoe-select worst case is O(NK)
<nij-> i wonder which algorithm you meant, beach.
<beach> The one that constructs a heap of size K is the one I meant.
<nij-> hmmm ok I will search for what exactly that is. gotta go. Thank you :)
<beach> nij-: A heap is a standard data structure that is also described in those books.
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<beach> It is used by heapsort for instance.
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<phoe> a heap of size 3 would be O(3N) which is O(N) at that point
<phoe> so, yes, a priority heap that also automatically drops the smallest elements upon finding a new maximum
<beach> Yes, I don't think the books treat the particular case of 3.
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<phoe> yeah, there's no need to treat it differently
<phoe> for any constant K the complexity becomes linear
<beach> Right.
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<hamza> Hello Everyone!
<phoe> henlo
<hamza> I hope I am on the right channel now.
<beach> Hello hamza.
<hamza> Yay
<hamza> Been a long time.
<phoe> hamza: this is the Common Lisp channel on Libera Chat
<hamza> I had to move to ERC.
<hamza> Yes.
<hamza> So anyways,
<hamza> I want to ask you how to write an object that is showing an unreadable object error
<hamza> for example:
<hamza> (with-open-file (out "~/myfile.txt" ...)
<hamza> (with-standard-io-syntax
<hamza> (print object out)))
<hamza> However, this shows me the unreadable object error
<hamza> unless I remove the with-standard-io-syntax or change the print to princ or format
<hamza> The objects are also from StumpWM
<hamza> It's a window manager made in common lisp123
<hamza> oops
<hamza> didn't mean to ping
<Demosthenex> stumpwm rocks ;]
<hamza> Yeahhhhh
<hamza> However, the channel on irc is dead
<beach> hamza: Instances of standard classes can't be printed readably.
<hamza> standard classes?
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<hamza> Is that like a specific term or just like normal classes
<beach> I assume that's what you are trying to print.
<beach> clhs standard-class
<hamza> what the...
<beach> It's the ones you typically get when you use DEFCLASS.
<hamza> The default class of classes?
<hamza> so basically everything?
<beach> No, not the default.
<Demosthenex> hamza: what kind of object are you trying to print?
<Demosthenex> and the stump channel's not completely dead ;]
<hamza> Demosthnex: Maybe I have just joined the wrong channel agian.
<phoe> hamza: *print-readably*?
<hamza> Yeah, that was a solution.
<hamza> However, I want to read it back too.
<hamza> Basically, I am trying to save all of the opened windows to a file to open later.
<phoe> objects printed out with *print-readably* being true should be possible to read back
<hamza> However, all the windows are clos objects.
<hamza> phoe: so it is true.
<hamza> but that produces error
<phoe> yes, because no readable print is defined for these objects
<phoe> hm, I'd grab some values you consider important from these objects and print these out, and upon reading re-create the window objects with proper values
<Demosthenex> there's no default print to serialize and reload objects.
<hamza> So do I have to define it or can I just read it again with with-open-file?
<hamza> Demosthenex: Why though?
<hamza> nvm
<hamza> thats dumb
<hamza> so basically, how?
<hamza> like I just define my own format?
<phoe> yep
<Demosthenex> sure
<hamza> or maybe it's something like Java's toString() function
<hamza> or some serializable class to extend?
<hamza> Or it's not that complicated. Just write anyway and read creating custom functions wherever just to use the values?
<Nilby> This case is exactly why objects don't print readably, becase to read them back would have to create complex state. For example you'd have to have the window system set up to read it.
<Demosthenex> hamza: got a better question. if you're saving "all open windows to a file to open later", how would you "reopen" those?
<hamza> Demosthenex
<hamza> Just read from the file
<Demosthenex> is mah name.
<hamza> lol
<hamza> Nilby: ohhh yeah, I forgot how smart cl is
<Demosthenex> so, i have 3 browser windows open, with 2 popups for ads for M$'s V$Code, a terminal, and libreoffice. how the heck would you automatically restore those windows?
<hamza> Basically, I would write (all-windows) to a file (which is the current probelm and first step)
<hamza> then,
<Demosthenex> the complexity of the window/application state you aren't capturing.
