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RP: in some components this might be but for subset we need it has everything we need
is there a wic recipe (not sure if one can call them this way), that allows boot on both legacy bios and modern uefi systems ? A bit like mkhybridiso, but not iso form
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yo dudX
hiya LetoThe2nd :)
Hello LetoThe2nd, landgraf, everyone
well, I'm gonna ask this anyway because why not... But is there some way to get tutored in yocto ? Either one on one or in a very small group ? I do what I can with the manual, but I admit that it's still very difficult to learn all on my own
mckoan: huh, those lesons do look cool :O but yeah costly not to mention pricy just for me ^^
still, it's neat
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Xogium: for free or low cost, its essentially the manual, the various YouTube resources (of varying quality including my own), and the Yocto Project Summit.
hmm makes sense
I wasn't trying to imply that the price was unreasonable btw it makes sense when taken in a company context
Xogium: yeah we all understand. But the point is that almost nobody does Yocto "for fun", it is almost always a professional context.
I get that
I mean, I want to learn it both for my own things and also because, well... It looks like not a lot of folks are interested in buildroot, so I'm kind of hoping that by learning yocto I'd have more luck at getting a job
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Xogium: oh there definitely are a lot of people working on and using buildroot too - it's just a different use case.
Xogium: yocto talent is definitely sought after these days.
damn, I must be unlucky as all hell in that case
it of course depends a bit on the personal whereabout and flexibility, its definitely a skill in demand.
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yeah that makes sense
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Hello community, I have an out of tree kernel module, which also provides a header file that has to be included in the SDK. The module.bbclass only install the module file, but how do I install the header into the SDK? Thanks :)
Martin42: package the header as usual in the recipe, and then add the -dev package to the SDK using TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK
Thanks rburton :) I will give it a try. Do you recall if there were changes between honister and langdale regarding kernel modules and the SDK? Cause I am in the process of migrating and just packaging the -dev package was enugh on honister.
not afaik
i was about to say, packaging the header in the -dev should work
because if the module is in the rootfs then the dev will be in the sdk
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Until now on honister I was not using any of MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS - MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS - MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS - MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS, but rather using IMAGE_INSTALL to include my kernel modules. Maybe that also makes a difference here.
thats fine
you know langdale is EOL right
kirkstone is supported until 2026
and there's gonna be a new shiny lts in may too
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rburton thanks for the warning, however I am stuck on whatever latest version Xilinx packages with their FPGA chips ;(
Martin42, all of xilinx layers are open source, you don't need to use what they package
weeelllll if you want support and the xilinx layers are famously complex you kind of do
i believe the next release will be actually on a LTS
that's kinda what I like about st, their releases always use lts softwares
rburton kanavin agreed, usually the x.1 release is LTS, the x.2 is intermediate, I am currently jumping onto 2023.2 and once available onto 2024.1 (which is hopefully LTS again).
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they follow along with stable releases, but they don't actively use them in a release of their own
but then you should ask them to support you, not the 'community'
otherwise, what's the point in using their outdated stuff
kanavin the problem I had was with Yocto and not with Xilinx, probably just something small I as developer overlooked, so I appreciate the help of the community pointing me into the right direction
can i ship a 2nd kernel in a image , would love to build a image for 2 different hardwares with 2 different kernels and decide on u-boot which one to boot
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rburton: it is a beautiful place
rob_w: Hm... In general you should probably ship a single kernel and only provide 2 device-trees.
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ablu: having trouble porting a hardware to the same kernel as other hardware ... hence my question
rob_w: You can certainly hack u-boot or boot scripts to work with multiple kernels. But I am not sure if that will become particulary maintainable.
not worried about u-boot .. that will be fine, but i need to add the 2nd kernel in theory
rob_w: two kernels, two sets of modules in initramfs, rootfs etc it gets messy pretty soon
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with multiconfig multiple machines can be compiled in one go and dependencies can be expressed between them, also multiple kernel versions then
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mcfrisk: agreed ... back to porting
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ahh i just tested copying the other kernel into my image, works .. damn it
* rob_w
curses TI
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Hi all,
I am using warrior based build and i have include CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "python3-fail2ban"
which is using python3-fail2ban_0.10.4.0 but when i am running the fail2ban service getting error as
Can someone help me how i can fix this issue in the warrior ? As if i checkout to other branches of meta-security(zeus,dunfell) i am getting conflict errors while building.
Posting this again as due to some network issue i lost my connection
Hi all, I am trying to fix bug #15162 (multiple sources in SRC_URI with devtool)
Guest18: were you here a week or so ago with sshd problems related to init.d/functions?
Guest18: whatever your distro is, it's shipping a custom /etc/init.d/functions that _needs_ bash. complain to whoever provided your distro.
also warrior was end-of-life in 2020 so please upgrade if you're using this in production
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Looks like has managed to make a blackhole list and all email is now going to spam for me :(
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RP: yeah they are having some fun these days. first I needed to re-verify, and now they are spamming me with notifications about all oe/yp ml subscription changes (and I can't find a way to disable that)
Hi all, so I started looking into Bug 12388. When ckecking qemu and the include files for it, I wondered: Would it make sense in generall to add a as well? the v3 was introduced when qemu added support for it. The same is now true for v4.
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the yes is directed at me or to someone else?
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you :)
:) Ok I will look into it then. Normally would I create a Bugzilla issue for this?
filing a bug can be useful in case you don't finish, but isn't essential
Ok, thx
ah v4 is avx512, basically
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FWIW i have most of a libunwind 1.8.0 upgrade _with a test suite_ done
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rburton: nice!
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