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<Kreyren> [🐳|🌿] Encrypting root partition with LUKS... [ cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/loop0p2 ]
<Kreyren> Device /dev/loop0p2 does not exist or access denied.
<Kreyren> just in case this is known issue if anyone knows before i go to diagnose it bcs painn
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<TRS-80> kreyren: Did you check both GitHub and Jira for existing issues?
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<nekomancer[m]> kreyren: you can easy avoid conversation and all that jazz:simply do what you want/need in your own armbian fork.
<nekomancer[m]> rebase your patches time to time if you need, or avoid, if you don't
<TRS-80> Well, people sharing their patches back is sort of one of main /raisons d'être/ for Armbian in the first place. We don't want to go backwards to the bad old days of patches scattered all around the Internet and everyone working alone and separately.
<TRS-80> I, for one, appreciate kreyren's enthusiasm and contribution, I just hope they can adapt to the existing culture and workflow we already have here.
<nekomancer[m]> looks like kreyren too fast for existing armbian workflow.
<nekomancer[m]> I know nobody can check 250 commits at a time; looks like kreyren can much more.
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<TRS-80> Yes, I am interested in harnessing that kind of super powers! :p
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<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> We're very close to switching to armbian-next. When we do everyone can go back to their normal PR'ing. In the meantime, well, yes, if you wanna a PR in, you'll have to rebase...
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> Although I've been advocating to enable to GitHub "require linear history" validation... 😄
<TRS-80> Yeah I was just thinking (even before you posted that), 'isn't the merge window closed anyway?' I actually went and looked at the PR, only 5 days ago. Did that slip in just before window closed?
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> So right now master is semi-frozen, requiring 2 approvals, and Igor and Armbianworker are in vacations, so master should only be 23.02 related bugfixes
<TRS-80> I am very glad to see fully F/LOSS hardware getting better support. He even went to trouble of making a nice graphic. :) So kreyren, buddy, just hang in there a bit, K? :)
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> Meanwhile armbian-next is progressing, I rebase every 2-3 days now, and I've cherry-picked quite a few of the "not a bugfix" PRs sent to master.
<TRS-80> Hopefully all the rebasing will be over soon. :)
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> kreyren, ignoring all advice, decided to flood us with PRs against armbian-next (not master) with non-bugfix stuff instead
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> but yeah, hang in there, do what nekomancer recommended, work in fork, group changes/squash commits, send a nice PR in 1-2 weeks time
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<Kreyren> TRS-80, I don't do jira didn't check kinda asking before going to play league of legends bcs crew resource mangement xD
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<Kreyren> rpardini, from my undersanding your advice was to submit stuff in armbian-next bcs that's where the development is iirc O.o and my latest bugfix was submitted yesterday and before that O.o
* Kreyren is looking into that cryptsetup issue now btw
<TRS-80> kreyren: I also have strong disdain for nonfree Jira, however that is what Igor wants to use.
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<TRS-80> Anyway, that's where most of real dev issue tracking takes place.
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<Kreyren> i see.. so far i was able to avoid using that and i have PA ready to do stuff there so that i don't have to touch it directly :p
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<TRS-80> What is PA?
* TRS-80 doesn't want to touch Jira, either
<TRS-80> Anyway, you had asked about 'is this a known issue' and that would be the place to look. Which I *think* should be open to public (just to look / search through)? Not 100% sure on that.
<Kreyren> Personal Assistant
<Kreyren> ehww it's still JIRA though
<Kreyren> Like if it was up to me i would put armbian on forgejo xD
<TRS-80> IF it were up to me we would use a simple Orgmode text file and make it part of the repo! But it's not up to me. ;)
<TRS-80> I think there is some Emacs mode for Jira, but I have only looked at it, not tried it yet.
<TRS-80> Personally, I like Sourcehut, but for a lot of contributors, Microsoft's GitHub seems to be where it's at these days.
<Kreyren> and rewrite the whole thing in GNU Guile~
<Kreyren> bcs proper frameworking language instead of doing the malpractice of using scripting for complicated things
<TRS-80> Bash is used because everyone knows it and it's available everywhere.
<TRS-80> Although I take your point.
<Kreyren> so is guile :p GNU uses it in everything
<TRS-80> I mean like early boot environment, build system, etc.
<Kreyren> and like it's probably easier language than bash O.o
<Kreyren> wa?