<Demosthenex> and even if you ran firefox, libreoffice, a terminal, you can't restore where they were
<Demosthenex> just from the window information
<hamza> I will loop through the windows, and launch-program./
<Nilby> But, you could print objects as a bunch of create-instance things which would re-create the windows, given that everything is set up right.
<Demosthenex> you could at best open the same binary at the same window location, and hope.
<hamza> ? REally?
<hamza> let me try a xprop
<hamza> WM_CLASS(STRING) = "emacs", "Emacs"
<hamza> That's how XMonad did it
<Demosthenex> hamza: so, xprop against my terminal, only useful item is the binary name "urxvt".
<hamza> It matched for WM_class
<hamza> yeah
<Demosthenex> it won't store my PWD, history, or any commands i was running at the time.
<Demosthenex> so i get you're trying to do a rough save/restore state
<hamza> That's done by ~/.zshhistory
<Demosthenex> i think you'll have to dump the binary names and windows to your own format, and then read it in and launch them yourself
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<hamza> Demosthenex: Yeah, basically, in Pakistan There are 4 poweroutages in 24 hours 2-5 hours each
<hamza> so I hate to restart my computer and launch everything again.
<Demosthenex> i have perhaps 15 urxvt windows open right now. history doesn't help.
<Demosthenex> i feel you
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<phoe> hamza: I have a hack at https://github.com/phoe/phoe-toolbox/blob/master/phoe-toolbox.lisp#L444-L459 that is meant to be a very simple serializer
<Nilby> X11 session managers have a semi-standard way of doing that, but it doesn't always work of course
<phoe> but the real problem is how to restart open applications, yeah
<Demosthenex> i think you could have items restart in the same position, but you can't save the application state
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<hamza> phoe: Woah, so cooloololo
<phoe> don't use it though, it's a massive hack™
<hamza> Nilby: Yeah, that is what I treid first but there were window-manager specific ones
<phoe> I mean, you can use it, it's just gonna be your responsibility from that point on
<hamza> phoe: true...
<hamza> ...
<hamza> sigh
<hamza> welp
<hamza> I thought I was going to have a fun common lisp adventure
<Nilby> it's ususally included in a desktop environment, or window manager, but they can be separate, e.g. xsm
<Demosthenex> i'd suggest make sure sleep to disk works, and have a laptop or a ups to save when power loss detected.
<phoe> Hamza: you just had one though
<hamza> the fun only just started.
<hamza> I was trying so hard to find a problem to fix.
<Demosthenex> hamza: you better defined the problem
<hamza> Yeah...
<hamza> Funny thing is I read basically the whole manual including that part 2 times
<hamza> However, when searching I just couldn't remember it after giving a break to hacking my wm
<hamza> So, I will just (dump-desktop-to-file "~/mysession") on a hook to opening a window.
<hamza> then restore-from-file on startup
<Nilby> my experience is restoring an X11 session perfectly frequently fails, kind of like browsers trying to restore sessions/tabs
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<nij-> Thanks beach. I think I find the algorithm you mentioned. Though it claims its complexity to be O(K + (N-K)logK). https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/kth-smallestlargest-element-unsorted-array/
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<Devon> Happy Sunday everybody. What's your favorite HTTPS client?
<beach> nij-: It looks like O(N log K) assumes N >> K.
<nij-> Indeed.
<Nilby> Devon: I like drakma, but dexador is faster.
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<nij-> If I want my lisp to talk to another process on my computer, should I use TCP or HTTP?
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<pjb> nij-: I prefer TCP.
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<pjb> nij-: but sometimes is worth going thru HTTP (with possibly websockets).
<nij-> I've actually been thinking about this problem for a while, but I have no idea how to reason.
<pjb> nij-: eg. when you have to go thru filtered networks, or proxy.
<nij-> mmmm I actually just want lisp to talk to another puthon on the same machine.
<pjb> nij-: have a look at Claude.
<nij-> Seems like it helps exporting CL programs.
<nij-> I actually want to call python libs from CL.
