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<halstead> I snuck away. Looking now.
<halstead> It's only in the cache on ubuntu2304-ty-1. File doesn't exist on the NAS and other workers list the dir without it.
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<halstead> We could set lookupcache=none to prevent this error but I'm not sure how an invalid cache entry got made in the first place. Did another worker delete that file?
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<mckoan> good morning
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<mckoan> alessioigor: hi
<landgraf> (^_^)/
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<LetoThe2nd> is there some prerequisite for the /dev/disk/by-partuuid nodes being populated? just tinkering around with it, and the system drops into a recovery shell because mounting fails due to them missing.
<Xogium> hmm, aside from systemd and udev, I don't think there should be ?
<Xogium> I don't know of eudev has them, but possibly
<Xogium> *if
<Xogium> iirc udev is oppulating the entire /dev/disk/*
<Xogium> *populating
<Xogium> LetoThe2nd: are other directories in there properly populated ?
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<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: /dev/disk/by-path/* is populated, yes.
<Xogium> hmm, but not by-label, by-partlabel, and so on ?
<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: correct
<Xogium> I've never seen anything quite like this
<Xogium> you running udev or eudev ?
<Xogium> LetoThe2nd: also do you have huh
<Xogium> /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules
<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: completely standard systems setup
<LetoThe2nd> *systemd
<Xogium> that is even weirder
<Xogium> maybe the rules file can provide insight as to what is going on though ?
<LetoThe2nd> Xogium: yeah. ok, just building then will take a look at the rules.
<Xogium> it's a very long shot, but
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<rburton> zeddii: as is traditional, linux-yocto-dev + meta-clang fails in perf. "aarch64-poky-linux-clang: error: no such file or directory: 'aarch64-poky-linux'"
<zeddii> rburton: I've heard that clang doesn't work to build perf (at least within the way we set our kernel build env), but I've never had to try it myself.
<zeddii> It is something I could look into, if no one beats me to it.
<rburton> works with linux-yocto
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<thomas_34> Does anyone know where that script is, or how to visualize the buildstats that I can see which recipes takes the most time to build?
<RP> thomas_34: scripts/pybootchartgui/pybootchartgui.py in OE-Core
<thomas_34> Are you Richard?
<rburton> thomas_34: look up "why is my build so slow" on the yocto project youtube channel
<rburton> RP: any idea what component would be best for a resulttool bug?
<thomas_34> Thank you for the links! :)
<RP> rburton: we should probably add something like "QA and Test Automation" then "Tooling" ?
<rburton> yeah
<rburton> there's a big gap right now
<rburton> oh i might have the power to do that
<RP> rburton: I just added it
<rburton> yeah just saw that :)
<rburton> thanks
<RP> thomas_34: I am, yes. That email was from me quite a few years ago
<thomas_34> RP, ahh i thought so. Nice :) Thank you for your contribution!
<rburton> RP: i'll move all the existing resulttool bugs to that new component, they're mostly in 'scripts and tools' right now but i think its good to pull them all out.
<jclsn> Is there a way to read environment variables and expand them into the local.conf when setting up the environment? I would like to add some keys from the host system
<jclsn> I would like to be able to just set the path in my .bashrc and put the keys there
<jclsn> It only works with an absolute path though, which would have to be changed for every user
<thomas_34> rburton, wow! Thank you for the video. Thats really spot on, exactly what I need!
<RP> rburton: sounds good, thanks. We do need to rework the categories a bit at some point but this is a good start
<rburton> aye
<thomas_34> Indeed, rust-native is a huge pain. I was hoping that I can get rid off it in my image, but you mentioned that the kernel requires it nowadays? :/
<RP> thomas_34: not yet but it is heading that way
<rburton> not required, but we will start seeing rust used in drivers
<thomas_34> Aua...
<rburton> if you don't use librsvg (as used by gtk) or python-cryptography, right now you can get rid of rust. those are the big two users.
<jclsn> BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE I guess...
<thomas_34> rburton, thank you for that info!
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<derRichard> RP: that was fast. thanks a lot!
<Xogium> wow, a derRichard :) hello
<derRichard> ;-)
<RP> derRichard: its nice to do something straightforward and clearcut for a change!
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<jclsn> JPEW: Can't I just use any environment variable for Pyrex binds?
<jclsn> ${env:HOME} works but ${env:SOME_ENV_VARIABLE} doesn't
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<jclsn> Would be nice if I could automatically mount a directory added to BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE
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<JPEW> jclsn: should be able to use any variable, just make sure to declare it for use so pyrex knows to expand it. Afk right now so I don't remember where that is in the ini file
<jclsn> JPEW: Who else would know that if not you? :D
<JPEW> jclsn: pyrex.ini has good comments in it, or wait 20 minutes and I'll be at my computer
<jclsn> envvars I guess
<jclsn> Will try that out
<jclsn> I have some spare time
<JPEW> jclsn: Yes, run.envvars
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<jclsn> JPEW: Tried that. It is still complaining about InterpolationMissingOptionError
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<JPEW> jclsn: Sorry, it's config.envimport not run.envvars
<JPEW> jclsn: config.envimport are variables to send to Pyrex itself that it can use when parsing the ini file, run.envvars are variable to pass through to bitbake et. al.
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<rburton> khem: do you have a branch or something for the llvm/clang release candidates?
<rburton> i'd love to do an experiment with the latest 18-rc0 when it comes out in a week
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<jclsn> JPEW: Works. Thx!
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<jdiez> is it possible to somehow provide precompiled packages, so that a new developer working on the same base OS wouldn't have to recompile everything from scratch? I think using a shared (internet-accesible?) sscache may get part way there, but what about writing to the sscache?