<TRS-80> You might be right. And I'm fairly decent in bash, but it's archaic and there are a lot of gotchas.
<TRS-80> But none of this is up to me. :)
<Kreyren> and i am too busy with stuff to build software specification for armbian-guile~
<Kreyren> also it's like 6AM soon so i need to find someone to convince me to go to the gym
<TRS-80> My Emacs config is thousands of lines of ELisp, once you get used to nice Lispy functional language, everything else just looks like trash in comparison.
<TRS-80> nice project
<TRS-80> there :)
<TRS-80> maybe rest first
<Kreyren> thousands of lines? those are rookie numbers why not fork the whole thing and then realize that emacs-guile is a thing to fork your fork again
<Kreyren> also i do fCAD in emacs after making prototypes in FreeCAD xD
<Kreyren> TRS-80, do more convincing about the gym part plz
<Kreyren> xD
* TRS-80 pokes kreyren with a stick
<Kreyren> aaa fineeee
<TRS-80> I keep thinking you should rest, but I forgot you said it's 6am there. So drink coffee instead.
<TRS-80> Personally I need to wake up a bit before doing anything at all, much less gym. When I used to go to gym regularly, I did so in afternoon.
<Kreyren> ehww i don't do caffeine i do have coffee and tea that has been boiled in a CO2 to dissolve the caffeine from it though ^-^
* TRS-80 wonders what is the point
<Kreyren> and like i have polyphasic sleep i went to sleep at 17:00 for 3 hours and i will go again when i come back from the gym for another 3h :p
<TRS-80> Supposedly caffeine is not good for you, but so are many other things.
<Kreyren> mhm increases your risk of hypertension and heart failure
<TRS-80> well OK then, some times I have weird schedule, too
<Kreyren> that's normal schedule for me xD
<TRS-80> kreyren: So does having a wife.
<Kreyren> i just sleep for 8h a day when i am stressed and stuff
<Kreyren> bcs mental state affects things a lot O.o
<Kreyren> and i sleep for slightly longer after gym
<TRS-80> it's actually true (I didn't used to believe that)
<Kreyren> xD
<TRS-80> I meant 'mental state affects things a lot' is true
<Kreyren> i am polyamorous bcs the idea of having a wife seems like a hell to me
<Kreyren> oh
<Kreyren> xD
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<Kreyren> hmm it's -12C outside perfect temperature for a pool~
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<rockworld> what is armbian?
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<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> what is life?
<Kreyren> baby don't hurt me
<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> don't hurt me, again
<rockworld> armbian is based on debian ?
<Kreyren> rockworld, the weird bash framework to generate debian/ubuntu distros for ARM things
<Kreyren> Zanoryt, it's 'no more'
<Kreyren> smh
<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> sigh
<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> i failed
<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> BUT I TRIED
<Kreyren> xD
<Armbian-Discord> <Z​anoryt> 10000000 bonus points for trying
<Kreyren> i guess xD
<Kreyren> i would -3x that for failing~
<rockworld> ok cause I bought the new orangepi5 and I would like to change the boot on it, but they use u-boot I was more familiar with a regular bios lol
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<Kreyren> rockworld, `git clone && ./compile` and pick your poison :D
<rockworld> jeez it looks scary if you say it like this mate
<rockworld> lol
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Armbian is not an operating system per se. The core of Armbian is the build framework to easily generate Debian or Ubuntu based images with custom kernel for various single board computers based on ARM architecture and some Risc-V too. Pre built images are there for both user convenience and for us as kind a side product too check if changes break building
<Kreyren> it has like comfy UI O.o
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> End users most likely see the operating system aspect first 😉
<rockworld> so armbian is the way to do this
<Kreyren> hmm could be but i dunno how to change the bootloader from u-boot
<Kreyren> i saw some code for it in the encryption things though
<rockworld> I know orangepi5 have their own armbian release
<Kreyren> hmm seems that it only has u-boot actually there are just bunch of options to do like different filesystem and size and stuff
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Rootfs encryption code was added by community contribution. Since this is not frequently tested its state is unknown. However there is some tutorial from a user in forums to do things manually
<Kreyren> ye it kinda sucks and doesn't work and i still didn't figure out why xD
<Kreyren> might actually rewrite that whole thing
<rockworld> well, im at a point where im not sure if I should trust their isos, because there is no way to delete the default user
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Nice
<Kreyren> rockworld, build it yourself then? O.o
<Kreyren> let me get ya the things for it
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Vendor images are always scetchy for various reasons 😂
<rockworld> yeah I agree at this point :p
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Either weird behavior, 50 partitions for no reason, backdoors, unstable, bugs. The list goes on and on... Which is kind a weird since at least these guys should know their hw...
