LetoThe2nd changed the topic of #yocto to: Welcome to the Yocto Project | Learn more: https://www.yoctoproject.org | Community: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community | IRC logs: http://irc.yoctoproject.org/irc/ | Having difficulty on the list, with someone on the list or on IRC, contact Yocto Project Community Manager Letothe2nd | CoC: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community/code-of-conduct
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<RP> khem: it is effectively not supported by upstream yet though :(
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<Xogium> khem: thank you
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<khem> RP: in some components this might be but for subset we need it has everything we need
<Xogium> is there a wic recipe (not sure if one can call them this way), that allows boot on both legacy bios and modern uefi systems ? A bit like mkhybridiso, but not iso form
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<landgraf> (^_^)/
<Xogium> hiya LetoThe2nd :)
<mckoan> Hello LetoThe2nd, landgraf, everyone
<Xogium> well, I'm gonna ask this anyway because why not... But is there some way to get tutored in yocto ? Either one on one or in a very small group ? I do what I can with the manual, but I admit that it's still very difficult to learn all on my own
<mckoan> Xogium: here you can see my trainings https://koansoftware.com/training/
<mckoan> Xogium: or free resources https://www.yoctoproject.org/community/learn/
<Xogium> mckoan: huh, those lesons do look cool :O but yeah costly not to mention pricy just for me ^^
<Xogium> still, it's neat
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<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: for free or low cost, its essentially the manual, the various YouTube resources (of varying quality including my own), and the Yocto Project Summit.
<Xogium> hmm makes sense
<Xogium> I wasn't trying to imply that the price was unreasonable btw it makes sense when taken in a company context
<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: yeah we all understand. But the point is that almost nobody does Yocto "for fun", it is almost always a professional context.
<Xogium> yeah
<Xogium> I get that
<Xogium> I mean, I want to learn it both for my own things and also because, well... It looks like not a lot of folks are interested in buildroot, so I'm kind of hoping that by learning yocto I'd have more luck at getting a job
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<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: oh there definitely are a lot of people working on and using buildroot too - it's just a different use case.
<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: yocto talent is definitely sought after these days.
<Xogium> damn, I must be unlucky as all hell in that case
<LetoThe2nd> it of course depends a bit on the personal whereabout and flexibility, its definitely a skill in demand.
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<Xogium> yeah that makes sense
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<Martin42> Hello community, I have an out of tree kernel module, which also provides a header file that has to be included in the SDK. The module.bbclass only install the module file, but how do I install the header into the SDK? Thanks :)
<rburton> Martin42: package the header as usual in the recipe, and then add the -dev package to the SDK using TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK
<Martin42> Thanks rburton :) I will give it a try. Do you recall if there were changes between honister and langdale regarding kernel modules and the SDK? Cause I am in the process of migrating and just packaging the -dev package was enugh on honister.
<rburton> not afaik
<rburton> i was about to say, packaging the header in the -dev should work
<rburton> because if the module is in the rootfs then the dev will be in the sdk
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<Martin42> Until now on honister I was not using any of MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS - MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS - MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS - MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS, but rather using IMAGE_INSTALL to include my kernel modules. Maybe that also makes a difference here.
<rburton> thats fine
<rburton> you know langdale is EOL right
<rburton> kirkstone is supported until 2026
<Xogium> and there's gonna be a new shiny lts in may too
<Xogium> ^^
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<Martin42> rburton thanks for the warning, however I am stuck on whatever latest version Xilinx packages with their FPGA chips ;(
<kanavin> Martin42, all of xilinx layers are open source, you don't need to use what they package
<rburton> weeelllll if you want support and the xilinx layers are famously complex you kind of do
<rburton> i believe the next release will be actually on a LTS
<Xogium> that's kinda what I like about st, their releases always use lts softwares
<Martin42> rburton kanavin agreed, usually the x.1 release is LTS, the x.2 is intermediate, I am currently jumping onto 2023.2 and once available onto 2024.1 (which is hopefully LTS again).
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<Xogium> they follow along with stable releases, but they don't actively use them in a release of their own
<kanavin> but then you should ask them to support you, not the 'community'
<kanavin> otherwise, what's the point in using their outdated stuff
<Martin42> kanavin the problem I had was with Yocto and not with Xilinx, probably just something small I as developer overlooked, so I appreciate the help of the community pointing me into the right direction
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<rburton> speaking of langdale, i just saw https://twitter.com/gilesthurston/status/1746872384593015246
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<rob_w> can i ship a 2nd kernel in a image , would love to build a image for 2 different hardwares with 2 different kernels and decide on u-boot which one to boot
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<RP> rburton: it is a beautiful place
<ablu> rob_w: Hm... In general you should probably ship a single kernel and only provide 2 device-trees.
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<rob_w> ablu: having trouble porting a hardware to the same kernel as other hardware ... hence my question
<ablu> rob_w: You can certainly hack u-boot or boot scripts to work with multiple kernels. But I am not sure if that will become particulary maintainable.
<rob_w> not worried about u-boot .. that will be fine, but i need to add the 2nd kernel in theory
<mcfrisk> rob_w: two kernels, two sets of modules in initramfs, rootfs etc it gets messy pretty soon
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<mcfrisk> with multiconfig multiple machines can be compiled in one go and dependencies can be expressed between them, also multiple kernel versions then
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<rob_w> mcfrisk: agreed ... back to porting
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<rob_w> ahh i just tested copying the other kernel into my image, works .. damn it
* rob_w curses TI
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<Guest18> Hi all,
<Guest18> I am using warrior based build and i have include CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "python3-fail2ban"
<Guest18> which is using python3-fail2ban_0.10.4.0 but when i am running the fail2ban service getting error as
<Guest18> attached in a link https://pastebin.com/amsdSxtZ
<Guest18> Can someone help me how i can fix this issue in the warrior ? As if i checkout to other branches of meta-security(zeus,dunfell) i am getting conflict errors while building.
<Guest18> Posting this again as due to some network issue i lost my connection
<jstephan> Hi all, I am trying to fix bug #15162 (multiple sources in SRC_URI with devtool)
<rburton> Guest18: were you here a week or so ago with sshd problems related to init.d/functions?
<jstephan> I added a detailed comment https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15162#c6 to explain the possbile solution I see and the drawbacks..
<jstephan> any feedback would be apreciated :)
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<rburton> Guest18: whatever your distro is, it's shipping a custom /etc/init.d/functions that _needs_ bash. complain to whoever provided your distro.
<rburton> also warrior was end-of-life in 2020 so please upgrade if you're using this in production
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<RP> Looks like groups.io has managed to make a blackhole list and all email is now going to spam for me :(
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<rburton> whoops
<LetoThe2nd> RP: yeah they are having some fun these days. first I needed to re-verify, and now they are spamming me with notifications about all oe/yp ml subscription changes (and I can't find a way to disable that)
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<simonew> Hi all, so I started looking into Bug 12388. When ckecking qemu and the include files for it, I wondered: Would it make sense in generall to add a tune-x86-64-v4.inc as well? the v3 was introduced when qemu added support for it. The same is now true for v4.
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<rburton> yes
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<simonew> the yes is directed at me or to someone else?
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<rburton> you :)
<rburton> (sorry)
<simonew> :) Ok I will look into it then. Normally would I create a Bugzilla issue for this?
<rburton> filing a bug can be useful in case you don't finish, but isn't essential
<simonew> Ok, thx
<rburton> ah v4 is avx512, basically
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<rburton> FWIW i have most of a libunwind 1.8.0 upgrade _with a test suite_ done
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<RP> rburton: nice!
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