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<beach> nij-: Why don't you just make the heap bigger?
<nij-> beach there's a limit on my machine
<beach> Oh? Why is that?
<nij-> Isn't there only 16G of RAM on a usual laptop?
<beach> nij-: I am not talking about RAM, but about virtual memory. You are about to implement your own virtual memory it seems.
<beach> I don't think there is any relation between allowed heap size and available RAM.
<beach> Or does your operating system not use virtual memory?
<nij-> Do you mean I can use disk as memory?
<beach> Or SSD. That's what virtual memory does. And it seems to me that you want to use external memory anyway, to implement a specific "virtual memory" yourself, which is bound to be worse.
<nij-> Hmm I see. I will see if virtual memory is a solution. Which way would you suggest?
<beach> ?
<hayley> Make a lot of swap space.
<beach> Increase the heap.
<beach> Either way, if you are going to use disk memory, you are talking many orders of magnitude slower than RAM, so you are probably in for some performance problems anyway.
<beach> If I were you, I would buy a bigger computer, or see whether you an install more RAM.
<beach> With a week or so worth of salary (which is at least what it is going to take you to implement your virtual memory), you can buy a decent computer.
<hayley> A specific virtual memory might have better locality of reference, still.
<beach> Sure, if nij- ever gets it to work properly, within a reasonable budget.
<nij-> You can install.. more RAM?
<hayley> (Reminds me to get back to my FPGA stuff; my back-of-hand estimations for the space and time needed aren't pretty, and so I am looking into custom hardware.)
<beach> I suppose that depends on your computer. But RAM is not very expensive these days. At least not compared to the effort you will have to make to get this thing to work.
<hayley> (Ah, now I know why my laptop wasn't charging, the charger is unplugged.)
<nij-> I got a macbook m2 laptop.
<nij-> Very stupid question: can I install extra ram via usb?
<hayley> You cannot.
<beach> nij-: Did you check how much RAM that computer can have? It has got to be in the specifications for it.
<nij-> ok.. and macbook is hard to mess around
<hayley> Using the internal SSD as swap space should be...bearable. From memory, macOS will let you swap until you run out of disk space.
<nij-> Memory 16GB - is that what you mean?
<hayley> Yep, that's it.
<nij-> Hmmmm now I don't know what's the best way to approach.
<nij-> My intermediate results organize themselves as a higher dimensional database.
<nij-> Before this conversation, I almost decided to store them into an sql database.
<nij-> (Because slicing is "fast".)
<beach> In my book, the best approach is what makes me do the least amount of work, within a reasonable cost, of course.
<nij-> beach How would you approach this, if the data are higher dimensional?
<beach> I would buy more RAM.
<beach> Or a real computer if necessary.
<nij-> By that I mean, the keys are plist, and the values could be any other Lisp objects.
<nij-> "real computer"?
<beach> One that can take enough RAM.
<hayley> Don't worry, you can get free RAM at <https://downloadmoreram.com/>
<nij-> lol
<nij-> A side but related question, beach,
<nij-> how would you handle higher dimensional data?
<nij-> what's the data structure that you'd use?
<beach> nij-: That question is way too general. It depends on the density of your data for one thing.
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<beach> If it is very dense, an array is fine. If it is sparse, there are tons of possibilities depending on the exact structure.
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<nij-> oh ok.. i see.
<nij-> will ask tomorrow. gotta get to bed
<nij-> Thanks!
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<sabra> Is anyone aware of any CL libraries dealing with modal logic?
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<pjb> sabra: there was a paper "Reasoning about qualitative temporal information with S-words and S-languages"
<pjb> sabra: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22common+lisp%22+%22modal+logic%22 gives some links, but you will have to sort them out.
<pjb> sabra: perhaps there's some modal logic in https://www.cliki.net/Theorem%20Provers
<pjb> but clearly, lisp is under-utilised, and a good modal logic library would be a good project idea.
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<rainthree> https://cffi.common-lisp.dev/manual/html_node/defcenum.html how to combine enums with logical or, logical end, etc ? Using "foreign-enum-value" would defeat the purpose of enums, wouldn't it ?
<pjb> rainthree: yes. enums can be used for two purposes, and in lisp, we have to choose one.
<pjb> rainthree: symbolic (keywords), or value (defconstant).
<pjb> If you want to combine with logical or, you need values, so a defenum macro that generates defconstant.
<_death> if you just need logior, maybe defbitfield makes sense.. otherwise, you can write your own operator that takes an enum type and expression and computes the right value
<rainthree> thank you pjb and _death
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<nij-> ,ping
<pjb> pong
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<nij-> Any way to invoke gc automatically when it hits 80% of max heap space?
<sabra> pjb:Thank you. I had already collected the first two pages of google search, but that did not give me some of the other suggestions you have.
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<pjb> nij-: you may call (room t), this may call the gc. Otherwise, you should use implementation specific API to call the GC; after all, your implementation may have NO gc!