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> And yes, in very old 3.x allwinner bsp was a backdoor
<Kreyren> `./ docker BOARD=orangepi5 BRANCH=legacy`
<Kreyren> and then configure whatever you want~
<Kreyren> this is what armbian is building
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Google for "rootmydevice" for those who are curious.
<Kreyren> OLIMEX images are nice~
<Armbian-Discord> <W​erner> Aight l8r, go to do other stuff again 👋
<Kreyren> and it's free and open-source hardware and software
<rockworld> right mate I need to look on this
<Kreyren> > RK3588S
<Kreyren> O
<Kreyren> Efe's maintaining that board so i guess you can asm them too though
<TRS-80> rockworld: There is no BIOS, forget everything you know about booting from x86, as ARM is completely different. This is one of main reasons for Armbian.
<Kreyren> TRS-80, there is 2MB BIOS formated space at the start of the storage device you liar!
<TRS-80> rockworld: Check out, come back after that if you still have any questions.
<TRS-80> kreyren: You know what I mean.
<Kreyren> xD
<Kreyren> ye x86 is trash~
<Kreyren> arm is less of a trash, but we still need proper RISC-V
<rockworld> well im building it on ubuntu
<Kreyren> ehww uwuntu
<rockworld> maybe I was better to build first on their own armbian iso
<Kreyren> hmm maybe
* Kreyren would just grab the prebuilt images from github
<Kreyren> like the automated thing that builds them is subject to public review O.o
<TRS-80> rockworld: Are there not pre-built images for your board (I did not look)?
<TRS-80> usually that's the easiest way
<rockworld> yes
<Kreyren> TRS-80, there are
<Kreyren> legacy release though
<Kreyren> ehh legacy branch
<Kreyren> for RK3588S
<Kreyren> kinda heresy
<TRS-80> Oh, OK, this is WIP stuff I think. I would check forums if I were you and do a little homework.
<Kreyren> like i plan on messing with RK3588S so i can look into stuff
<TRS-80> kreyren: It's still pretty new. But I think someone (balbes?) is working on it. Read around (I am a bit out of date on things, beenm away a while).
<Kreyren> rockworld, if the maintainers approve that merge request then try to see how it works that image for you plz and if there are any issues then tell me and i try to fix them :p
<rockworld> I builded the debian image. I will let you know
<Kreyren> oke~ it has kernel 5 point something so you might want to try upgrading that
<Kreyren> which is basically what my merge request did O.o
<Kreyren> bcs like kinda insane to use old kernel for a new chip~
<Kreyren> meeh i want docs for RK3588S i would make such a good drones with it
<Kreyren> @_@
<Kreyren> or like ideally snapdragon mobile 845
<Kreyren> sdm845 is more resourcesful thatn RK3588S right
<Kreyren> hmm RK3588S is 8nm LP vs SMD845 10 nm FinFET LPP, but SMD845 has higher clocks
<Kreyren> and RK3588S can have 32GB of RAM vs 6GB on SMD845
<Kreyren> hmm RK3588S seems better then
<Kreyren> but less energy efficient by 3 W TDP
<Kreyren> hmmm
<Kreyren> aAAaaaAAAAa
<Kreyren> i guess RK3588S is better option then
<Kreyren> O.o
<rockworld> [ o.k. ] Exporting new kernel config [ /root/armbian/output/config/linux-rockchip-rk3588-legacy.config ]
<Kreyren> ye
<rockworld> those board are pretty cheap too
<Kreyren> no gerbers though
<Kreyren> can't make a mainboard for OLIMEX Teres-1 out of that
<Kreyren> :p
<Kreyren> OLIMEX Teres-RK3588S :O
<Kreyren> rockworld, how much?
<rockworld> I paid around 130 canadian dollar
<rockworld> 8 go ram too
<Kreyren> o.o
<rockworld> they also have a m 2 socket under the board
* Kreyren wonders if TUKLA is better
<Kreyren> hmm it ain't
<Kreyren> TUKHLA has duel A72 vs Quad A76
<Kreyren> @_@
<rockworld> lol one thing I can say, it takes a lot of times to compile it
<Kreyren> that's why it's automated on github xD
<Kreyren> :O
<Kreyren> HOLY#$%^&*(
<Kreyren> OLIMEX Teres-RK3588S lets gooo
<Kreyren> they didn't include the pin layout
<Kreyren> scumbags!