<pjb> it's bidirectional.
<nij-> I will take a look. Thank you.
<nij-> In any case, I'm still curious what options I have theoretically.
<nij-> HTTP is more robust but slower than TCP. In general, how much slower could it be?
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<Josh_2> HTTP is pretty darn slow
<Josh_2> Theres a lot of overhead when parsing the HTTP protocol that you wouldn't have with a simple TCP protocol. Perhaps you could use rpc instead
<Josh_2> If its Lisp <-> Lisp perhaps you could use Swank :thinking:
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<nij-> What's the easiest way to launch an external program asynchronously, while letting lisp and that program communicate through a bidirectional socket? #'uiop:run-program seems to use pipes which are uni-directional.
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<gilberth> nij-: [I suppose uiop:run-program is the usual API] You get both a stream for the stdin and the stdout of the child. If you want to have that as something bidirectional MAKE-TWO-WAY-STREAM is your friend.
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<euouae> Hello, with asdf, I want to define a variable in my asd file. Instead of going to ASDF-USER, the manual recommends to define my own package. I'm having trouble putting a defpackage & in-package at the top of the .asd file. I think it's symbol conflicts and such, is there an idiom for this?
<minion> euouae, memo from phoe: you can upgrade to a newer ASDF seamlessly, ASDF does a lot of testing to ensure upgrades like that
<minion> euouae, memo from phoe: download a new asdf version or clone the git repo (without submodules), put it in your local projects, (asdf:load-system :asdf) at the start of your image, and you are no longer dependent on what SBCL ships
<euouae> That's good to know, I'll save that. In case we go with the inferred systems solution
<phoe> symbol conflicts? like what?
<euouae> Let me show you a piece of code
<phoe> yes please, feel free to post it at plaster or somewhere similar
<euouae> This is my latest iteration, the error is shown at the bottom
<euouae> As you might be able to tell, I'm trying to get a list of created packages, /minus/ the dependency packages
<phoe> move DEFVAR above DEFSYSTEM
<phoe> oh, wait, it might be a bit more complex
<phoe> your DEFPACKAGE should have (:USE #:CL #:ASDF) I think, first of all
<phoe> and DEFVAR inside PREPARE-OP looks like a code smell
<euouae> I get name conflicts
<phoe> what sort of name conflicts?
<euouae> ah I need to qualify remove-if etc
<aeth> nij-: uiop:launch-program afaik is the replacement to uiop:run-program
<euouae> and yes I removed defvar, I used setq
<aeth> nij-: it's just that uiop being one of the largest libraries has to keep the old way
<aeth> nij-: if you don't have it you can just quickload uiop to get the newer version
<phoe> aeth: no they aren't, one is async the other is sync
<euouae> I'll show you the new code
<phoe> this is why
<phoe> the name of this PDF is crude, but the contents are good
<euouae> I've read that, it's good indeed
<euouae> Ah I see what you mean, okay
<phoe> this PDF contains an answer to the question "why do I have a name conflict between CL:REMOVE-IF and my package's REMOVE-IF"
<euouae> Yeah I get it
<phoe> :D
<aeth> phoe: well, I think run-program is sync and nij- wants an async version of it so... good news, that's launch-program. iirc. it has been years.
<phoe> if anything, delete your package and recreate it, except remember to :USE :CL and :ASDF
<phoe> aeth: yes, it's present on recent enough versions of ASDF
<aeth> yes, recent enough versions that implementations might not have yet
<phoe> at which point it's up to you to upgrade asdf
<aeth> I still think that launch-program effectively superseded run-program, though, because you can build a more capable sync run-program on top of the async launch-program
<euouae> phoe, I edited https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3507 and now I get that *dependency-packages* is unbound
<mfiano> Hi phoe. Nice to see you back around.
<euouae> hm, (defvar *dependency-packages* '()) worked
<euouae> it seems that the prepare-op is not called
<nij-> Thanks :)
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<euouae> Alright, I got it to work! Thank you again
<euouae> This is the final iteration, https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3507
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<phoe> mfiano: yes, same to you
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