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<nij-> My impls is sbcl.
<hayley> ROOM does not call the garbage collector on SBCL.
<nij-> room outputs to string, but doesn't give me float numbers indicating the usage of heap
<hayley> And SBCL will trigger garbage collection every time you cons up 1/20 of the heap. What should happen if you use more than 80% of the heap?
<hayley> (SWCL (note second letter) also has a panic mode which collects more aggressively if the heap is more than ~85% used from memory.)
<mfiano> (trivial-garbage:gc :full t) ?
<nij-> mfiano I'm looking for a way to run that when certain condition is hit.
<nij-> s/run/automatically run/
<mfiano> (when certain-condition (trivial-garbage:gc :full t))
<nij-> So the question is, how to write certain-condition that indicates heap usage in percentage?
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<nij-> (room) doesn't give me structures. It only output strings to stream.
<hayley> There isn't a standard way to do it; you should peer into src/code/room.lisp (from memory) to figure out how to do it in SBCL.
<mfiano> The heap is not anything the language is concerned with. You're going to have to dig into each implementation for that, and it's going to be unreliable at best.
<nij-> Why is it going to be unreliable?
<mfiano> Because dynamic space usage can fluctuate wildly during different levels of generational clensing.
<hayley> As Gil Tene once said, what would happen if your heap usage-watching thread decided to not feel like running for five minutes?
<nij-> Why would the thread do that?
<nij-> And also, I think I will just put (when .. (gc)) in the loop.
<hayley> Hard to say why, but it does suggest that you might be too late to force GC if your thread reacts slowly, for whatever reason.
<hayley> The original quote, for reference, was "What could happen (and sneak in) if this one instruction takes 10 minutes to execute?"
* mfiano pictures the IPC column in the manual
<hayley> "Not a chance"
<nij-> But when I evaluate +all-space+ in the package "SB-VM" manually, it says it's unbound.
<mfiano> Sounds like you're getting into #sbcl topicness
<nij-> Shinmera why with #-sbcl you got (values 1 1) xdd
<nij-> But that's nice. Thanks!
<Shinmera> what do you mean "why"
<Shinmera> what else is it supposed to do
<nij-> Return an error saying that it's not supported.
<Shinmera> that wouldn't be helpful.
<nij-> or something like that
<Shinmera> I don't want the engine to be unusable just because some reporting function isn't supported.
<nij-> Emit a warning or something. Anyway, it's your toolkit. I'm just wondering. Thanks anyways.
<Shinmera> I don't want to signal a warning every frame.
<hayley> (random (expt 2 10)) ; your guess is as good as mine
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<nij-> I see.
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<beach> I have two ASDF systems in two different files. The two share a significant number of component files. So I was thinking of a read-time form like #.*COMPONENTS* in the :components part of each system definition. But this idea requires a different file to be read first, so that in this different file, I can set the value of *COMPONENTS*.
<beach> The problem with this idea is of course that nothing happens until the ASDF system definition file is read, so nothing can happen before that. So I guess I need ideas for a different solution to this problem. Any ideas? The solution might be simple. I just don't see it.
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<beach> I suppose I could try to use REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE on my system definitions once the variable has been set.
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<beach> I can't split out a common parent system, because, although there are many components in common, an essential component differs between the two, and must be compiled and loaded before the others.
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<beach> Actually, let me explain it more precisely. The main difference between the two systems is that each one starts with a different file "packages-a" and "packages-b", and the list of common components must follow the "packages-x" file.
<beach> Is the order between the :DEPENDS-ON systems respected by ASDF?
<beach> If so, I could define a separate system for each of the "packages-x" files, and one common parent system for the common files. Then the two final systems would have two dependencies, with the packages system first.
<beach> As in (defsystem packages-a :components ((:file "packages-a"))) in one file (defsystem packages-b :components ((:file "packages-b"))) in another file, (defsystem common :components (<lots>)), and finally (defsystem final-a :depends-on (packages-a common)) and (defsystem final-b :depends-on (packages-b common))
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<_death> maintaining two lists instead of one to avoid such complexity doesn't sound too bad to me
<beach> I see.
<beach> I often find that although ASDF is defined to be very flexible, there are simple (and I presume fairly common) things like this that cannot be expressed easily. At least not with my knowledge of ASDF.
<_death> it may also be possible to have the two systems defined in a single file (and a symlink?)
<beach> I precisely wanted to avoid a single file.
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<_death> others may know better solutions.. I try to keep my asdf-related use to the basics, and so don't delve much into it
<beach> Yes, me too. But then occasionally I run into problems like this.
<beach> Thanks for your support, though.
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<pjb> beach: basically: #.(with-open-file (in (merge-pathnames "common.sexp" *load-truename*)) (read in))
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<splittist> The packages-a, packages-b, common, final-a, final-b didn't sound too bad to me.
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<pjb> The alternative is to use #+/#- to select packages-a or package-b in the common system.
<pjb> It wouldn't work well with asdf.
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