<Kreyren> i got so excited ;-;
<Kreyren> :O it has pin layout just painfully implemented as coordinations
<Kreyren> that i can work with
<Kreyren> OLIMEX Teres-RK3588S lets goo
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<rockworld> kreyren: it worked well to boot into the system without any error, but when I try to update kernel to last version it broke my install
<Kreyren> interesting O.o
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<Kreyren> rockworld, can you make a copy of that broken image just in case my virtualization doesn't replicate it?
<rockworld> a copy of the images I created ?
<rockworld> or of the broken install
<Kreyren> rockworld, `dd if=/dev/DEVICE of=./backup conv=sync status=progress` idally :d
<Kreyren> *ideally
<rockworld> on windows I can do it ? its on my flash drive
<rockworld> I wasnt able to boot in after the kernel update so im not sure how can I access the device on window
<rockworld> im going to reflash it btw but I will not update the kernel manually
<Kreyren> O.o
<Kreyren> checking
<Kreyren> i at least want some logs to see what went wrong so wait xD
<Kreyren> rockworld, /var/log/boot.log
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<Kreyren> /var/log/kern.log
<rockworld> I will let you know that later during days
<Kreyren> oke thanks~
<rockworld> its very late here actually
<rockworld> thanks to you mate
<Kreyren> /var/log/syslog might also be useful
<rockworld> right I took some note
<Kreyren> seems that i found the issue of why is encryption broken
<Kreyren> the /dev/loop0p{1,2} are visible on host, but not in docker which is causing failure
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<rockworld> ok I got the files extracted for you :)
<rockworld> here is the kern.log
<rockworld> -----> boot.log
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<rockworld> well let me know if you find something Im up to bed rn :)
<rockworld> and yes I tryed to pass from legacy to edge
<rockworld> and thats happen
<rockworld> well now im off
<rockworld> maybe I should just update to the latest legacy kernel
<Kreyren> rockworld, hmm seems like the issue i had on master branch can you try building from armbian-next later?
<Kreyren> if you like want to use newer kernel and me looking at itO.o
<rockworld> sure
<rockworld> so this branch then ?
<Kreyren> ye
<rockworld> ok so I think I will install base os provided by them to build it
<Kreyren> afaik the issue is that there is some form of a problem with partitioning so instead of making the changes on the new partition it makes them on /boot of the rootfs and on restart it just uses the old partition instead
<Kreyren> there is like this huge multi-year refactor in armbian-next that fixes lot of issues :p
<rockworld> right so we will see
<Kreyren> > Feb 9 08:03:06 orangepi5 kernel: [ 4.256682] Linux version 5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588 (root@c4c2e29fb281) (aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38) #trunk SMP Thu Feb 9 07:09:42 UTC 2023
<Kreyren> judging by this
<Kreyren> so it's seemingly trying to use old kernel with new modules and stuff
<Kreyren> thu the black screen
<rockworld> kinda weird that it says ubuntu I was on debian
<Kreyren> you used the `./ docker` no?
<Kreyren> if so that builds it in docker
<rockworld> yes
<Kreyren> the docker is ubuntu jammy :D
<rockworld> so it will be the same process for building it ?
<Kreyren> not sure if the tree thing works on github you probably want to do `git checkout armbian-next` instead O.o
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<rockworld> Branch 'armbian-next' set up to track remote branch 'armbian-next' from 'origin'.
<rockworld> Switched to a new branch 'armbian-next'
<Kreyren> hm O.o
<Kreyren> `git pull origin armbian-next` just to be sure
<Kreyren> it will sync the branch
<rockworld> Already up to date.
<rockworld> * branch armbian-next -> FETCH_HEAD
<Kreyren> lgtm
<rockworld> so now Im in the root folder of git I need to ./compile ?
