jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<shunter> Just as a thought experiment (for macroing), a reasonable compiler ought to view (blablabla ....) and (funcall #'blablabla ....) as identical, right?
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<pjb> shunter: yes, modulo the compiler-macros.
<pjb> I don't think compiler-macros apply to (funcall #'foo).
<shunter> Ah, good point
<shunter> Looks like at least SBCL can expand funcalls to #'blablalba
<pjb> sbcl is not the most conforming implementation…
<pjb> this should be studied from the hyperspec.
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<jeosol> good morning all!
<jeosol> pjb: for my education, which one is the most conforming implementation?
<shunter> Well, the spec says anyways no compiler is required to ever invoke compiler macros to begin with, so whether the compiler-macro is called sometimes but not all times I assume would also be up to the compiler
<shunter> CLHS states where compiler macros *might* be applied, and 2 cases where it *must not*.
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<pjb> jeosol: I don't know exactly. Perhaps you could see, by sorting the results of ansi-tests?
<jeosol> pjb: thanks for your response. I thought may be you know which. I only develop with SBCL exclusively.
<pjb> shunter: ok. I would agree that a literal funcall is literally equivalent to the call, so that compiler-macros can be applied too.
<pjb> jeosol: currently, my default implementation is ccl.
<pjb> (I use sbcl only for deployment when needed).
<jeosol> pjb: that's an interesting choice. I never did use ccl apart from the early days when someone told me it results in a much faster build than sbcl - that would have been useful
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<phileasfogg> good morning people, I'm trying to get slime and looks like my emacs is having trouble finding it from the MELPA. Is this a common issue?
<jeosol> phileasfogg: No this is not common. You can find it when you list-packages?
<pjb> phileasfogg: usually, we get it from quicklisp. have a look at http://cliki.net/Getting+Started
<phileasfogg> I couldn't. I just installed it using the system package manager like 5 seconds ago, but still wondering why that's not possible with melpa
<phileasfogg> I see. So quicklisp is the common method to install packages regarding cl...noted
<pjb> slime contains swank which is a CL package.
<phileasfogg> so it's the package to install another packages lol
<pjb> well, be careful, CL packages are not emacs packages. emacs packages are CL systems. quicklisp downloads and install systems, and uses asdf to compile and load those systems, which will usually define CL packages.
<phileasfogg> oh, yeah. so the asdf is included in cl, right?
<pjb> Yes. quicklisp provides its own copy of asdf if it's not already provided by the implementation, which is most often the case nowadays.
<phileasfogg> I think my bootstrap here is going way better than Haskell
<Nilby> https://github.com/slime/slime says just install it with melpa. It that wrong? quicklisp and an implementation are separate issues right?
<phileasfogg> pjb: env setup was a lot smoother with your advice
<phileasfogg> talking about packages, did anybody try some gui programming in cl? usually I've been never good at gui in any platform and language, and I'm trying give it a try here again
<phileasfogg> Nilby: that was why I tried MELPA in the first place
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<pjb> phileasfogg: yes, there are several ways to do GUI. https://cliki.net/GUI
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<phileasfogg> pjb: if you don't mind, could you please give me some advice regarding the easiness/stableness of those options? I have concept I really want to show people with GUI, and I want something almost as simple as Python's simplegui.
<pjb> phileasfogg: using McCLIM you can write applications that will be portable across several GUI environments (there are different backends).
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<pjb> phileasfogg: but so far I've write more GUI directly with Cocoa and FFI.
<pjb> (hence ccl)
<phileasfogg> I see. Is event loop/customized callback function supported in all three of them?
<pjb> If you want a simple portable GUI, pgl may be interesting https://cliki.net/pgl
<pjb> Yes. There are event loops in all GUI.
<phileasfogg> Good to hear that. Basically, I want to get the stdin through the pipeline, and display them accordingly in the right place of the window. I had an enourmous amount of trouble doing that in Haskell and Scheme.
<pjb> phileasfogg: there may be a difficulty there: most GUI can do drawing only from the main thread. So you will want to read the stdin from a separate thread, while drawing and letting the user interact with the windows in the main thread.