<JPEW> jdiez: sstate is that. In our setup, our CI shares sstate via NFS, and there is also a HTTP server on it that our developers set as an SSTATE_MIRROR
<JPEW> jdiez: Which mean our developers aren't writing to sstate, but it will just download a sstate file if it's something that's already been built by CI
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<jdiez> ah yeah sstate*. gotcha, thanks.
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<qschulz> i just stumbled upon some patches from Richard making use of inherit_defer but cannot find any mention of what this is used for in the YP or bitbake docs
<qschulz> michaelo: I think this would be a nice addition? ^^^^^
* derRichard needs to disable the irssi highlighting for "richard" ;-)
<derRichard> usually i'm the only one
<JPEW> qschulz: It deferes the evaluation of the statement till after parsing. So that things like `inherit_defered ${FOO}` work as you would expect
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<qschulz> derRichard: I specifically didn't want to highlight the other Richard :)
<qschulz> JPEW: ah, because inherit ${FOO} would then evaluate FOO at that line?
<JPEW> qschulz: Correct
<qschulz> (I haven't followed any Yocto/bitbake stuff for months now, so quite behind :/)
<qschulz> JPEW: Thanks!
<qschulz> JPEW: I assume this means we should basically never use inherit ${FOO}
<JPEW> qschulz: `inherit` is kinda like `:=` while `inherit_deferred` is like `=`
<vvn> JPEW Hi! Are the Pyrex docker image registered somewhere, so that one could use them outside of Pyrex?
<qschulz> JPEW: mmmm a case of US english vs UK english for defered vs deferred :) ?
<JPEW> qschulz: Ya, they are going to add a warning if you use a variable in a normal `inherit` because it's usually (always?) wrong
<qschulz> JPEW: nice! thanks, still think we should have a few words in the docs for that :)
<JPEW> qschulz: IDK. No one has ever accused me of having good English or spelling, so it's equally likely I'm doing it wrong :)
<JPEW> vvn: They are on docker hub, but it's really hard to use them without the pyrex script. They expect a litany of variables to passed to work correctly
<qschulz> JPEW: nope, my broken english vs proper english :) deferred with two Rs :)
<JPEW> vvn: If you want a container that you can just pull down and run and "works", crops is a better option. Pyrex is really focused on making the container transparent
* JPEW should switch pyrex to ghcr
<vvn> JPEW: are Pyrex containers based on crops?
<JPEW> vvn: No
<vvn> CROPS has no official doc somewhere, right?
<RP> qschulz: we do need to document it :/ Bad RP.
<JPEW> vvn: The repos have documentation: https://github.com/crops/poky-container
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<vvn> what is the difference between the -base and -builder images?
<RP> dl9pf: you are aware of the meta-agl weston failure?
<dl9pf> not yet, whats the issue ?
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<JPEW> vvn: I'm not sure, sorry
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<dl9pf> ok -next needs bbappend fix ... roger ..
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* rburton isn't sure why everyone is suddenly using his personal layer, https://github.com/rossburton/meta-ross
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<khem> maybe I should create it as draft PR sometime soon, now that I have test images going with it
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<dl9pf> RP: latest meta-agl / -next branch should fix the weston upgrade.
<kergoth_> What's the current best practice to build a wic image that includes another image binary, ex for creating installers, or update methods? I'm sure I remember seeing a wic option to copy extra files into a rootfs that could be used for that? Does anyone recall offhand?
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<khem> I have used IMAGE_BOOT_FILES
<RP> dl9pf: thanks, much appreciated. We've found errors tend to "breed" unnoticed on the autobuilder so it goes out of control quickly
<dl9pf> sure, np. yes, and they might hide other errors. we'll do another uprev in the next days. atm just unblocking.
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<LetoThe2nd> what is the current state of image generation for platforms like VMware or hyper-V? are there image types for this around somewhere? (maybe @zeddii )
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<JaMa> rburton: "< rburton> the migration happens in february. you can find out more in a weeks time ;)" will it accelerate now as meta-arm doesn't parse due to .bbappends for 6.1?
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<kergoth_> Hmm, IMAGE_BOOT_FILES is too limited, boot partition only.. I wonder if --include-path= would be of use in this case
<zeddii> LetoThe2nd: as in direct creation of a vmdk (or whatever the formats are now) ? it is largely a standard format and convert operation at the moment.
<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: yeah I found the vmdk image conversion already, thanks. fun fact: autocorrect just tried to convert vmdk to vodka. which kinda makes sense, if you ask me.
<RP> "I found the vodka already, thanks" :)
<zeddii> makes the image creation process more fun :)
<jsbronder> kergoth_: I don't know if it's best practice, but I've gotten away with adding a new task and doing something like "do_new_task[depends] += "root-image:do_image_complete", and pulling what I need from ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}
<RP> jsbronder: we did specifically make that work FWIW
<kergoth_> Ah, true, hadn't thought about doing so outside of wic, thanks for the tip. I do feel like, given the existence of 'wic cp', that it should be easy to do it via the wks, though! :)
<jsbronder> RP: My thanks then, because it's made my life a lot easier ;)
<LetoThe2nd> RP: that's exactly what it suggested, indeed.
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<Xogium> LetoThe2nd: heya ;) did you figure out / dug deeper into the missing by-partuuid and friends ?
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<RP> vmeson: for some reason I think of you https://xkcd.com/2884/ :)
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<RP> yocton: thanks for the scheduler patch, I've made it live and it reminded me to make a toaster one :)
<yocton> RP: You're welcome :-)
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<JaMa> zeddii: are you going to drop dynamic-layers/raspberrypi/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_6.1.bbappend from meta-virt?
<JaMa> or should I send patch for it?
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