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<Macer> nekomancer[m]: yeah but you need to order it
<Macer> ribbon cable adapter thing that screws into the bottom of the inside. but the shipping for the $7 piece is $30 lol
<Macer> it must be coming by way of sail through shark infested waters
<Macer> i had to ditch the ubuntu dock in favor of an extension that gives me the dock to panel
<Macer> seems like gnome does not play well with ubuntu extensions. i can't resize the dock.. which looks awesome because it looks like macos but it's huge
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<Macer> omg seriously with this snapd firefox madness
<Macer> ah well. went through the motions of using a .deb repo instead of that rotten snapd garbage
<Macer> reinventing the wheel
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<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> armbian us / should be snap free. but if you install stock ubuntu desktop on your own ... snap
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<Macer> Firefox seems to be the only thing they enforced it in for some reason.
<Macer> It wasn’t necessarily stock Ubuntu. I borked xfce so I installed gnome. But yah. It seems as though it pulls snap ver if ff. I removed it and set up Mozilla repo with priority in apt.
<Macer> Once I get OpenVPN on it I should be able to actually use the pbp day to day. Too bad the men suspend doesn’t work. If it did then it would be 5 stars. Heh.
<Macer> *mem
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> Armbian deskop (if you build it) should have both repos fixed to non snap versions. For keeping hw functions alive we have no budget.
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<Macer> so.. decided to use bluetooth for the hotspot
<Macer> talk about super slow. seems to sip battery life tho
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<Macer> thank god for mosh lol
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