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<Guest59> Afternoon all,
<Guest59> master branch on poky canot compile elfutil
<Guest59>  configure: error: __cxa_demangle not found in libstdc++, use --disable-demangler to disable demangler support.
<Guest59> | NOTE: The following config.log files may provide further information.
<Guest59> | NOTE: /home/patrick/workspace/5.10/build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/elfutils-native/0.189/build/config.log
<Guest59> | ERROR: configure failed
<Guest59> | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
<Guest59> ERROR: Task (virtual:native:/home/patrick/workspace/5.10/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/elfutils/elfutils_0.189.bb:do_configure) failed with exit code '1'
<Guest59> NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 806 tasks of which 696 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
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<Guest59> platform is Ubuntu 18.04, should I upgrade to 22.04?
<Xogium> might be worth at least trying
<Xogium> using a container or similar at least, to see if it solves the problem
<Xogium> but iirc 18.04 is quite long in the tooth by now and might be dropped in the next lts for all I know
<Xogium> I'm a total newbie at yocto but
<Guest59> container will use the same kernel nbut at least an updated versionn of trhe libraries, t'is true
<Xogium> yeah I doubt kernel has got anything to do with this
<Guest59> indeed
<Guest59> ok will create a 22.04 based container and map the directory, see what happens
<Xogium> if it's not solved then there's a real problem indeed
<RP> Guest59: have a look in config.log and see what the error really is. It sounds like the demangler test failed but seeing exactly how the test failed may be revealing
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<vmeson> Today's Yocto tech call cancelled I guess: we (8 people?) waited for 5 minutes for more people to show up. no one had any topics so we left and will talk again next week.
<RP> vmeson: we did cancel this one
<vmeson> RP: ah, thanks. I missed that somehow.
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<Guest59> recipes-core/add-user/add-user.bb inherits useradd but doesn't set USERADD_PARAM, GROUPADD_PARAM or GROUPMEMS_PARAM for package add-user ehrn recip reads:
<Guest59> inherit useradd
<Guest59> RDEPENDS_${PN} += " base-files"
<Guest59> USERADD_PACKAGES = "${PN}"
<Guest59> GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "-g 880 i2c; -g 890 gpio"# USERADD_PARAM specifies command line options to pass to the
<Guest59> USERADD_PARAM_${PN} = "-u 1000 -U -m -r -s /bin/bash -p '<cipher here>' username"
<Guest59> so the parameters are here, what am I missing?
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<yocton> Guest59: This is the old override syntax, the syntax for the master branch is based on ":" instead of "_", try GROUPADD_PARAM:${PN} = ...
<Guest59> yocton: Thank  you, that worked
<Guest59> now last but nott least
<Guest59> WARNING: /home/patrick/workspace/5.10/poky/meta/recipes-sato/images/core-image-sato.bb: Exception during build_dependencies for IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE | ETA: 0:00:14
<Guest59> WARNING: /home/patrick/workspace/5.10/poky/meta/recipes-sato/images/core-image-sato.bb: Error during finalise of /home/patrick/workspace/5.10/poky/meta/recipes-sato/images/core-image-sato.bb
<Guest59> ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /home/patrick/workspace/5.10/poky/meta/recipes-sato/images/core-image-sato.bb
<Guest59> Traceback (most recent call last):
<Guest59>   File "Var <IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE>", line 1, in <module>
<Guest59>   File "/home/patrick/workspace/5.10/meta-tegra/classes-recipe/image_types_tegra.bbclass", line 12, in tegra_default_rootfs_size(d=<bb.data_smart.DataSmart object at 0x7f1c0a3d3eb0>):
<Guest59>      def tegra_default_rootfs_size(d):
<Guest59>     > partsize = int(d.getVar('ROOTFSPART_SIZE')) // 1024
<Guest59>          extraspace = eval(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE'))
<Guest59> bb.data_smart.ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE, expression was ${@tegra_default_rootfs_size(d)} which triggered exception ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'None'
<Guest59> The variable dependency chain for the failure is: IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE
<RP> yocton: thanks for the helper patch, I merged it :)
<Xogium> might be better if you pastebin things, tbh
<Guest59> for info am not building sato at all
<Guest59> oh sorry
<yocton> RP: Awesome, I need to look at the dunfell one but the idea should be the same
<yocton> RP: FYI, there are patches available to fix kirkstone (armpit was cc'd so it should end up in the AB build eventually)
<Guest59> Xogium: Pasted log in pastebin
<yocton> Guest59: is ROOTFSPART_SIZE defined ?
<RP> yocton: thanks, it is appreciated, we're getting there! :)
<Guest59> yocton: bitbake-getvar ROOTFS_PARTSIZE
<Guest59> NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
<Guest59> The variable 'ROOTFS_PARTSIZE' is not defined
<Guest59> where should I define it do you think? I mean the best place for it
<yocton> I'd put it in the machine definition
<yocton> ... or the image maybe?
<Guest59> yocton: sorry was a typo
<khem> its tegra based BSP, it seems and I wonder why its using initramfs image from core
<yocton> Guest59: (I'm not familiar with tegra BTW) looking at the variable definition, you either need to set ROOTFSPART_SIZE_REDUNDANT or ROOTFSPART_SIZE_DEFAULT
<khem> meta-tegra/conf/machine/include/xavier-nx.inc defines ROOTFSPART_SIZE_DEFAULT so your machine should ensure this file is included for common defs
<yocton> Guest59: what khem said ^ :)
<Guest59> khem, yocton:  Thank you let me have a look at that
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<yudjinn> PING 1704220266 790780
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<yudjinn> hey yocton: you were the one who helped me with the layer-index setup, right? I added a layer to it, but it doesnt seem to ever load recipes from the layer
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<yocton> yudjinn: That does not ring any bell (and I do not know layer-index), Maybe you're looking for moto-timo?
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<moto-timo> yudjinn: you have to run the update.py script as it says in the README https://git.yoctoproject.org/layerindex-web/tree/README#n174
<moto-timo> yudjinn: and if you run update.py —help it will show you options
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<Guest9408> Hi! Does anyone have experience with petalinux 2023.2 and building Linux initramfs boot setups? I have an issue with building a linux kernel using initramfs packaging. the do_bundle_initramfs step fails because a vmlinux file does not exist, and I am not fully sure why this is and how to debug this. More specifically this happens here:
<yudjinn> moto-timo: ah, thanks! Is there a way to enroll keys for this to access repositories? or just add to the docker-compose etc
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