I am having an issue trying to append to do_patch in a bbappend of a particular kernel recipe, in this instance trying to bbappend linux-ti-staging_6.1 from meta-ti. I receive a syntax error and it appears as though bitbake is attempting to treat the code within my do_patch:append(){} block as python code as opposed to shell script code. I have
previously used the same mechanism in linux-yocto bbappends and in those recipes the shell script code is interpreted correctly as shell script code. Has anyone encountered this behavior?
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hcg: do_patch may be a python task in linux-ti-staging_6.1 ? "bitbake -e linux-ti-staging_6.1" should tell you
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hcg: If I'm not mistaken, you can extend a task in another langage (python vs shell) by using the pre/postfuncs mecanism
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yocton: thanks for the tip - in the mean-time I had extended it by using:
do_patch:append() {
bb.build.exec_func('custom_do_patch', d)
and my custom_do_patch shell script, so at least I can do what I intended, but I will dig further to try to figure out why do_patch in that recipe is a python task
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hcg: how do you argue iyt is called as python ?
mckoan: I see the following error message:
File "/home/guh/work1/master4/evalboard-build/meta/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/codeparser.py", line 319, in PythonParser.parse_python(node="\n bb.build.exec_func('patch_do_patch', d)\n # install device tree into source tree\n cp ${WORKDIR}/*.dts* ${S}/arch/${ARCH}/boot/dts/\n", lineno=1, filename='autogenerated'):
yeah do_patch is python, you can't just :append. as yocton said, use a postfunc.
append is literal string append, so only for the brave and when you know what you're appending.
hcg: IMHO do_patch is not the right place to such 'cp'
rburton: I am very confused because I use :append in bbappends on the linux-yocto recipes from poky and that works perfectly - I am migrating one of our legacy platforms which was using the kirkstone version of linux-yocto to use the 6.1 kernel in meta-ti and hit this issue in the migration, so do_patch appears to be shell script in the linux-yocto
remember what I said about knowing what you're doing?
Ah, that explains it fully then - thank you very much!
I see, yes
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hi all, has anyone had any experience with creating custom do_fetch with curl? I am trying to download a maven azure artifact feed package and wget won't work.
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qorin: why doesn't wget work (and why do would using curl work)
like so and beside dot and dash there are no other special characters. i use the same url2 variable in curl and there is no issue.
if you're feeling adventurous you could change the fetchcmd in that recipe so it uses curl
FETCHCMD_wget is the variable used to run wget. i'm curious how much it gets extended with wget options...
how can i add curl before do_fetch ? i used DEPENDS="curl-native" but i look at the task order do_fetch is always run first idk what will happen if the order of these are changed..
DEPENDS is shorthand for do_configure[depends]
so you want do_fetch[depends] += "curl-native:do_populate_sysroot"
and filing a wget bug seems like a good idea
if there's an option i can't see it from a skim of the manpage
i only saw there is an option to change max redirect. also skim trhough a bunch of stackoverflow pages, most people recommend to just use curl..
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Shouldn't this be `&uart0_pins{` ? The definition look like this "[label:] node-name[@unit-address] { ..." and you can only do a "&ref" to a label
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yudjinn: ^
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rburton while typing your name the auto name-link replace the thank :D
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