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<GIDDY> are these tests useful ?
<multi_io> (this is an ARM VM, obviously)
<IgorPec> arm64 can build most of the things, but u-boot
<multi_io> so it can't compile an arm64 u-boot binary on an arm64 machine? 😅
<multi_io> anyway, what I take from this is that building on an arm64 machine isn't really supported for now? You need an amd64 machine?
<IgorPec> it can, but you will need to fix compilation issues due to compiling old code with new compiler
<IgorPec> its an expense
<multi_io> why does it work on amd64? Is the arm compiler package an older compiler version there?
<IgorPec> because most of arm hw support (back then in 100%) was developed on x86 with cross compilation tools that we are still dragging with in some (luckily small) cases
<IgorPec> and this is one of them
<IgorPec> and that is not all. in some cases we have proprietary tools for packing u-boot + closed bootloader that comes in x86 binary form only.
<IgorPec> and until / if those tools are reverse engineered, you need to follow vendors directives
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<Jason123> Building an image takes a few mins sometimes on my ryzen 5 desktop but on arm it would take much longer
<Jason123> And some arm hardware is really not great
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<Tonymac32> "some" 😂
<Tonymac32> For packaging it will be better since our x86 stuff is single threaded via qemu
<Tonymac32> But otherwise, yeah
<rpardini> plug: armbian-next should build most stuff successfully on arm64
<rpardini> and I will personally go to great lengths to fix if it doesn't and you prove it 😉
<IgorPec> @Jason123 on quick dirty not scientific manual compare of https://github.com/armbian/cache/actions/runs/3714264095/ it looks that 16gb rockpi 5 with 2 runners is 2x faster then 128gb 5950x with a few more (qemu assembly of armhf)
<Jason123> oops
<Jason123> oh so cross compiling is slower in theory?
<IgorPec> this is packages assembly
<IgorPec> yes, overhead ... but you can't compare arm cores vs intel just like that
<IgorPec> ryzen core performance is way better, so we compress all images exclusively on big x86 iron
<ManoftheSea> are the tools to package u-boot with closed blobs really arch specific? I thought they were scripts or were simple concatenation. Hm, too bad.
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<Tenkawa> no.. I haven't used an x86/64 to build an ARM soc in 2 years
<Tonymac32> Some are
<Tonymac32> But usually a cross method is created because no one wants to put up with that
<Tenkawa> exactly
<Tonymac32> But again it's work no one but the assholes who make the processors should be doing 😂
<Tenkawa> a "physical" x86 however is not needed
<Tonymac32> I'm a very physical being
<Tonymac32> 🤣🤣🤣
<Tenkawa> your loss
<Tenkawa> lol
<Tonymac32> I have 30 cores available for these tasks, no big deal 😄
<Tonymac32> (the kids don't know what their computers do when they are sleeping)
<Tenkawa> lol
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<Tenkawa> haahaa
<Tenkawa> When you going to teach them the "right" way to use the computer?
<Tenkawa> I got such a young start....I had a computer before I could walk... (I could read before most though)
does it need to be driven using dialog or can whiptail be used?
<TheBug> @c0rnelius If you have question about the project please ask them in the thread there and we will try to address so it doesn't get asked over and over
<TheBug> Thanks 🙂
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I looked at the kernel version of the image from RadXa, (5.10.66), downgraded in armbian-config to this kernl, and now have HDMI display
the problem was with the 5.10.155 if I'm not wrong
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oddly that means nothing to me at least since I have no idea what board you are talking about
but glad it is working for you now
The default ubuntu firefox in snapd doesn't allow to really disable google and add own search engine??? WTF
Radxa Rock5 Model B (RK3588)
ahh well there will be tons of issues with stuff for that probably over time lol
especially if your living on the edge
and those are all edge builds if I recall
mesa seems to work already nicely :). The current problem with driver was mainly due to not know hw limits of this model, the change from Alyssa few days ago should resolve this
@Thebug: I know, I know :) (closed source kernel etc...)
already work pretty well, hope boot will be merged in 6.3, most things seem to be in 6.2
<IgorPec> our desktop should have apt firefox & chromium
oops, my bad, I see that on Arch too the last firefox doesn't have anymore the option to add personnal search engine? in the parameters => search
<IgorPec> in any case, we don't tackle browsers in any way. except setting home page - if that still works
only to what ff suggest by their extension market
I thought that was the snapd Ubuntu package, sorry.
<IgorPec> we are trying to remove ubuntu influence from our builds as much as possible
very nice thing ! Thank you very much for your work
<EfeCTN> Really cool
<EfeCTN> Like mint
is it possible to totally purge snapd, without problem ?
<IgorPec> snapd is not even installed
<IgorPec> and yes, you can remove it after too
if you install a meta package that uses a snap it will auto install snapd whether you tell it to or not
it looks like gnome is installed by snap
maybe this is after some changes I made in armbian-config
Linux rock-5b 5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588, after an apt upgrade, the system reinstalled it and again no HDMI. will test other one, and freeze to the most recent I can
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tried XFCE image as restarting from scratch to be sure, and just understood 5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588, is the current default kernel, that don't have HDMI output in my case. There is only 5.10.110 and 5.10.72 on armbian-config, on .72 display work (Armbian logo at boot, terminal) but unable to run lightdm(X) or weston (wayland)
I sent a system diag
maybe need "full firmware package", ok
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