<Kreyren> ye`
<rockworld> sorry for my bad english mate
<Kreyren> `./compile docker`
<Kreyren> nah your english is good :p
<rockworld> -bash: ./compile: No such file or directory
<Kreyren> oh
<rockworld> .sh
<Kreyren> `./ docker`
<rockworld> at the end
<Kreyren> yee
<Kreyren> oh wait
<Kreyren> `./ PACKAGE_BOARD_LIST="wpasupplicant"`
<Kreyren> ehh
<Kreyren> `./ docker PACKAGE_BOARD_LIST="wpasupplicant"`
<rockworld> right :)
<rockworld> I cancelled
<Kreyren> just in case bcs the patch i submitted for this is not yet merged
<Kreyren> it will install wpasupplicant which is needed by networkmanager to connect to the internet
<rockworld> error
<Kreyren> hm?
<Kreyren> > [🐳|💥] error! [ asking for docker... inside docker. how did this happen? Tip: you don't need 'docker' to run armbian-next inside Docker; it's automatically detected and used when appropriate. ]
<Kreyren> hmm got to that issue already too
<Kreyren> `./compile docker-shell`
<Kreyren> in the docker shell then `./ PACKAGE_BOARD_LIST="wpasupplicant"`
<rockworld> hum because my docker was run as root I guess
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<Kreyren> rockworld, you can run it as root just press <Enter> when it starts the countdown xD
<Kreyren> but kinda malpreactice so run withotu root O.o
<rockworld> ah right loll
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<rockworld> but branch is legacy
<rockworld> latest kernel was edge
<rockworld> im a bit confuse
<Kreyren> O.o
<rockworld> they are asking me about what kernel to choose
<Kreyren> it should ask you in the TUI
<Kreyren> if not then append BRANCH=current to the command
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<Kreyren> append meaning add after that
<Kreyren> so like `./ PACKAGE_BOARD_LIST="wpasupplicant" BRANCH=current
<Kreyren> O.o
<rockworld> its compiling everything
<Kreyren> yay~
<rockworld> its just before when I choose the latest kernel I choose the latest edge kernel not the legacy one, it might be because of that it didnt boot
<rockworld> on the first build I mean
<Kreyren> i wouldn't use edge it has lots of issues on my end
<Kreyren> so i would go for current
<rockworld> right
<rockworld> this is what I did
<Kreyren> but mine is Allwinner A64 which is older chip compared to RK3588s
<Kreyren> gut gut
<rockworld> Fetching updates from remote repository [ kernel:5.10 linux-5.10-gen-rkr3.4 ]
<Kreyren> hmmm i guess that's ok
<rockworld> probably, I will let it go until tomorrow, I know its gonna take a while to build lol
<Kreyren> hmm the current on my end is 5.15.89
<rockworld> hum right
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<rockworld> so I think it took exactly the same kernel that they provided with
<Kreyren> there might actually be a reason to why efe is using legacy kernel but like weird
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<Armbian-Discord> <E​feCTN> Rk3588 is currently just supported by half-android legacy kernel
<Armbian-Discord> <E​feCTN> It may be possible to use it on mainline kernel with some patches but it's experimental
<Kreyren> EfeCTN it's RK3588S
<Kreyren> afaik pine64 was doign some mainlining work bcs of their quartspro64 for it no? so current might work?
<Kreyren> > The patch series is based on v5.18-rc1.
<Kreyren> allegedly merged in 6.0
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<Kreyren> hm O.o interesting
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<Kreyren> rockworld, you probably want to use the legacy kernel then as the patches ain't mainlined yet
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<rockworld> ok, I will just use legacy
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<Armbian-Discord> <E​feCTN> I may try to add experimental support for 6.x but i don't have much time currently
<Kreyren> EfeCTN, add experimental and we mess with it
<Kreyren> i found today the datasheeeeeet for RK3588S so i will be probably making a mainboard for OLIMEX Teres out of it ^-^
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> there's an edge with 6.2.? and sre's patches for the 88.... it hardly boots though.
<Armbian-Discord> <E​feCTN> I think it's not worth to add it atm
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> it's been added already
<Armbian-Discord> <E​feCTN> Seems useless to me
<Armbian-Discord> <E​feCTN> Know just talking about opi5
<Kreyren> oh right the weekly builds, those are done on master though no? at least on teres-a64 it has bunch of issues
<Armbian-Discord> <r​pardini> oh. yeah, not sure if it's enabled for opi5
<Kreyren> rolling releases are jammy CLI and XFCE desktop
<Kreyren> i submitted this btw for the messing with stuff things
<Kreyren> oh they seem to have Orangepi5 in hackerspace i try to mess with it then ^-^
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