<phileasfogg> multithreading, sweet. I believe I have no problem with that (no experience in cl tho), as long as there's some good method to update the text/label of the exsisting running main app even loop of the gui. Not something that easy to do in FP
<phileasfogg> *event
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<phileasfogg> currently playing with mcclim, the demo is running beautifully, but I think I made a mistake evaluating the example code. https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3514#3514 May I get some comments on this?
<phileasfogg> basically, this is what sbcl gave me: "APP also uses the following packages: (COMMON-LISP-USER)"
<pjb> phileasfogg: this is a warning. I don't know why you get it.
<pjb> phileasfogg: you could ask in #clim
<phileasfogg> Oh, so nothing is seriously wrong in my pastebin?
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<pjb> phileasfogg: AFAICS, nope.
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<phileasfogg> Thank you. I will check on the #clim
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<dipper> may I ask what everybody favorite medium to learning technology, book, video or documents.
<kakuhen> for me: book > documents > ... > video
<dipper> ah video surely is slow
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<semz> videos also aren't searchable when you want to look up a particular part again
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<mfiano> Greetings. A quick question about the topological sorting algorithm for the CPL of a finalized class: If I have class A and its direct child B, a third class, C, with superclasses being A and then B, when invoking a generic function with single arity, whose 2 methods specialize on A and B respectively, what is the behavior that is observed, and can you recall any quotes from the CLHS that will
<mfiano> help me think about a problem in my design. (I haven't started coding yet, just trying to connect some dots on paper.)
<Posterdati> hi
<mfiano> When invoked on an instance of 'C', that is.
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<semz> mfiano: Maybe I misunderstand the premise, but afaict ,(progn (defclass a () ()) (defclass b (a) ()) (defclass c (a b) ())) results in an error since the ordering is inconsistent by clhs 4.3.5 as a < b by the definition of c and b < a by the definition of b
<semz> oh, ixelp is down
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<kakuhen> ,(if t 1 0)
<kakuhen> seems just fine in #lispcafe -- probably got kicked out of #commonlisp
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<mfiano> semz: Thank you
<thuna`> Does READ only accept character streams?
<pjb> thuna`: yes.
<pjb> only read-byte and read-sequence can work on binary streams.
<pjb> read, read-delimited-list, read-char, read-line work only on character streams.
<pjb> read could have a modern name such as parse-lisp-sexp
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<thuna`> Why would sbcl consider LINE's derived type null? https://0x0.st/o66a.txt
<pjb> thuna`: read-line returns (or null string)
<pjb> actually, read-line can return T
<pjb> (read-line stream eof-error-p nil eof-value ANYTHING) -> ANYTHING.
<thuna`> The warning is https://0x0.st/o66u.txt though, so I don't think that's it
<pjb> sorry, keywords: (read-line stream :eof-error-p nil :eof-value ANYTHING) -> ANYTHING.
<pjb> the default value for eof-value is nil, hence (or null string).
<thuna`> Wait, the condition is supposed to be (NOT LINE)
<thuna`> Sigh
<_death> pjb: no keywords for read-line
<pjb> _death: right
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<pjb> thuna`: indeed, sorry the error was on write-line, not read-line.
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<beach> thuna`: (NULL LINE) is better than (NOT LINE).
<thuna`> Is it?
<beach> Yes.
<thuna`> Why?
<beach> Because NOT is used when the argument is a Boolean value, whereas NULL is used to test whether some value is NIL.
<thuna`> I guess that makes sense
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<Josh_2> Good mornin :sunglasses:
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<brettgilio> 😎
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<Josh_2> Has anyone updated multiple columns using s-sql?
<Josh_2> I can't seem to get the syntax right :(
<Josh_2> Not sure if its even possible, I really dont want to go with the string version. But tbf macros means its no biggie I suppose
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<Josh_2> Hmm maybe I have it now
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<Josh_2> Okay got it, I was using s-sql:sql where I should have been using s-sql:sql-compile
<Josh_2> Mapping #'change-class to my database seems like an expensive operation :thinking:
<Josh_2> Might have to completely replace an instance of my class in the db
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